In almost half a breath, Lin Chen’s cultivation base has reached 50 holy caves on the spot!

Boom! boom! boom! Boom~!

With Lin Chen as the center, it unleashes an endless explosion of Holy Force, which is endlessly blasting Heaven and Earth!

When the nine-color holy light exploded, the entire sky space showed signs of fault, and the sky was completely tilted!

holy light vortex covers all Wu Family powerhouses, a series of explosions that have exploded thousands of times!

A large number of Wu Family powerhouses, even if they opened the holy cave of the brain, they responded very quickly, but they did not even have the opportunity to retreat. They were all affected by the horrible air wave explosion!

Boom! boom! boom!

Part of the Wu Family powerhouse was caught off guard. When it was blown by the air wave, it fell into the "Wu Shen River" and was annihilated by the destruction aura of Wu Shen Hanoi into nothingness, and died without even scum!


"My God...Lin Chen, this is exploding himself!"

Countless powerhouses have scalp numb, Part of the Grade 8 powerhouses that had rushed to this point were forced to interrupt the battle and retreat quickly!

Lin Chen has already sunk heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, and formidable power once condensed acupuncture points.

Five times of concentration on the acupoints burst out in a very short time, it is no less than a wave of Saint collective self-destruct!

The entire eastern part of the Saint King domain was completely blown up by Lin Chen's temporary hole!

The fire beacon is rolling, Heaven and Earth is dim, and countless vacuum areas are free of hurricane-like destructive energy, pouring out.

The corners of a crowd of Ancient One's mouths trembled.

In this wave of Lin Chen, the powerhouse of Martial God Aristocratic Family 1/4/2021 was directly blown up!

Accurately speaking, they should have been blown up to the area of ​​the'Wu Shenhe', and more than forty four-turn Saints fell on the spot!

Too abnormal, this is simply not something human can do!


Xing Nine Heavens and Sun Moon Sect Young Sect Master stared at the center of the explosion storm.

It seems that something terrible is about to be born!

Even the well-informed old man Wuji almost drew his beard, looking astonished for the first time.

"There is this kind of operation?"

I saw that when the fire beacon rolled away, a strong Primordial Spirit shone on the sky, as if an endless galaxy was incorporated into the body.

"Something is wrong, look at the breath of Lin Chen."

"My God, there is such an outrageous thing in this world?"

"52 A holy cave! This... this kid actually broke through from the Condensation Realm to Life and Death Realm in one breath?"

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

" Crazy, it must be crazy!"

"What happened recently is so outrageous!"

"It's not that simple! This guy’s spiritual realm, body refinement Holy Force, It's all transformed!"

The hidden old monsters of all sides lost their voices in horror.

Lin Chen’s spiritual realm temporary breakthrough Primordial Spirit realm, turned out to be an endless Primordial Spirit Phantom, the power of Primordial Spirit descends on Heaven and Earth, a single thought, can make millions and millions of creatures die!

His Saint Physique circulates the holy light of Eternal Inextinguishable, a ray of holy light shines forever, tearing the sky between his fingers, and the pure power has broken through one hundred thousand power!

The most terrifying thing is Lin Chen's 52 sacred caves!

Each holy cave accommodates myriad forms of Sun Luo, such as Nahuanyu, mountains, seas and great prisons cannot be compared to the others, and the light of the billions of Star River is not as bright as the holy light. A ray of sacred light can break life and death. A little starlight, kill Heaven and Earth!

"A Life and Death Realm Perfection that's all, I don't know how many of them were crushed to death back then!"

"Blazing, the old man will first get justice for Elder to die!"

"The old man doesn't believe you that a Life and Death Realm can turn the sky upside down?"

Several Wu Family Saints of the five-revolution cultivation base extremely angry laugh back and their handprints suddenly change. With a decisive punch, a myriad forms profound wheel revolves extremely fast, which is Wu Family's red vein profound wheel fist, breaking the ten thousand magic with one punch!

"Not good! Don't mess around!" When Wu Family nine-turn Saints exclaimed, it was too late!

