Haotian Saint King, a generation who really dares to go against the overall situation, comprehend Demon Race Absolute Art, a centipede dies, but never falls, a formidable person who is a world-class formidable person!

Even if Haotian Saint King is the'living dead', but Saint King is Saint King, he still has the battle strength of Saint King Level!

Such a world-famous formidable person, turned into a powder, was crushed in the hands of this young man who challenged Grade 9 sect!

This unforgettable scene is carved into the bones of all powerhouses!

They are deeply aware of a kind of fortune and luck! How lucky it is not to face Lin Chen!

When countless powerhouses come into contact with Lin Chen's eyes, it is like falling into the ice cellar, cold glow is biting!

Such a mysterious existence is better than the old man Wuji is also eyes shrank!

This boy, how far can he go against the sky?

Life and Death Realm cultivation base Lian Tu Shuang Wang!

Saint King, the Supreme Existence of the natural saint Supreme, was directly punched by him!

And Lin Chen's servants were surprised at first, and then all members were ecstatic!

Yes, this is their lord!

How can they easily subdue others in these eras? Only their lord Lin Chen is an insurmountable legend in this era! It is enough for them to sacrifice their lives and follow them!

Saint King powerhouse, one punch! There is no reason to be strong!

Sorrowful Ghost: "I'm back, all are back!"

Yun Tianguang: "The master's trick that is invincible in the whole world can be used again! "

Long Jiushan swallowed his mouth: "Damn it, too strong! One punch to kill Saint King! What kind of damn concept is this! Lao Tzu's cultivation may not be enough to beat the lord in a lifetime!"

Situ Changsheng: "This fist is equivalent to the destructive power of the lord's handsomeness."

Ji Wuchen: "No wonder the lord dared to lead us to pick the War God Flame Palace. Hand, Saint King is just a fart!"

Zi Qianshou: "The time has come for the counterattack, delay all the opponents and hand them over to the lord, don’t let them run away!"

The powerhouses of multiple factions react extremely fast, and they start a more intense conflict battle in an instant!

"It is true that I am the big brother of the future king of shadows of my clan..."

"We also keep up and cut off their future!"

The Shadow Race immediately intervened in many battle circles, holy prison, Wu Family, and Divine flame palace, and couldn't get out of it at all!


Lin Chen stepped into the sky in one step, the situation changed suddenly, and he swept straight to the direction of the Divine flame palace!

The girl in the green skirt trembled with her eyes, her heart was as cold as her heart, and her figure swept towards the Elder Council!

The catastrophe of purple black was like a cloud of smoke, and Lin Ping'an stood in front of her for a moment, making a grimace--"You old hag, I haven't played enough yet, just treat it obediently and honestly. Come here!"

Divine flame Palace Elder Council's top ten to Elder Gao took the lead in his face change!

On the side of Lin Chen silhouette, pull away the infinite divine splendor afterimage, raise your hand to sweep away, and cut out a divine splendor in the left palm like a knife.

Tear and pull~!

The divine glow of pure power penetrated the three defenders to Elder Gao's life-saving defense and was seriously injured on the spot!

Lin Chen flicks with the finger on his right palm, pure power is like a sharp stab, and immediately penetrated two Saint Physiques to Elder Gao!

It was almost a thousand blows in one instant, Lin Chen exchanged his fists with his palms, and his fists suddenly flew out!

A bunch of golden fists pierced the sky with a strong wind, like a raptor tearing through all obstacles, and struck five Elder Gao who wanted to escape from a remote location!

Boom! boom! boom!

Five Elders were beaten to prevent vomiting blood and were directly disabled!

Divine flame Palace Ten Da to Elder Gao were all broken and seriously injured!

【The host triggers the ultimate sky rebel effect and successfully kills the target instantly: 10! 】

In full view, the Elder congregation of the Divine flame palace, Elder, all began to split, shatter, and died on the spot. They died without scum, and turned into a pile of attribute light balls!

All the Supreme Elders of the Divine flame palace are like falling ice cellars, and a chill rushes to the top of the head!

