The Divine flame giant gate soars into the sky, and the brilliant Divine flame burns all over the sky above the palace territory.

Divine flame All the people in the palace, the demeanor is particularly wonderful!

There are shock, ecstasy, doubt, fear, etc. Different eyes are concentrated on the giant Divine flame!

Bai Ruoyan, who is very far away, just finished covering all the dísciple and retreat, and recovered the accumulation of Divine flame palace for many years——

She witnessed that Divine flame come to the world My heart shook when there was a sign of.

"That is, the ancestral gate of the Divine flame palace!"

Even the battle at Saint King Level can't help but come to a halt!

Lin Chen's eyes rolled, his Primordial Spirit sensed a terrifying breath, and he was about to be born!

I saw, inside the Divine flame giant gate under the focal point of ten thousands, a silhouette was slowly stepped out.

A graceful girl, dressed in a palace dress with a blue skirt, crested eyebrows, skin-like fat, 17-year-old girl, but between her eyebrows there is the vicissitudes and sorrow of seeing through the world.

It is like an old woman with a dead bone, dressed as a girl and reborn in the world.

She is faintly sighed.

"Why do you want to force me Divine flame."

Her eyes turned to Zi Qianshou and Ji Wuchen, and she swept her sleeves abruptly!

The complexion of the two changed suddenly, and they have one's hair stand on end, as if they were caught by Great Desolate ancient beast, the sense of crisis rushed into their hearts!

"Purple Star Twelve Dao Palace!"

"Hundred Moon Burial Day!"

Twelve Dao Palace Star River flashes in succession, a hundred blood moons When sinking into the suspension week, a Holy Force swept across like a hurricane, breaking it suddenly, and the two vomited blood and retreated!

Zi Qianshou and Ji Wuchen stand still, the holy blood is flowing, the expression is full of anger, and the desire is violent!


Countless powerhouses have a heart attack, one move!

With only one move, the two second only to half-step Saint King’s strong presences, they were defeated!

"oh?" The girl in the blue skirt was surprised, "It's worthy of the guy who dared to come to my Divine flame palace to make trouble. He took the old woman's trick and can still stand. I have to say, you guys are really ninth wheel. A different kind of Saint."

"Elder, you are finally here!"

"Master, they are bully intolerably, this is the Lin Chen thief, who destroys my heavenly hall, Kill me from the people of the Divine flame palace, and kill all the gods of Wu Pian Jue!"

"You must seek justice for the Divine flame palace!"

The best of the Elder Council Elder Gao cried miserably.

The girl in the green skirt said calmly: "I know it naturally, and you don't need to say anything."

After that, she found Lin Chen as soon as she turned her gaze.

In the face of her gaze, Lin Chen felt a piercing tingling sensation. This person seemed to have clearly understood everything about Lin Chen.

"Well...the expansion and condensing multiples are rare in the world, and the mood is very good. It is really a strange talent..."

The girl in the green skirt said calmly: "However, this is better than It’s not a big plan of hundreds of sages, so stay.”

Shangguan Jue’s beautiful eyes flowed severe light, killing intent awe-inspiring: “Even the Old Guy has gone out of the game, and the truth is about to become troublesome! "

Rakshasa Saint King · True Zen said with a big smile: "hahaha, Supreme Elder, the chief of the Divine flame palace, really the name is not in vain, it’s an old monster, why, don’t you say anything from the Divine flame palace anymore , This can’t be closed!"

Divine flame Palace Chief Supreme Elder!

This person is actually the Supreme Elder of the first seat of the Divine flame palace!

The qualifications are completely comparable to the ancestors of the Divine flame Palace. She is also the former Divine flame Palace Lord!

When the Holy Realm was created, the Divine flame palace was created in the era when the Human Race heroes divided the major planes of the galaxy, and she was the supreme powerhouse as early as that time, the veteran that exists today!

"Unexpectedly, even this kind of old monster has come out."

The Great Elders of the Shadow Race have a solemn expression, and they have informed all the Elders with their unique transmissions-"Everyone , This battle has been lost, and I am ready to protect Xiaocan and his big brother, and we will withdraw after the rescue!"


At this time, Divine flame Palace Lord left the circle of battle, stood in front of the girl in the blue skirt, and said solemnly.

