When Bai Ruoyan led the evacuation of the last dísciple of the Divine flame palace, he stared at Lin Chen's back and sound transmission said——

"Lin Chen younger brother, be careful. !"

Lin Chen turned around, grinned, and gave a thumbs up.

"No problem."

Divine flame North of the palace, Wushen River.

The scarlet's raging waves turned into a rolling river, surging vertically from above Nine Heavens, and from the southwest to the northeast, as if to isolate one side of the Saint King domain.

Here is the central cross-section point of the Saint King domain.

While Wushenhe was a True God in the ancient period when he fought fiercely against the Asura King, he divided the Saint King domain with one move.

So far, there is no powerhouse within thousands of miles close to Wushen River. With this Wushen River, it has formed a natural fortress. For those who are not Peak Nine, it is extremely difficult to cross the area near the Wushen River and must take a detour.

Boom~! !

Outside the Wushen River, a breath of suppression of eternity rose to the sky!

Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine auras are flying like a dragon, intertwined vertically and horizontally, rotating nine treasure towers, a team, born out of the Wushen River!

There are as many as 180 Saints who have stepped through the sky above Wushen River under the protection of nine treasure towers.

The red robed old man headed by him, fiercely killed, a pair of eagle-like eyes, full of shocking murderous aura.

A six-armed Ghost God illusory shadow rises above the old man’s head, with great power, as if every step, covering the stars, covering the moon and destroying the mountains and rivers, the planes fall, if endless death comes to Heaven and Earth !

"It's them!"

"Martial God Aristocratic Family, they came so soon!"

"Are these guys crazy? I’ll be here soon?"

"Nonsense, it is the son of Martial God who is dead and not some evil spirit."

"One of the three bosses of Martial God Aristocratic Family, Wu Weiyang, it was him who came this time?"

Wu Shenhe is not far from many powerhouses. Many Peak powerhouses can immediately perceive the arrival of Martial God Aristocratic Family!

Especially the Divine flame Palace Elder meeting, this time it can be described as "son sees father", old tears are in tears!

Ying Chunqiu was surprised: "Even these guys are here, too, the enemy of the Lin Chen thieves is the more the better."

Shh~! A dark thunder extinguished the Thousand Layers, swept across it, should spring and autumn with five fingers, and squeeze it directly, the palm of the palm became black, and the expression immediately became gloomy.

Shangguan Invincible said with a big smile: "Now is not the time for you to be distracted by the Holy Prison, look in front of you!"

Qi Feiyan shot another thousand arrows, burning the sky, arrows Where Mang passed, Ruihua rushed into the sky and burned everything, and Ying Chunqiu was not given any time between them!

Ying Chunqiu's heart is throbbing, don't these two guys see the situation clearly?

A Martial God Aristocratic Family, the influence of Saint King alone is Lifting The Heavy As Though It Was Light, not to mention that the Martial God Aristocratic Family is more than half of its elite!

It's not just Ying Chunqiu.

Even Rakshasa Saint King · True Zen, when I look around all around, the sons of the times who escaped from the holy prison, supreme powerhouses, none of them are shaken!

Even, their offensive is getting worse, and the second and third teams of the holy prison can't stand it.

Lin Chen's people, all of them have an invincible, domineering look at the world!

Simply no one is affected or shaken by the appearance of Martial God Aristocratic Family!

"True Zen old ghost, are you very puzzled. Why did they not waver, fighting so hard but the imposing manner is rising."

Suddenly, the Shangguan who was fighting against him Jue Xuedi smiled.

True Zen looked towards Shangguan Jue, "Indeed, with the aura of this king, no matter how you scrutinize it, after joining the Martial God Aristocratic Family, how do you look at this battle, you are all certain death situation, now All of his advantages will be wiped out instantly!"

Shangguan Jue laughed.

"hahaha, indeed, I think it’s the same as you think. But, you don’t forget the same thing. That is their lord!"

The hair tip dances, the light of the Divine flame The light adorns the lady's cheeks, soft and beautiful, Shangguan Jue’s smile is very beautiful, there is a beautiful beauty that looks like the blue sky when you see the clouds and mist, said with a beautiful smile.

