Two days before Yin Tianzi and Haotian Saint King arrived in the Saint King domain.

Odd Domain, the territory of Bingxin Palace.

A group of Saints emerged, headed by Tie Xiaosheng from Saint Prison! It was actually a group of powerhouses in the Holy Prison of the Holy Mind and the Open Heaven! There are also several great characters at the second level.

"This is where the group of criminals hide?"

"Hehe, don't act rashly, be careful of fraud."

"Crush this place first Say it again!"

Holy Prison and the others found the base camp before Lin Chen and the others and shot directly!

A giant palm fell from the sky, trying to destroy Bingxin Palace!


There was a loud noise, just when all the powerhouse of the holy prison thought it was over, I wanted to go in and search——

When the fire beacon rolled, and dispersed, the territory of the Bingxin Palace was unscathed?

The powerhouse of the holy prisons was taken aback!

Impossible, the palm of the hand just now, Open Heaven Realm Perfection is also difficult to receive directly!

In addition, the space barrier of this strange domain is not comparable to the Saint King domain. It can be said that a radius of hundreds of thousands li raze to the ground is more than enough. Will it not break a palace?

"No, there seems to be someone!"

When Tie Xiaosheng exclaimed, there was a small and exquisite figure directly above the palace.

The lovely people are beautiful and beautiful, their cheeks are shallow and pear vortex, revealing the white tiger tooth, and staring at the holy prison and the others with the appearance of discovering new toys......

Tie Xiao Sheng suddenly have one's hair stand on end!

Something's wrong!

They seem to have provoke the most undesirable existence!


Wu Shenhewai——

Lin Chen couldn't be taken in the long battle, and the mood of the cloudy sky has undergone a subtle change.

"What sly plan are you playing, Lin Chen, you should be very clear about the battle strength of this seat...Just now, you can't even break the defense of my cloudy sky!"


Lin Chen was smashed back with a palm, and the little shadow took cover from the side. Lin Chen rushed up again, without stopping at all!

Yin Tianzi looked around all around, all powerhouses were involved.

The Shadow Race is still concentrating on dealing with Haotian Saint King, and has no action.

The powerhouse of Lin Chen's team is also in a difficult situation in the battle, and there is no way to help Lin Chen ——

If this is the case, why does he have to hold on?

"Does he expect other powerhouses to rush out of the battle circle to support him? But the powerhouse that can threaten this seat is all caught by Saint King. What does Lin Chen have to keep me in a stalemate? "

Yin Tianzi's eyes are full of doubts.

Especially Lin Chen's posture of being repelled and rising again and again, the fighting is fierce, the fighting spirit is soaring, and the suspicion in his heart is uncertain!

Yin Tianzi's ambition is great, and his wisdom is also extremely high. He can give up the opportunity to hit the list of talents at the most proud of one's success in his life, which is enough to see his ambition and toughness. State of mind!

Otherwise, the ancient gods would not look at the Hell Yin Tianzi, and chose him as the last person to inherit Legacy.

Powerhouse battle, imposing manner, no matter what tricks, you can disguise, but the state of mind cannot be disguised, the cloudy sky has the'Eye of Extreme Yin' to see through the talent of the powerhouse state of mind.

Lin Chen's battle is not a bluff, he is sure to fight himself and insist on it.

It's just that the cloudy sky can't be clearly understood, what exactly is Lin Chen planning!

In the current situation, Lin Chen has not beaten the probability of his cloudy son and ultimate shadow at all! His fighting intent is getting higher and higher!

Lin Chen has been fighting for a long time and has been maintaining the operation of'Ambilight'. It has not only doubled the formidable power of the cultivation technique, but also efficiently recovered his injuries, making Lin Chen a similar sage. The powerful resilience of the mood!


Suddenly a beam of blood energy surged in the palm of Yin Tianzi, and suddenly lifted into the sky. When he held the blood column, it transformed into a bloody scythe, the blood dragon was entangled, and the blood rose like a hot sun, fierce and violent. !

It is actually a Grade 9 Holy Artifact!

