"Master is too strong!"

Shen Lingshuang waved her little pink fist, her pretty face flushed with excitement, "Master, kill them all!"


Shh~! Tear~!

Lin Chen and Avatars, stepping on a dragon, are entwined by Taixi divine light, or holding a sword and holding a knife, or holding a gun and bow, everyone is like a Heavenly God descending to the world, even chasing nine Great Saint just fight!

Even the invincible Blood Tribulation·Fang Xietian can't help showing deep horror, unfolding a pair of blood wings, and the movement method retreats violently!

Lin Chen's offensive skyrocketed, and once again used the'Tai Xi divine light', Absolute Defense invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, directly and violently!

Seeing all the saints being completely suppressed, the hidden Ancient Ones looked shocked and stunned--

"How many hands does Lin Chen hide! This is wrong! Road!"

"What's the situation? Isn't this Lin Chen also having Martial God bloodline?"

"This cultivation technique formidable power has soared five or six times more than before. !"

"No, it's far from that simple!"

"This Lin Chen body and the fake Avatar, even the descendant of Divine Dragon, make everything One cultivation technique will change to five at once, and the formidable power of each cultivation technique has skyrocketed to many levels..."

Everyone looked at each other, their eyes filled with disbelief.

It's too terrifying too! Don't let people hit, hit a hair!

The orange-level high level cultivation technique from cultivation to Perfection, the formidable power is inherently terrifying.

Lin Chen strengthened it to [+15] in one breath. With the addition of innate talent and the enhanced "Ambilight", the formidable power has increased by more than nine times from the original basis!

Furthermore, this nine-fold formidable power increase can be directly benefited by the bonus of'instant light splitting shadows', one move is divided into five moves...

The sage can’t stop it. Live!

Boom! boom! boom!

At this time, after the sages were broken, horrible to see, a Holy Force flooded into them, exploding one after another, causing injuries!

What's even more bizarre is that the injury is getting worse, but you can't recover on your own?

Xue Yifan eyes shrank, muttering to himself: "Could it be that Wu Pianjue died like this..."

"Lin Chen, the elder in Japan, I remember you!"

Fang Xietian was constantly vomiting blood when he was blown up. With a roar and a bang, Saint Physique exploded on the spot, turning into endless drops of blood into the space, and disappeared strangely!

This is his blood light escape forbidden technique, which is an orange-level high level special cultivation technique! Under Saint King, there are very few means to prevent this move.

"Good Lin Chen, this time I am soft, and next time I am ready to prepare the Nine Suns Holy Blood, you will die!"

Next, Jue Tian Yan gnashing teeth , Turned into a White Dragon and escaped into the void.

Yun Potian gave Lin Chen a vicious look, and turned into a round of the sun alone, which was fleeting.

Xue Yifan sighed deeply, "that's all, something unexpected happened this time, go back to those guys, no matter if Lin Chen can win this battle, he can't stop us anymore. !"

Next, Xue Yifan summoned an ancient Buddha with a palm of his hand, shatter void with only his hand, and fled directly!

Nangong Yue wiped the blood on the corners of his lips, staring at Lin Chen with beautiful eyes full of complexity, and opened a space umbrella with his delicate hands, which turned into a beam of nine-color streamer and disappeared.

Qian Yingxue's fighting intent ascends, the holy armor is broken, and the red blood falls on the snow-white arms. Finally, after gritting his teeth, he glances at the old man Wuji and walks away.

Ji Qianqiu, Ji Wuqing, Dongfanghong and others are also embarrassed!

This scene made the hidden old monsters dumbfounded!

Nine Great Saints were beaten up!

One-to-nine is enough nonsense, and I won it so much...

"It's not slow to run."

Lin Chen laughed at will With a wave of his hand, Sacred Dragon shuttling through the void, soaring in the sky, taking away all the attribute light balls!

