One-on-one Martial God Aristocratic Family?

Listen, is this human?

I am afraid that apart from the Great Saint Kings present, who would dare to say this?

Lin Chen carried the slaughter spear on his shoulder, smiled dazzlingly, and stepped on the cloud shadow sky light, turning into the endless blood shadow cloud light!

"Really, this madman is here, everyone is on guard!"

"Fight against Lin Chen with all your strength, no one can underestimate the enemy!"

"this child It’s the number one enemy of my Martial God Aristocratic Family, and I can’t retreat. If the Lord blames it, no one can eat it and pack it away!"

Lin Chen’s movement speed can be described as thunderous and windy, bloody sky light. Spreading flashes all the way!

The place where the bloody sky light passes is like a bloody cloud light storm, passing all the way, even faster than the sound transmission of the powerhouses, their sound transmission tone barely fell ——

Tear~! A scarlet spear pierced the chest of the five-turn Saint, and the holy blood spewed out.

Lin Chen's silhouette gradually turned into a cloud of light from behind that person.

pu chi ~! Lin Chen drew his gun back, and the movement method flashed again.

The action is in one go, one shot breaks the defense, without any hesitation at all!

The pierced fifth-turn Saint is holding his chest and vomiting blood, gnashing teeth, "The old man's sacred heart is not broken, this child can't kill me!"

He is about to urge Holy When Force recovers from the wound--


With an explosion, the Saint Sacred Heart of Turn 5 exploded, and fell down in front of everyone's eyes, not stunned!

Countless Wu Family Saint have one's hair stand on end!

What a weird method, killing between invisible and formless, even the strong life force of the Sacred Heart cannot be restored!

Lin Chen: "I got up, one shot in seconds, what can I say."

[Trigger extinction rift innate talent, destruction and explosion of innate talent, successfully killed the goal. ]

[Note: The host is in the state of activating Godslayer innate talent, killing the enemy will only drop a small amount of attribute light orbs, and will not drop growth-type attribute light orbs. 】

Shih~! The cold air plummeted, and all around the Bafang space was immediately frozen, and the ice was hundreds of thousands li. A nine-turn Saint wanted to use Ice Element Cultivation Art to seal Lin Chen’s movement method!

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Do you know that the afterimage of in the sky is getting more and more dazzling, less than a moment, there is a scream, and it is a seriously injured fourth turn Saint falls!

Boom~! A sacred flame Blade Qi Dragon Transformation slashed, and then rushed into the air.

Thousands of holy light are condensed into densely packed holy nets and shrouded in a densely packed holy net, which is suddenly covered, and what is blocked is only a group of afterimages. The rays of light disappear without a trace!

"Damn it, this kid's movement method is too weird!"

Martial God Aristocratic Family's powerhouses flustered and exasperated, dozens of Peak powerhouses have been shot, but none of them Can lock Lin Chen's position!

Lin Chen’s spiritual awakening has increased by a large number of times the mental instantaneous speed, which is comparable to the five-turn Saint ——

With Godslayer innate talent, the spiritual realm temporarily breaks through to Primordial Spirit Realm.

Spiritualize the Primordial Spirit, realm has a qualitative leap, Lin Chen is now able to do well even in the face of the aura reaction of the Nineth Rank Saint!

Wu Family Saint King who was fighting against the son of the Seven Grand Era, Wu Weiyang saw the scene where Lin Chen broke out and was completely shocked!

"What's the origin of this kid? There is only Life and Death Realm? No, before his cultivation base climbs, he is still in Condensation Realm!"

"Could it be that he only uses Hua Ning Just kill the Martial God son?"

For a while, Wu Weiyang's mood was suddenly disturbed.

Long Jiushan laughed bravely: "hahaha! I am worthy of being my lord, strong, too strong!"

Yun Tianguang admired: "The movement speed of the lord is now Quickly catch up with me."

Jiang Wan'er smiled sweetly: "Our lord will always be so strong and unreasonable, Boss Wu Weiyang, you Wu Family can't take our lord!"

Wu Weiyang's old face suddenly sank.

Who can stand this? One person blocked most of the elite of the entire Wu Family!

