On the battlefield, Wu Family, the Holy Prison, the Divine flame palace, and those clearly understood Void, Grade 9 sect forces who watched the battle from a very long distance, all the powerhouses were dumbfounded, dumbfounded... …

Those Supremes in the past are all legendary Saint Kings. At this moment, they are covered head and sneaked away like a rat by Lin Chen. They dare not put a fart!

Damn, can you not be afraid! This kid is a monster! Saint King powerhouse, one punch!

This is a fart!

The Saint King melee is like a giant storm, and the aftermath of the offensive envelopes all powerhouses!

The twin kings of the holy prison must watch out for Lin Chen.

All the hidden killers in the past have to be used!

As a result, their main attention is basically on Lin Chen, and the third Saint King has the opportunity to beat him directly!

This time, the two Saint Kings in the holy prison are desperate!

Haotian Saint King belongs to the kind of living dead who possesses Saint King battle strength but loses Saint King’s background, but these two are living Saint Kings, the existence of Peak period is still battered and exhausted. !

In this case, the other Saint battles have stopped decisively!

Everyone flees like a disaster.

Lin Chen’s servant team has already had Lin Chen sound transmission to Jiang Taixu, foreseeing in advance, and notifying everyone to take refuge.

hong long long!

Heaven is disturbed, and the fist spirit of the endless divine splendor runs through all directions!

Although many powerhouses have acted long ago, when they were stranded in the chaotic storm, they turned into pieces!

Regardless of any defensive means, Absolute Art, or hole cards, as long as you are injured by Lin Chen's aftermath of the attack, it means: breaking the defense and killing instantly!

Wuji old man eyes shrank.

The two little girls around him said worriedly—"Great Grandfather, what should I do..."

"It seems that things are serious..."

The old man Wuji showed a trace of panic.

"Oops, if you continue to fight like this, you will lose of life. The attack of this little fellow is too abnormal, and there is no chance for people to survive!"

Once Lin Chen The aftermath of his attack, even if it only slightly scratched a trace of Saint Physique's defense, a drop of blood would be death!

Lin Chen used to use the [Sky Reversal] innate talent and the fashion is still weak. How terrifying this innate talent is just to show the tip of the iceberg, but now he has reached the Saint King Realm , The life of an ordinary powerhouse is simply like picking up grass, not worth mentioning!

If Lin Chen is an ordinary powerhouse, the old man Wuji would not be frightened, and he can use his arithmetic to figure out the best retreat plan for everyone.

Lin Chen who is so special is not it! He is the only variable!

The old man Wuji can't break the trace of Lin Chen's destiny, even when and what tricks he makes, this is a big question mark!

"Everyone Elder!"

At this time, the little shadow returned, and seeing his gaze, the shadow clan Elders shook slightly.

The little shadow absorbed the ultimate shadow, and all elders immediately felt his changes, extraordinary!

"Everyone Elder, you and me, all warp the nearby space plane, cut off the space, and block the enemy's retreat!"

Little Shadow looked towards Lin Chen's direction, said solemnly-"We are here to kill all the enemies!"


The shadow clan Elder acted immediately and sneaked into the void.

The Elders of the Shadow Tribe have not yet fully recognized Lin Chen. He has a strong Human Race team, which does not mean that he can be recognized by the Shadow Tribe.

Since he showed this sky-defying battle strength, their Shadow Clan has already determined to make a good deal of Lin Chen, which will be of great help to the future of the Shadow Clan!

"Innate Shadow Art·Space Fighting Turn!"

With the small shadow as the center, all shadow patriarch veterans maintain their bodies in endless void. When a trace of blood essence was moved, the boundless shadow penetrated the void, and the large area of ​​the eastern part of the Saint King domain was instantly reversed. Heaven and Earth were reversed, cutting off the escape route of the Saint Kings!

On the other side;

Lin Chen continued to fight, suppressing the two kings of the holy prison all the way, and suppressing the defense of the Two Great Saint Kings alone!

Lin Chen is not afraid that his offensive will instantly kill his servant.

[Ultimate Sky Rebel] The judgment range of innate talent is [Hostile], and only when he is hostile to a specific target can the [Instant Kill] effect be triggered.

If there is no object with [hostility], the Heavenly Adversaries will not be applicable. Even if Lin Chen maimed the servants, it will not trigger [Instant Kill].

Lin Chen's other innate talents are the same. It's not that fighting is the first element of'triggering' innate talent, and'hostility' is the key to unlocking.

Shih~! Cang~!

A blade light cut off Ying Chunqiu's left arm, and the Divine flame pierced Zhen Zen's chest like a bloodline.

The two kings of the holy prison vomit blood at the same time!

They took care of resisting Lin Chen's onslaught, Lang Fanyun and Shangguan Jue had the opportunity to severely wound them!

"Hold on, and hold on! Both the means of instantaneously killing the enemy and the pure strength of this kid's sudden skyrocketing are external forces. Impossible lasts for too long!"

"As long as we persevere, we will win the Holy Prison! This kid’s true cultivation base is a waste. After all his methods are exhausted, my Holy Prison will be able to destroy him in minutes!"

Ying Chunqiu roared from the bottom of his heart, and suddenly Lin Chen burned the flames of orange!

[Consumption of 4700 top innate talent points, the host activates the orange-level innate talent, desperate for life and death, and has locked the target: Saint King cultivation base. 】

Lin Chen once again launched "Death to Life and Death", and the choice was Ying Chunqiu!

When the life force burns at an extremely fast speed, pure power goes wild again, the charge of the War God suit plummets, Lin Chen slams his fist, and the power bursts to reverse the punch of Heaven and Earth!

Boom~! boom!

An explosion raged, endless waves of air rolled over, and the incomplete defenses of the two Saint Kings were completely shattered!

"It's awful!"

There was a trace of misfortune flashed through the hearts of the two kings. Shangguan Jue and Lang Fanyun caused them heavy injuries, so they haven't adjusted it yet——



Lin Chen made several fingers, and the pure power tore and penetrated the shoulders of the two people like a strong light, and the holy blood shot!

It was almost flowing water, Lin Chen succeeded with a finger, without any hesitation, turned around and swept towards Wu Family Saint King, Wu Weiyang!

ka! ka! ka!

Since then, a clear cracking sound echoes in the heart of every powerhouse like a nightmare!

No one can resist this suffocating and cold oppression!

At this time, these two supreme powerhouses, Saint Physique broke, their eyes were dull and dull, and their life force disappeared extremely quickly.

The last sight they saw before they died was the back of silver robe covered in blood.

Boom! boom!

The twin kings are broken, and turned into powder!

The White Feather Saint King and Rakshasa Saint King of the Holy Prison, born thousands of epochs, have a long history, and are the supreme powerhouses in every era.

These two people, who are also known as the legends of the ancient era, closed the curtain on the eve of the transformation of the holy world and ushered in the final chapter!

All the powerhouses looked at Lin Chen who turned to leave, their hearts trembled and frightened.

End the legend and slaughter the twin kings again!

This is Lin Chen who broke through the holy prison and challenged Grade 9 sect......

In this era, who can block his edge!


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