"No matter what killer tricks and sequels this kid has, kill him first, and then he will change! Crush him with absolute strength!"

Yin Tianzi did not underestimate Lin Chen As soon as the blood sickle appeared, he wielded the blade and cut again and again, and it was also an orange-level high level cultivation technique!

The half-moon-shaped streamer scattered blades rushed away, supported by the little shadow's desire, but the ultimate shadow stopped him in an instant, and entangled the little shadow's offensive.

Boom! boom! boom!

Lin Chen swung a gun to fight, and was crushed all the way, his figure retreated violently, and his injuries increased by 30% in an instant.

The strength increase brought by Grade 9 Holy Artifact is too strong!

Lin Chen cultivation base is inferior to the Yin Tianzi, this Holy Artifact appeared, the gap between the two sides, the judgement was made!

Lin Chen has become very difficult even to stop him!

The imposing manner of the cloudy sky is like a rainbow, frantically waving the blood sickle——

Snow-like sharp slashes cut Lin Chen time and time again, Lin Chen swings his gun and sweeps, Once again, the'Tai Xi divine light' was launched, and it actually blocked the offensive of Yin Tian Zi directly!

clang! clang! clang!

The shadow of the guns is like a tide, the shadows of the sickle and the blade are flashing and colliding, and the two urge the movement method to fight all the way!

"Rune of Slowness!"

"Million Star Banner!"

"Lei Jun Three Thousand World!"

"Blood Yinpanlong!"

"Extremely open the sky!"

The two sides fought heaven falls and earth rends. The Wu Family who fought with Lin Chen before took a cold breath from the powerhouse--

"Fuck, is this Lin Chen really a human being?"

"This cloudy child has a strong background, coupled with a strong cultivation base, at least the number under Saint King One Powerhouse, if you really want to talk about it, only the four and a half steps of the Lin Chen team can be compared to Saint King!"

"This kid is actually fighting a head-on battle with the most powerful house under Saint King? His ultimate move? How much is there!"

Suppressed Lin Chen again and again. Before the cloudy sky had time to be happy, he found that Lin Chen's mouth went up frantically!

His fighting intent is even higher!

The corners of Yin Tianzi’s mouth twitched wildly...

Damn, after taking out the ultimate move, this kid is actually even more excited?

What kind of monster is this?

Boom! Lin Chen's Absolute Defense was broken, and his robe was covered with scars and blood!

At this time, the system light screen pops up!

【System hint host, has collected all the essential attributes of the suit so far, all fuse into War God four-piece suit, the average charge of the four-piece suit: 58%~60%. 】

Lin Chen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth when putting away the Demon Slayer Spear, awe-inspiring said with a smile.

"I'm just waiting for you to use your trump card, cloudy sky, you shouldn't just have this ability."

golden light divine splendor blooms out of thin air, a wave The War God Might that broke All Heavens and Myriad Realms is gradually raised with Lin Chen as the center!

Almost at the same time, a terrifying storm burst out in the direction of the Divine flame, and two figures came out!

It is Zi Qianshou and Ji Wuchen!

Divine flame Palace Elder will be injured and fall into this chaotic situation. Forcing the other Divine flame, Elder is forced to act and has no time to take care of these two!

Zi Qianshou and Ji Wuchen severely injured two Supreme Elder and one of the Elder Council to Elder Gao, and broke the siege!

"It's time for the savior, don't worry about the old bastard of the Divine flame palace!"

When Zi Qianshou was coldly shouting, Heaven and Earth suddenly changed!

Boom~! !

Divine flame In the palace territory, the position directly behind, suddenly bursts out the brilliant Divine flame, like a beam of light propping up Heaven and Earth!

Huanghuang Divine flame, the inheritance is immortal, as tall as a hundred ten thousand zhang, straight to Nine Heavens, when the Divine flame slowly disperses, it turns into a Heavenspan gate!

creak ~~!

Divine flame The burning giant door slowly opened, and a vicissitudes of life and simplicity permeated the space inside the giant door!

In this scene, the Divine flame Palace Lord and the people of the guardian hall, including Shangguan Jue, changed their expressions in an instant!

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