Hundreds of sages initiate change, and they want to create a sacred world with only Saints.

The number of Saints determines the luck of the holy realm, and'air luck' can determine the height at which the Peak powerhouse can grow!

For example, "Artistic conception communicates with the gods", there is only one artistic conception communicates with the gods in each era of the holy realm, which is limited by luck.

And to create a holy world with only Holy Spirit and Saint, luck will reach unprecedented heights!

But the price is also obvious, to eliminate the mortals!

In the eyes of hundreds of sages, mortals occupy luck and attempt nothing and accomplish nothing. Only by coordinating luck can we create a prosperous world!

Holy Realm, Profound Realm.

Setting Sun City Today is a clear sky and the sun is shining brightly.

In the vast crowd in the city, there were seven Saint lectures today, which attracted countless Battle Sovereigns who wanted to enter Setting Sun City.

To get Saint's advice is a rare opportunity in a thousand years, don't miss it!

At Sunset Plaza, seven Saints sat cross-legged here, giving lectures one by one, and talked about them.

Lingyue Saint, the seventh place, is a beautiful woman with lingering charm. She is indifferent and indifferent between her brows. She is the Saint with the highest cultivation base present.

At this time, it is Lingyue Saint who is answering the questioner's question--

"This is the essential difference between Battle Qi and Holy Force. Before Saint Saint It is extremely difficult to use the orange-level cultivation technique. Only a few geniuses can cross this limit."

After listening to the Battle Sovereign and geniuses, their hearts throbbed and sighed.

Suddenly, a genius asked: "Lingyue senior, how did Saint King cultivation with Saint King when he was transferred to the Ninth Rank?"

As soon as these words came out, countless line of sight moved to Lingyue Saint one after another, full of curiosity!

Feeling the blazing gazes of everyone, Lingyue Saint on the high platform is irresistible. He has only an upright and serious attitude and a solemn way of--

"Open The Saints with 81 to 90 holy caves belong to the realm of Saint Peak, and each of them is my human race Supreme. Starting from the 91 holy caves, they are all concentrated in the brain, slightly Carelessness is the end of spiritual Saint Physique’s fear of extinction."

"After 90 holy caves, the difficulty of opening a holy cave is not limited to experiencing a life and death transformation. A holy cave is for One turn, after nine turns, there are 99 holy caves Perfection, and the 100th holy cave is the end of Saint."

Speaking of this, her indifferent expression rarely reveals a bit of admiration.

"Only the 100th holy cave can be called Saint King!"

"Saint King is the king of Saint. It is extremely difficult to open 100 holy caves It is not like other holy caves that can be opened in a spurt of energy. It not only requires potential, chance, background, mood and other comprehensive factors, but also controls 99 holy caves to open it step by step."

"The first time to open the 100th holy cave was the half-step Saint King. Only by stepping into the half-step Saint King, can you accumulate a breakthrough to Saint King!"

Lingyue Saint's palm floats up. The group of cold air ice crystals were formed by the Holy Force. She pointed to the ice crystals and continued: "We are good at comparing pure power dragon power units to the roughly formidable power of Holy Force, and one trillion dragon power is the power of a."

"After Saint's cultivation base of rank nine, if you want to break through a half-step Saint King and become a quasi-Saint King, the holy cave must accumulate to a Holy Force equivalent to 500,000 powers before opening the 100th one. Holy cave."

Countless geniuses suck in a breath of cold air!

One trillion dragon power is already an astronomical figure for them, is this equivalent to one power?

And half-step Saint King can control the Holy Force equivalent to 500,000 powers!

This is simply the strongest existence that perishes countless planes!

Lingyue Saint continued.

"And only in the half-step Saint King Realm world, the 100th holy cave’s Holy Force is accumulated to Perfection, reaching the Holy Force equivalent to 1 million powers, in order to completely break through the last Saint King Realm. A holy cave!"

"Therefore, those who have a good foundation in the expansion and condensing state, as well as those who are perfectly promoted in the open sky, can reach the Saint King Realm faster."

Holy Force comparable to a million powers!

Saint King actually controls such a strong cultivation base, no wonder he is the king of Saint, he deserves it!

At this time, someone drove said with a smile.

"Maybe there is a monster beyond the sage level in this world who has controlled the Holy Force, which is equivalent to a million powers, before becoming Saint King. What will happen?"

Lingyue Saint shook his head and laughed: "There will be no such ridiculous things, since ancient times, there is no precedent..."

There is another curious genius who opened his mind.

"Saint King is so powerful, I am afraid it is Eternal Immortal, right? Between this Heaven and Earth, will anyone kill Saint King?"

Lingyue Saint said calmly: "Impossible Except for several battles in the very remote period, between Heaven and Earth did not threaten the existence of Saint King's life..."

Before speaking, there was a thundering thunder!

The sky dimmed suddenly and the situation changed suddenly.

one after another The dark and silent breath rose to between Heaven and Earth, and the entire sky was cracked!

Countless people feel particularly depressed in their hearts, as if something has suppressed their qi!

I saw that the crack in the sky opened a beam of blood-colored light. It looked like the sky was chopped and the wound was split. It was very strange!

The blood-colored beam of light runs through the sky and penetrates the entire Profound Domain, extending infinitely, without seeing the end, and all powerhouses in the Profound Domain are clearly visible!

Lingyue Saint eyes shrank, panicked.

"Blood rainbow appears, Saint King is extinct...This, this is a natural phenomenon that only exists in the ancient book, Saint King is extinct!"


Everyone's mind exploded!

The death of Saint King? Doesn't this mean that at this moment, a Saint King has fallen in the Holy Realm?

My God! That's the Saint King who is in control of a million dignity power! Who the hell can kill Saint King between Heaven and Earth!


Lingyue Saint Huarong paled, and lost self-control screamed!

"Between this Heaven and Earth, there is no possibility that Saint King can be threatened. Saint King is immortal, Eternal Inextinguishable! Impossible death!"

"Is it the highest True God is born?"

Not only Setting Sun City, the entire profound domain, no, thirty-six domains, completely exploded!

Only a few Peak powerhouses can perceive the fall of the saints of the sacred talent list.

But the fall of Saint King will affect the entire holy world!

The blood rainbow that traverses the sky and the earth traverses thirty-six regions, and all the forces in the holy world have set off a stormy sea!

An unprecedented earthquake has swept the entire holy world after countless epochs!

However, this seems to be impacting everyone's cognition. This natural phenomenon of blood rainbow is actually only the first!

bang! bang!

After that, two blood rainbows crossed the sky!

All the powerhouses were dumbfounded and shivered!

This...what the hell is going on!

Three blood rainbows!

Doesn’t this mean that three more Saint Kings fell one after another in this short period of time?

The fuck is Saint King! Not Battle Sovereign!

Is that right? The storyteller next door doesn't dare to blow like this!


At this time, the pressure increased again, the sky cracked, and the dim and gloomy blood light ran across the sky, once again piercing the entire sky of the holy world!


Weird silence!

This is the most unified moment in the history of the Holy Realm——

Because of countless powerhouses, countless creatures, all fell into a strange silence!

Don't talk about Grade 7 and Grade 8 forces!

Even if it is a force as strong as Grade 9 Hegemon, all the members of the high-level have a ghost-like expression. When looking up at the sky, their teeth are trembling!

Four...Four blood rainbows!

This means that four kings have fallen!

They really want to know...

Four Saint Kings fell on the same day. Even Tu four kings!

What the hell... Which Divine Immortal is the one who has this kind of strength! !


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