Time goes back a few days, the day of the Divine flame Conferred God Ceremony—

The extreme north of Saint King's domain, a special space plane.

The great hall of quaint vicissitudes of life, like the relics of prehistoric civilization, has stood here since ancient times, burning one after another ancient talisman, infiltrating endless civilizations, and evolving the history of many Human Race civilizations.


A space beam of light blooms between Heaven and Earth, the beam of light dissipates, and the handsome gray robed youth stands with a sword and walks slowly.

He have a dignified appearance, with sword eyebrows and eagle eyes, sharp and cold, with an azure snake-like talisman carved into the center of his eyebrows, and a holy sword on his waist hovering like a god Dragon Qi, his edge blooming, step by step Stepping on, every step glows with Blade Qi like a tide, like Dragon Snake wandering.


The space rays of light bloomed, and she was another girl in snow clothes who was jumping around. The girl's complexion was fat, green eyebrows and phoenix eyes, red lips, delicate and slender figure, showing grace and grace.

The snow-clothed girl still holds a haunting colorful Jade Rabbit in her arms, and the three rabbits tremble with each other.

The girl seems to be smiling, but in fact there is a coldness and arrogance between her eyebrows that rejects beyond a thousand li, like the proud Phoenix, who ignores everything in the mortal world.

When she saw the gray robed youth next to her, she was full of disgust—"If you don't come, this party will be perfect, and this Young Lady's mood will continue to be better."

Youth coldly said-"Then you can roll yourself first, go home and play with your rabbit, don't come here to get your eyes out."

The Snow Girl: "en? Do you dare to let this Young Lady go?"

Sabre young man: "So you don't understand human words? Sorry, treating you as a human being is the biggest mistake I have made recently."

Boom~! The snow girl jade hand horizontal shot, the youth movement method exhibited, taking dozens of steps back and forth, and was about to draw a knife——

"Stop, stop, you guys all day long, can you stop fighting as soon as you meet ."

"That’s right, don’t make people think that our sacred talent list will fight as soon as we meet."

"Isn’t it? You guys hurry up, I suggest adding Great effort."

"The handsome people have entered, and the ugly ones are still fighting."

"In...have you gone in? Are you done?"

"Isn't it Old Brother, can this also make color?"

One after another, or ridicule, or joking voice echoed all around!

In the sky, countless space beams are blooming!

A group of Legendary-like figures came out of the space beam!

They may have picturesque eyebrows and personable demeanor, like thousands of miles of mountains and rivers in their hands.

Or like a king overlord, leader personally bringing troops into battle, showing the meaning of king!

Or the immortal posture is beautiful, flawless, with a smile of peerless grace and elegance!

Or Yuan Zhen Yueli, with closed eyes, there is the natural phenomenon of Myriad Buddhas Makes A Pilgrimage Toward Sect, suppress the demons!

Or back of a tiger and waist of a bear, the blood is as strong as an ancient relic, between the breath and the breath, like a storm, one after another dragon-like air current crushes the void!

Or lightning disillusionment, such as Dragon Snake wandering around, turning the hands of thousands of thunders, every move will cause the road to roar, and the situation will change suddenly!

Or carrying a holy bow, with a restrained edge, like a cultivator of asceticism, if not moving, the universe will change color!

There are too many natural phenomena. When this group of people appears, they become the center of Heaven and Earth. It seems that Sun, Moon and Stars have all lost rays of light, and there is a kind of Heaven and Earth surrounding them. The illusion that they are spinning!

This is a group of real Legendary characters! What kind of enchanting evildoer, it's all worthless!

Is a dozens sage!

Seeing that everyone has arrived, the snow girl is coldly snorted, holding Jade Rabbit and walking into the great hall.

A graceful Young Master patted gray robe youth said with a smile: "Let’s go, Brother Yun, don’t care about her."

The grim gray robe youth is unprecedented A smile appeared, nodded and said: "Okay, give you this face."

The group of saints enter the temple.

In the broken ancient palace, the brand new dragon seat and phoenix chairs are neatly arranged, and dozens of terrifyingly powerful saints are sitting here, sitting in the palace.

All of them have arrogant faces, extraordinary and refined temperaments, and they don't accept anyone, and there is an atmosphere of doing things if they don't agree with each other!

Today is destined to be a historic moment.

A total of one hundred and fifty saints on the list of saints gathered here! Discuss and create a major event for the prosperous age!

Today's sage nominated on the list of sage talents, a total of 878, vacant position: 122.

"Hehe, it seems that everyone is here."

At this time, the screen in the ancient palace reveals a faint silhouette.

As soon as this person appeared, the rattling atmosphere in the ancient palace suddenly cooled down!

It seems that he alone has suppressed the sages present!

"Let’s stop talking nonsense, all of you here today know more or less recent events. The ruins of the Divine Emperor are opened, and the gods of the holy world have already been exhausted. Now is an unprecedented opportunity, Divine The relics of the Emperor only have opportunities in the legend, and no matter how long the battle of the gods will take, even if the battle is over, it will be an injury."

"Besides, whether the gods are healing or breaking through, the end will always be to go. God World."

"In other words, the gods have abandoned the holy world."

"Now, the holy world needs a new master. Who can lead the holy world to new heights , To create a new supreme powerhouse, there is only one answer, and that is us, the sacred talent list!"

The voice of the person behind the screen is very gentle and elegant, but there is an invisible and passionate war that burns every one. Shengcai's heart!

"We unite and coordinate all battle strengths and forces to build the strongest force! We have the natural son of Martial God and the strongest daughter of Pill God. We have the strongest background in the holy world. As long as we unite and unify the Holy Realm, the day is just around the corner!"

"All living things are equal, everyone can cultivation the orange-level cultivation technique! Everyone has the right to enjoy the Holy Pill "

The gentle and elegant voice gradually became high, and the silhouette behind the screen slowly stood up, and a fighting intent rose up!

"It is up to us to clean up those low bloodlines and kill all mundane creatures. All the forces that resist us, all kill!"

"Those who don’t have Saint bloodline’s rubbish All mortals are eliminated, and all are killed!"

"Let us take charge of the luck of Human Race and create a prosperous world with only Saint! Then sweep away all races and unify the world!"

"A prosperous age with only Saint, why not destroy the so-called Demon Race, Dragon Clan, and Fiend clan!"

"Everyone, in this world, there is nothing more wonderful than being the creator of the world Is it something!"

The man behind the screen was slightly intoxicated, and then said with a smile.

"If someone wants to quit now, I won’t stop it. If you want to quit, you can leave."

In the ancient palace, all the sages may be interested, or It is fighting intent rising, or looking longing, be eager to have a try, or expressionless, but no one gets up!

All members passed!

The man behind the screen said with a big smile.

"It seems to be sure. In this case, then there is no problem! We join hands and no one can stop us!"

"It's time to rewrite history! I I will personally create a second only to God World history and civilization!"

"The age of the gods has passed, and now is our age!"

Holy Talent List , Initiate change!

An unprecedented storm will sweep the thirty-six domains of the Holy Realm!


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