Saint King domain, Divine flame palace domain.

After Lin Chen personally killed all Saint Kings, and the aftermath of the battle, many powerhouses were shattered. The remaining Wu Family and the remnants of the Holy Prison were simply impossible to withstand in front of everyone. a single blow.

In less than a day, the enemy's remnant party was completely wiped out by Lin Chen's team, and all that was left was the attribute light ball!

While Lin Chen's holy cave is exhausted, the remaining Holy Force in the main holy cave and the "Taiyi holy cave" is less than one-tenth.

In this battle, none of Lin Chen's servants fell!

The Grade 8 forces and hidden powerhouses who came to the rescue only lost four people, and the remaining were either seriously injured or partially disabled. This record is already against the sky!

Such a large-scale melee can be won at such a small price, which is unprecedented in the history of the Holy Realm!

Bai Ruoyan and the others all turned back under the protection of the Protectorate.

At this time, they stood beside Lin Chen's team.

The opposite is the Supreme Elder of the Divine flame palace and the chief Supreme Elder.

And Lin Chen’s Sacred Dragon is quickly taking back the massive sphere of attribute light after the war!

Avatar is responsible for refining and absorbing attribute values.

These massive attribute light balls, only the attribute light balls dropped by Lin Chen before turning on the [Godslayer] innate talent, are the attributes with growth type.

'Godslayer' innate talent has disadvantages. After it is turned on, the attribute light orbs dropped by killing enemies will be reduced, and the growth-type attribute light orbs will not be dropped.

Such as: Saint Level essence, qi and blood, top elemental energy, etc., these all are growth attribute values, only innate talent will drop before activation.

However, Lin Chen's attribute light ball is still far more than any previous one!

Lin Chen peaceful smiled--"Chief Elder, what I just said is countable. I don't want to continue to hammer you Old Senior in front of Sister Ruoyan."


Chief Elder's willow eyebrows trembled, this kid really owes you! The most annoying thing is that she has nothing to do with him!

From her perspective, Lin Chen should not be able to show the kind of power against the sky in a short period of time.

At least, one punch of Saint King is impossible.

But his team still has enough deterrent!

One sword dao, Blade Dao Saint King on the left and right, and a painful calamity who controls his own power.

These three alone are enough for the current Divine flame palace to drink a pot. You can't call back the Old Ancestor of the Divine flame palace of Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail. Those Old Guys can't be called back.

If Hufatang and Shangguan Jue are willing to help in the fight, it's good to say, the problem is that the Hufatang is also facing them!

The chief Elder sighed: "Speaking counts, here you are!"

With a wave of her bare hand, a lingering flame of divine splendor blasted out!

Bai Ruoyan extends the hand to catch it. It is a scepter, four feet long, red and golden, with a swaying scarlet Divine flame burning on the body of the rod, with an inexplicable pressure.

"This is the Divine flame scepter of my old woman. Generally speaking, the Divine flame sceptre will not be directly handed over to the Palace Lord. Those who own the sceptre have the highest decision-making power over the Divine flame palace. Ignore the decision of the Elder Council...hehe, there is no Elder Council in the Divine flame palace now, so take it."

The chief Elder sighed deeply, Bai Ruoyan wanted to say something, and the other party lifted it. Hand: "If Yan is a little girl, old woman can tell that you are connected to the Divine flame palace, and you have enough talent."

"If Wu Pianjue's conditions were not large enough, you must be Divine Flame Palace’s next generation Palace Lord, but everything is something to be said. If you can’t join the grand plan of the Saint Talent List, the old woman hopes that the Divine flame Palace can survive the next calamity."

White Ruoyan is serious and nodded, "Ruoyan must do everything he can."

The Chief Elder just finished speaking. At this time, Venerable Dharma Protector Lan Jingyu stood up and asked the Chief Elder and Supreme Elder to cup one. fist in the other hand.

"Elder, take care of me for many years. Jingyu is unforgettable. For the favor of the former Palace Lord, Jingyu has repaid his own question. Guardian God Homiya Taki, nothing else, this time, Jingyu is forgiven for his fate."


The chief Elder shook his palm, breathing slightly, with a solemn expression--"Jingyu, you..."

Lan Jingyu nodded: "Yes, I want to remove the position of Venerable Dharma Protector. "

You Supreme Elder complexion greatly changed!

A Saint King means the pillar of the Grade 9 sect!

No force in the Holy Realm can peacefully lose a Saint King!

"Oh...oh! that's all, that's all!"

The chief Elder seemed to be much older, and a pale touch appeared on the tips of his pretty face, and he waved his hand after a few sighs.

"The Old Guy told me before I left that I can’t restrain you. If you really want to leave, the old man will not force you."

A Saint King’s heart is so proud, she It is very clear that if he wants to leave, no one can stay.

Lan Jingyu didn't say anything, but was slightly nodded. When he turned to Lin Chen and the others, his eyes were complicated, and he stepped into the void, disappeared.

Lin Chen shrugged, "I said, "Why do you guys lose their faces one by one. Aren’t you just a protector of the Dharma? At the worst, I’m so handsome and powerful. Venerable Dharma Protector, as it should be by rights, isn’t it?"

Everyone: "..."

Shangguan Jue rolled the eyes, jokingly said with a smile: "You kid Mao Are you growing up, and I want to be a protector of the Dharma. I can’t ignore these words."

Lin Chen: "en? Are you teaching me to do things?"

Shangguan Jue: "Teached, how about it. My mother not only needs to teach, but also to do it!"

When the two were fighting, Jiang Taixu stepped forward slowly and calmly said with a smile.

"Don’t worry, everyone, with the Lord’s temperament and Miss Ruoyan’s friendship, as long as the Divine flame is the same, our team will be part of the Divine flame palace in the future, and..."

Jiang Taixu mysterious smiled: "Moreover, there is a Grade 9 Saint Level alchemist on our side. It is not impossible to revive the Elder from the past, but it depends on you. This is the original words of the lord..."

As soon as this statement came out, all Supreme Elder were ecstatic!

Good-Fortune Pill Saint·You die!

If he takes action, it is really possible to heal their old wounds!

However, Elder’s minds are mixed. The two sides were desperate enemies before, but now they are turning enemies into friends...

Jiang Taixu and You Wangsheng smiled heartily. It is the result they want.

Do both soft and hard, instead of just forcing each other to unite with them.

Forcing a Grade 9 sect will eventually lay the roots. If the two sides cannot stand on a line of interest, it may happen when something goes wrong.

The three Grade 9 sect representatives who witnessed this scene from beginning to end, as well as those hidden old monsters who wanted to join the sage list to score a big pie, had to withdraw in a dingy manner.

Since Divine flame Gong has joined forces with Lin Chen and the others, then they have the meaning of staying here!

"Ai, Lin Chen little friends......"

The old man Wuji sound transmission Lin Chen ——

Lin Chen turned around, a cup one in the air fist in the other hand.

"Senior has any advice."

The old man Wuji solemnly looked at him, "What happened today means that you will alarm the Grade 9 forces in the whole holy world. The actions of these forces will intensify, and you will become the target of public criticism!"


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