Divine flame Palace’s powerhouse gave birth to a single thought at the same time!

Divine flame Palace, it's over!

In their hearts, an emotion that has long been forgotten arises, called despair.

Divine flame palace, when the Holy Realm was founded, it was the world-shaking giant, the genuine Hegemon!

They never thought that there would be such a day in the Divine flame palace! Will face such a desperate moment!

No matter what the Saint King, half-step Saint King, or even Saint King, you die with one punch! Instantly kill with one punch!

This kind of battle strength against the sky is not so terrifying even the battle of the nine races back then!

At the moment when the Supreme Elders of the Divine flame palace were desperate, Lin Chen never stopped. He turned his movement method and rushed to the nearest powerhouse of the Holy Prison!

Ying Chunqiu's mouth trembled, and the tiger's body shook wildly, two hundred and fifty fucking shocks!

Damn, this kid is eyeing this king!

Don't come over Ahhh!

"God Feather Dafa!"

Ying Chunqiu bit the tip of his tongue, and behind his back spread a pair of divine light wings. They are white and flawless, burning with the vast Heavenly Fire, and the holy blood burns all over. His Saint Physique.

His appearance is quickly old, the divine light's wings turned into a divine light, and the fastest shuttling through the void, the waves smashed through the void!

Because of the shadow clan twisting the nearby space, he failed to rush out of the area outside the Divine flame palace and withdrew to Rakshasa Saint King·Zhenchan who was fighting Shangguan Jue fiercely!


Lin Chen stepped on the sole of his foot, like divine light tore the void, chasing the white feather Saint King · Ying Chunqiu!

Ying Chunqiu hurriedly said: "True Zen, let's join hands to deal with Lin Chen kid!"

True Zen: "?"

I'm at Rakshasa Saint Physique The true Zen inside cursed.

"Are you, you saw it with your eyes? Didn't you see that there is a Venerable Dharma protector next to Lao Tzu? What the hell did you bring him here for you!"

Ying Chunqiu: "Then your grandma made me wait to die! Don't fucking forget the gun that Lao Tzu blocked for you back then!"

Zhen Chan: "Don't talk, he's here for my day!"


Lin Chen descends like Heavenly God, stepping on the golden light divine splendor and descending, ten thousand zhang divine light shines, and wherever he goes, a golden light covers the universe!

Lang Fanyun follow closely from behind, with a knife in your hand, domineering wild!

"The Saint King of the Holy Prison, I will fight one by one, and I will use you first!"

Lin Chen faces the two kings of the Holy Prison, raising his hand with a punch!

"Rakshasa Saint Physique ·Solution!"

"God feather lore!"

True Zen directly releases Rakshasa Saint Physique, flicks with the finger, count Rakshasa Saint Physique of ten thousand zhang pushes and grinds away. Ying Chunqiu's god feathers behind show off, the blade light whistling like snow flakes, the blade light unfolding in the sky swept across the sky, and the twin kings were almost forced to do their best!

The waves smashed down with a violent blow, smashing the sky blade light!

Boom! boom! boom!

The two kings took the offensive of Lin Chen and Lang Fanyun, and were not injured yet, but——

Boom~! A bunch of rushing Heavenly Fire flows through the vacuum, piercing the Saint King of Zen Zen, burning and piercing his Saint Physique continuously, it's Shangguan Jue!

Now Lin Chen is the genuine Saint King Realm battle strength!

He stood with Lang Fanyun and Shangguan Jue, that is equivalent to three Saint Kings!

Three people directly pressed the Two Great Saint Kings and beat them!

This is completely different from the usual Saint King Realm melee. If there are three normal Saint Kings, the Holy Prison will not be so battered and exhausted.

Among them is Lin Chen, a monster who is against the sky!

Once you are hit by him, you lose everything, consigned to eternal damnation!

The terrifying Saint King fights desperately and breaks out!

In this unprecedented battle, Shibi will completely disrupt the situation in the entire Holy Realm!

A new-born overlord is rushing onto the stage of the history of the Holy Realm in an unprecedented form!


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