Lin Chen slightly smiled, raising his hand innocently a finger pointed, a move to move the sacred finger!

Tear and pull~!

An aurora flashed across the sky, dividing it into five!

pu chi ~! After the aurora flashed across and tore the Crimson Vessel Profound Chakra, it passed away in a flash.

The eyes of the five Wu Family Saints were suddenly dull, and a blood line crossed their throats.

All of their defenses, like paper, were pierced into nothingness, and the throat made a few "uh uh" sounds, the head was tilted, the heads were separated, and the corpses were on the spot, and they couldn't die!

"Is there such a thing?"

"A trick?"

"Is this the fucking battle strength that Life and Death Realm can have? ”

Countless hidden old monsters have numb scalp, their faces are full of panic, and the world-view cognition can be described as collapsing again!

One finger, obliterate five five-turn Saints!

Five-turn cultivation base, in the case of full fighting, the holy cave erupts with a lethality of more than 60,000 powers!

Those who can achieve rank 5 cultivation base have higher potential. The holy cave opened during the opening of the heavens must be stronger than the ordinary one-two-turn Saint, and the Holy Force upgrade when it is promoted is even more terrifying!

Opening the heavens is already a powerful power in the holy world. If the fifth-turn Saint is born, he will be a domineering side, a giant that can establish the sect!

However, such a great character was obliterated by a Life and Death Realm?

Even the old man Wuji looked at Lin Chen with a ghostly expression!

"This...this face is too exaggerated, this little fellow’s previous battle strength, all the Avatar and Divine Dragon descendants and other battle strengths are added together, and it is at most equal to the Saint of the Seventh Rank Perfection. Now there are several levels of breakthrough!"

What kind of Divine Immortal is this!

I was shocked with the eyes of the old man Wuji, not shocked, but truly shocked!

Since ancient times, there is no such abnormal increase!

"Is this...I became the battle strength of Life and Death Realm...what a little and graceful, how a joyful one!"

Lin Chen looked intoxicated, this kind of The feeling of leaping over multiple realms in a short time is really unstoppable!

At this time, the system light screen pops up——

[Godslayer innate talent status is officially opened, 46 holy caves will be followed by the cultivation base, whichever is higher than the host’s highest condensing multiple. Cultivation base, pure strength, spiritual realm, etc., comprehensively enhance the strength of the host by 980,10 times. 】

[Note: system hint host, core method "Tai Yi Fu Heavenly Art" can create the host's holy cave origin and the same cultivation base of Primordial Spirit Realm in Tai Yi time and space. Godslayer innate talent does not fall into this category. ]

[During the duration of the Godslayer state, the soaring cultivation base cannot be applied to the increase and blessing of the core method of "Tai Yi Fu Heavenly Art". 】

The Godslayer innate talent temporarily opened up the "Sacred Hole", which is the Holy Force obtained after 46 holy holes. It is temporarily not applicable to Lin Chen's core method at this stage!

"The 45 holy caves have the effect of the core method, but the 46 holy caves did not have the effect of the core method. If so calculated, the subsequent five temporary acupoints will be six thousand five hundred times, corresponding to the last five The second expansion of the acupoints, plus the ten holy caves of Life and Death Realm in full bloom..."

In Lin Chen's eyes, there was a trace of bare feet, not afraid to wear shoes!

Relying on the [Godslayer innate talent] burst of five temporary acupuncture points, corresponding to his last five acupuncture points expansion——

The last five temporary acupuncture points are 8775. , 11375 power, 14625 power, 18200 power and 32500 power!

These five "killing sacred acupoints" did not gain the core method increase. Even so, Lin Chen is still strong and perverted!

Only the perfection of the condensed realm, the ultimate lethality of the Holy Force is 145,945 powers.

Blessing plus the two holy caves of Life and Death Realm, Lin Chen’s current limit is Holy Force can reach: more than 290,000 powers!

At this moment, Lin Chen slightly smiled is very simple.

"I Lin someone has always been fair and only likes to single out. Come on, I will single out your Martial God Aristocratic Family, let's go together!"

Everyone: "... "

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