"I dare to affirm that he will be the only variable in this holy world!"

"The era when your holy prison is in power, this is the end time!"


Zhen Chan's heart throbs!

On the other side——

Boom~! Dang~!

a streak of divine light ancient mirror opened the sky, and when it was turned over, the divine light was shining thousands of miles away, and the wave of swords and swords of Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun was blocked by the front of the divine mirror!

Lan Jingyu said with a sneer awe-inspiring.

"Even if you as a whole still have the upper hand, once Martial God Aristocratic Family arrives, you will undoubtedly lose. You don’t even have a decent Holy Artifact. Losing to this protector is just a matter of time, why bother Persistent to..."

Tear and pull~! bang! bang! bang!

A giant sword broke through the sky, fell from the sky, and smashed Lan Jingyu’s divine light ancient mirror frontally, and cracks appeared!

"Rain knife flying thousands of miles away!"

The waves are slashed by the clouds, and the blade glows in a flash, the blade glows like flying flowers, and the raindrops that penetrate the void are killed. When Floating Dance came, they completely crushed Lan Jingyu's divine light ancient mirror until it burst, turning it into a sky full of shards, and falling one after another.


Fang Ling and Lang turn over the clouds and strike again!

Lan Jingyu eyes shrank, he seems to have seen an incredible scene!

"These two guys have completely entered the realm of perfection! The heart is not confused, the holy cave is united! This is a precursor to the breaking of the realm!"

" The first generation Palace Lord took me to that ghost place, when nine deaths and still alive, let me advance to the realm of perfection, and reluctantly broke through the realm by the seed of the gods, I am afraid I will have no hope of breaking through Saint King in this life!"

Lan Jingyu's gaze was like a sharp sword, clearly understood the nine-nine-nine sacred cave covered by the two of them, his heart was shocked, and his face was slightly pale!

At this time, Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun faintly broke open a six-pointed star at the center of their eyebrows. That was the location of the 100th holy cave!

The 100th holy cave, both of them have broken open 2/3/2021 and are about to take shape completely!

"This is Fang Ling who was the proud son of the sword domain, and the stunning Sword Domain! After the holy hell, their potential can be stimulated to such a point..."

Lan Jingyu clenched the teeth, and the offensive resumed, once the offensive of the two was suppressed again!

However, the tremendous pressure made Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun go deeper into their extremely mysterious and abstruse state!

The pupils in their eyes, as if only Lan Jingyu is left, everything around them can't get into their eyes!

Outside the broken Brahma Valley, the old man Wuji smiled indifferently.

"It seems that this little fellow still has a hole card. This trip really didn't make a mistake, but why the old man never figured out his fate."

" Could it be that he is not from the Holy Realm?"


Outside the Wushen River, Martial God Aristocratic Family and the others just withstood the energy wave of the Wushen River— —

a dragon roaring shakes the Nine Provinces, and the Divine Dragon is dancing and roaring!

The clouds rushed away, and the Ancient Dragon shining with golden light flew from above Nine Heavens!

It is dozens of ten thousand zhang long, and its dragon body is wrapped around scarlet clouds, lying on all fours, with five claws; Qilin head, carp tail, face with long whiskers, horns like deer, red clouds lingering in disillusionment With endless Dragon Qi!

Wu Weiyang, headed by Martial God Aristocratic Family, couldn't help narrowing his eyes, surprised.

"Pure Taixi Ancient Dragon? This kind of dragon still exists in this world?"

When the powerhouse of Martial God Aristocratic Family takes a closer look, the vast Taixi Ancient Dragon On the Dragon, there are eight people standing!

The teenager who stood up ahead shrugged and changed with a smile.

"Martial God Aristocratic Family, there are too few people coming this time!"

The corners of everyone’s mouth are madly pumping...

Damn, this Why doesn't the kid play cards according to the routine every time, one Saint King, more than 180 Saints with four turns or more, is this too small?

Is it your brain twitching or our brain twitching!

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