Outside the Wushen River, the storm-like offensive crushed Lin Chen and a lot of afterimages!

Wu Family was completely beaten!

Everyone huddled together and played together, it was impossible to touch Lin Chen!

It can disperse the lineup and fight against each other, and is easily broken by Lin Chen one by one.


The sword roars like a dragon, and Lin Chen holds'Jue Yan' in his hand and smiles sternly--

"this blade, give you Wu Family as a meeting ceremony! God tears!"

Lin Chen's arm was circling five-colored clouds. He swung his knife abruptly, and the tip of the knife blasted a blazing blade light that was spinning at a rapid speed!

"Ambilight, flashing light and splitting shadows!"

Lin Chen has accumulated the strength to cut out the strongest "Tears of God" ever!

this blade, amazed all powerhouses! This is flawless and seamless, the blade light revolves like a full moon, shaking the sky of Saint King's domain!

The blade glow is divided into five, moved towards all Wu Family powerhouses!

I haven't waited for Wu Family powerhouse, but the blade light shuddered!

Shih~! boom!

With a blast, the blade light exploded. Millions of Blade Qi fragments, like jade-like, squally stormy, slammed toward all Wu Family powerhouses!

All powerhouse eyes shrank!

These Blade Qi fragments, each piece is different, either by Primordial Spirit spirit strength, or by the strong Holy Force, or by the strength of pure power, too many, dazzling !

This is simply not a reaction to take the best defense!

Boom! boom! boom!

Endless Blade Qi fragments pour to all Wu Family Saints, 8th-turn Saint and above, can barely block the blade Qi fragments pour, which can be 7-turn, 6-turn, and 5-turn Saint of the cultivation base. Suffered!

"Well, the people of Wu Family are going to suffer!"

"Lin Chen is now scary not only his cultivation base, but also his trick you can 't guard against it's secret technique that cannot be recovered completely, and that trick to break the anti-explosion, even the old man will have to start cripplingly when he meets it, and maybe his life will be lost!"

" The combination of these two and two is simply a sharp weapon for Tu Sheng!"

Lin Chen's Blade Technique of "Tears of God" is a real magical skill of group attack!

Not to mention that after the blessing of the'snap light split shadow' and the enhancement of the innate talent and cultivation technique such as [enhancement function], the far-uncommon orange-level intermediate group attacking battle skill was displayed!

The defenses of the Wu Family Saints, including the Holy Artifact, were pierced, and the holy blood was soaring, smashed to pieces by Blade Qi fragments, constantly triggering the [Super Chaos] and [Extinction Ripples] innate talent .

After Blade Qi's fragments rolled over, many powerhouses looked intently, their faces were unbelievable!

This blade directly caused more than a dozen Rank 5 Saints to fall on the spot, all Rank 6 Saints were severely injured, 18 Rank 7 Saints were slightly injured, and 5 Rank 8 Saint defense Holy Artifacts were all pierced!

The ones who really retreat all over, only a small number of Rank 8 Saints and Rank 9 bosses!

The mid-range power of the team has almost collapsed in half!

"Wu Family people, I am very fair, saying that heads-up is heads-up, come on, don't stop!"

Lin Chen laughed and gave up No, change into the frozen Heavenly Sword, turn into the light flashed of Yunyingtian, and rush into the lineup of Wu Family and other powerhouses!

Those who are affected by the'Tears of God' will suffer serious injuries from the'Extinction Rupture' and'Destruction Explosion', and their battle strength is greatly reduced. Lin Chen has a knife in his hand, as if he were in no one's land!

In almost a quarter of an hour, Lin Chen galloped beyond the Wushen River and killed all the heroes!

The speed at which Wu Family powerhouses are falling one after another has caused countless Ancient Ones to get air-conditioned!

The destruction speed of the powerhouse of this battle is enough to be recorded in the annals of history!

Lin Chen is crazy!

Almost everyone can't believe it, a Life and Death Realm, can still go against the sky to such a point!

Strong as the old man Wuji, he couldn't help being shocked and muttering to himself.

"This...this little fellow has fought in more tiers...If this growth trajectory is followed, wouldn't this child be comparable to Saint King when he reaches the Holy Mind and Open Heaven Realm?"

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