"Supreme Elder, things started because of Wu Pianjue, please think twice! Wu Pianjue is now dead, we are not the only choice now, we can choose him. Moreover, if Yanruo can Taking charge of the Divine flame palace will definitely change the status quo of the Divine flame palace!"

The Biskirt girl shook her head—"So you want to force the old woman to cooperate with this child?"

"Yanran, Wu Pianjue is dead, is the Shengcai ranking dead? The old woman is not optimistic that the Divine flame palace can change the status quo. I have seen this child like Ruoyan, which is very good, but she is impossible pulling strongly against a crazy Tide, only the grand plan of the sacred talent list can reproduce the glory of my Divine flame palace!"

"I only say it once, Yanran, step back!"

With a scream, Divine flame Palace Lord gritted his silver teeth and actually urged the holy flame to turn into a holy flame wheel, spilling the destruction aura and slapped her at her!

The girl in the green skirt smiled suddenly.

"You have grown. This is the first time you have dared to disobey an old woman's order when you grow up. However, according to the rules, same sect slaughter one another, the old woman should take you down! "

The chief Supreme Elder's green fingertips flicked, and the dark green flames shot out of thin air turned into a bunch of Fire Dragons, soaring into the sky, and suddenly twisted!

In a flash of space, traces of scorched black burst out, silently extinguishing all the offensives of the Divine flame Palace Lord, smashing the holy flame of the Divine flame Palace Lord!

"Pu chi!"

Divine flame Palace Lord vomits blood and retreats, pretty face pale.

Almost at the same time that she was repelling her, the girl in the blue skirt skimmed through the void, and appeared like a ghost shadow hundreds of thousands li away!

"Lord, be careful!"

Jiang Taixu made a sound transmission. He calculated too long and consumed too much, and he could not immediately infer that Supreme Elder, the chief of the Divine flame palace, was born.

At this moment, countless powerhouses feel cold!

Divine flame Palace Lord is already half-step Saint King's level. On the basis of the cultivation base, it is closer to the existence of Saint King than the cloudy sky, and even the chief Supreme Elder can't be stopped!

Saint King Realm is too far away from the powerhouse present.

Although I know that Saint King Realm also has its own highs and lows, the battle displayed by every Saint King present is difficult to distinguish between highs and lows in a short period of time——

This is the Divine flame palace alone. Chief Supreme Elder, showed suffocating power!

Shangguan Jue's figure is about to move, ten thousand zhang afterimages flurry, and the silhouette of Zhen Zen blocks her.

"fuck off!" Shangguan Jue gave a furious slap, and Zhen Chan insisted on the front, not letting her go!

Fang Ling, Lang Fanyun, Shangguan Wudi and Qi Feiyan wanted to get out and assist Lin Chen, but Wu Weiyang, Ying Chunqiu, and Lan Jingyu were all blocked!

Yin Tianzi is uncertain: "The Supreme Elder of the Divine flame palace?"

Little Shadow is worried but dare not distracted to give the ultimate Shadow opportunity, only to the big brother .

Lin Chen sighed, eyes flashing crazy fighting intent!

With the current self, facing this Old Guy, I am afraid that she can't even take up her three tricks, so I can only take out War God!

"Want to mess with me Lin Chen, no matter what Supreme Elder you are, you have to lose your skin once!"


At this moment, Lin Chen stepped into the air to unfold the'cloud shadow sky light', and rushed towards the chief Elder of the Divine flame palace, and countless powerhouse expressions changed in horror!

Damn, this kid is going to die?

Although the girl in the green skirt was a little surprised, she still raised her five fingers and ran towards Lin Chen without mercy!

Lin Chen's eyes flicker and his power is mad!

"War God set, open..."

"old hag, you are not allowed to move him. Lin Chen is my cover!"

tenderly shouted The wind and thunder, the shadows appeared, the small pink fist clenched by the green jade hand came to the void, and the fist shook the girl in the green skirt with a punch in the front, and fought away!

Shih~! boom!

The horrible explosion suddenly rises from the Divine flame outside the palace. When the petite and slender shadows appear, all the powerhouses are stunned!

This...Where did this Divine Immortal come from?

Actually, he took a blow from Supreme Elder, the chief of Divine flame?

Lin Chen's mouth opens slightly...

Is this little girl here too?

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