[The host gets 500 million points of Fire Element Energy, 900 million points of Wind Element, 400 million points of Thunder Element, 44 million points of Saint Level vitality, 670,000 points of Saint Level essence, and 110,000 points of intermediate enhancement points. ……]

There are a lot of attribute light balls dropped by the injured nine Great Saints, and Lin Chen will not waste one!

Many Peak powerhouses cast stunned and shocked gazes, and the morale of the servants was greatly boosted. The lord is really a monster that is stronger than the Vietnam War, and it is completely unreasonable to speculate!

"These nine guys ran away, and it’s still too much trouble chasing them. The life-saving method of the sage list is not average, unless they can be pulled into the time-space plane. , Otherwise it would be unrealistic to kill them."

Lin Chen looked around all around, the extremely chaotic battle circle was full of attribute lights flashing, and the scene was very chaotic!

There are already many forces and Peak powerhouse caught in this big melee.

Even the rarely seen Saint King from Wangu has appeared!

【System hint host, the strengthening points are exhausted, all cultivation techniques are strengthened to +15, and the designated cultivation technique "Ambilight" is successfully strengthened by +17. 】

【Taixi Ancient Dragon bloodline enhancement +8 success, total increase: 80%. 】

The increase in bloodline means that Lin Chen's Sacred Dragon is also advanced by leaps and bounds.

Lin Chen looks at Jiang Taixu in the distance. What he is most worried about now is not the servants, but the forces that follow the servants.

Jiang Taixu is not yet able to deliberate on all powerhouse battle details.

If he calculates the overall battle situation, he has no problem at all, but it must be accurate to the individual. Even if it can be done, it is extremely difficult to'immediately inform'.

Furthermore, Lin Chen's command of action to him is to'stay three hands'!

The reason why the servants can keep up with Jiang Taixu's calculation prediction is because Lin Chen has completely activated the'Zhou Tian Life and Death Seal' and kept their Spirit Source together!

The details of the battle prediction can be quickly conveyed to the opponent’s mind with a single thought to cooperate with the action——

So, Lin Chen’s servants only need Jiang Taixu to protect the formation. , There is basically no life worry.

However, those Grade 8 forces that have come to support are at a point where their lives are at stake!

Once the holy prison fights back to death, the ending will be quite tragic!


At this moment, Jiang Taixu suddenly appeared next to Lin Chen.

"Lord, the participation of the Divine flame Palace Guardian Hall has given us an overall advantage. The Ember and Earth can kill a lot of powerhouses."

Jiang Taixu "But, there is an unexpected powerhouse here." Lin Chen was surprised: "Oh? Which itchy guy is it, I'll hammer him."

Jiang Taixu bluntly said: "It is the Martial God Aristocratic Family! They are coming here, and they will be there in a quarter of an hour!"

"oh?" Lin Chen raised his brows, jokingly said with a smile: "Wu Pianjue's people, come here really fast, people who don't know thought they wanted to rush into the bridal chamber."

After Jiang Taixu informed the number of powerhouses of Martial God Aristocratic Family, Seriously.

“Although the Martial God Aristocratic Family only dispatches one Saint King for the time being, there are many Saints with rank 5 and above.”

“The most important thing is that the battle here is already very chaotic. Now, let the Martial God Aristocratic Family join in to fight. For the Grade 8 sects who came to support, many people will be involved in the melee..."

Pop~! Lin Chen snapped his fingers, thinking of sound transmission everyone--

"The heavens, the earth is destroyed, Jiang Wan'er, Situ Changsheng, Long Jiushan, Ling'er, Yun Tianguang, you withdraw from the battle and join me !"

The seven people of 19 layers received Lin Chen's sound transmission at the same time, and they flashed to his side in a flash.

Lin Chen looked towards Seven people, with a wave of his hand, absolutely domineering!

"Let’s go outside the Divine flame palace territory, the Martial God Aristocratic Family of Ganter!"


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