Countless voices are made in all areas of the holy world, or they resist, or are silent, or leave in the opposite direction, etc.

After the creation of the Genesis Alliance, the situation intensified, the arrows were drawn, and finally the melee of 36 domains started!

Those who have returned to the Genesis Alliance and the Resistance Alliance have set off a melee of different scales in various regions!

The Genesis Alliance’s actions are rapid, with large-scale organizations, and consistent action goals, almost immediately choosing to seize and control the Peak forces in various domains.

Either win the Grade 8 and Grade 7 forces in each domain by way of wining, or the disobedient will directly suppress and kill!

This forms a'spider web'-like form to cast a net. The powerhouse of the Genesis Alliance instigates a large number of forces to become their minions every time they reach a domain!

However, there is a region, but the Genesis Alliance cannot penetrate into it!

That is, Odd Field! !

Holy Prison, First Layer secret room.

"We have just returned, what do you do!"

In the sky, there is an endless holy power coming down in anger! The oppression of the powerhouse of the holy prisoners increased sharply!

"Back to... back to the two adults, we can't stop the two Lord Saints, they insist on crusting Lin Chen, this child and the others. Saying that every second counts, you can't give them time to breathe... We, we can't stop the two adults..."

The prison guard stationed at the First Layer trembles, crying.

They are indeed wronged. If Two Great Saint Kings want to act, how can they stop it?

Furthermore, with the battle strength and lineup that took away from the holy prison at that time, it is completely possible to take down those escaped criminals. What absolutely didn't expect is that they have recovered to their heyday, and even Saint King is alive. Two!

In terms of stepping back ten thousand steps, even if Lin Chen entire group cannot be taken, Tianyu Saint King and Rakshasa Saint King are sitting in the town, and want to lead everyone to retreat with no difficulty, who knows that there will be shadow clan to help .

And, the most unexpected thing is Lin Chen! He was an unexpected variable in the Holy Prison, and he eliminated Saint King!

"Hehe, things have happened. You don't need to be so angry. No one can predict the result. We are impossible to make a choice when we see the result."

"Even the two of them are also Did you die there..."

"The other party controlled the killing move that killed Saint King. I heard that it was Lin Chen. It seems that we have to wait for the big brother to return."

"This child is too dangerous, we must get rid of it!"

The endless holy prison space echoes with a cold and solemn voice.

Holy Prison, start to concentrate!


Genesis Alliance Headquarters——

Saint King domain, the extreme north, the extreme temple!

Besides the giant hall, there are thousands of powerhouses from the Open Heaven realm stationed here, an unprecedented guarding force!

In the center of the Temple of Heaven, there are hundreds of powerhouses gathered, and there are also eight in the half-step Saint King. The number of Saint King Realm is unknown!

One by one, the saints who have a dignified appearance are reading the information brought back by the Nine Great Saints who participated in the Conferred God Ceremony, and their faces are full of consternation.

"Singlely against the nine people including Qian Yingxue and Fang Xietian, and robbed the sons of the age of 19 layers of the holy prison, and defeated the Saint King in all the ways of the holy prison?"

"It turns out that the natural phenomenon of the fallen sage some time ago is real, and Wu Pianjue died!"

"Wu Pianjue is one of the cores of our transformation. This child simply didn't take us. The sage list is in my eyes!"

"Wait! The intelligence says he killed four Saint King powerhouses and punched one?"

"You fucking funny Me?"

In the entire Jitian Temple, the expressions of all the sages are dumbfounded, they are very wonderful!

Everyone didn't expect that when they began to change, they would turn out such a dark horse!

At this time, a beautiful figure stood up, it was Qian Yingxue who had just recovered from his injury.

She carried a gun on her back, bravely, and slowly said.

"I, Qian Yingxue, announced my withdrawal from the alliance."

The always rebellious'Emperor of the Sun', Yun Potian, actually stood up, and said in a serious way-- "I also quit."

The beautiful Nangong Yue also stated: "I, Nangong Yue, quit."

Jue Tianyan stood up and waved, "Neither will I Quit it! Damn, I don't want to meet this kid again!"

The nine Great Saints who fought with Lin Chen that day, after providing information, they all chose to quit!

Many sages immediately looked at the nine people who had left with disdain or sneer.

Nine Great Saint didn't care at all, turned around and left, these guys, pretentious are already used to it.

Nangong Yue sighed in his heart: "These guys did not feel Lin Chen's oppression at all. This is a monster dressed in the appearance of a teenager! It is full of secrets, really fights, and can change with the sage at any time. Fate!"

Only those who have really fought Lin Chen know how terrifying this guy is!

Ning to provoke Yama, don’t provoke Lin Chen!

After the nine people left--

"Um... really a tricky guy."

The Temple of Heaven, behind the screen, the illusory silhouette holds After closing the jade slip, continue.

"This Lin Chen is indeed a stranger. And judging from the intelligence they bring back, it is not the type that will cooperate with us, it is a hard bone."

"Indeed, Judging from the natural phenomenon of that day, his probability of killing the four kings may be due to some hole cards. This super killer move is at least impossible to use for the second time in a short period of time, even in this life. Will not use it a second time, otherwise the holy world is his Lin Chen's......"

The silhouette behind the screen said with a big smile ——"hahaha, interesting, at first it’s so interesting The Genesis Alliance needs to show enough strength to deter all parties. It just so happens that this grindstone is here! It is both a crisis and an opportunity!"

A fairy and beautiful Heavenly Immortal woman Shengcai smiled gracefully: "Young Master means, killing the chicken to warn the monkey?"

The man behind the screen said with a smile.

"Well, yes! We still need Liwei, so let's start with them first. Ordered to go down and search for news about Lin Chen and people related to him, all pull up by the roots!"

"Genesis Alliance, first suppress him Lin Chen! First show our power across the holy world!"


"Ah tweeted!"


Lin Chen sneezed and touched the tip of his nose: "How do you feel that someone says I am handsome from behind? Is it because the director finally thinks that my face is better than him and feels unwilling?"

After the Battle of Saint King, a large number of Wu Family Remnants and Saint Prison Remnants were destroyed. Many of them were picked up by Lin Chen afterwards. They took a large wave of attribute values ​​and let Lin Chen’s Sacred Dragon rush into it. The 70,000 power mark!

The Dragon Vein in the body is transformed into a new look! Each Dragon Vein glows with scarlet gold dragon breath.

At this time, everyone sits cross-legged on the backs of the Formation water dragon, adjusting their breath at ease.

The distance between Saint King Domain and Cang Domain is particularly far away, and it will take a while to reach the space divine technique as strong as Xiao Linger.

During this period, Lin Chen and your servants are seizing the time to recuperate and regenerate, take holy pill or refining massive gold holy coins to restore the Holy Force.

And Lin Chen's holy cave is recovering at an extremely fast speed. His seven Avatars are refining the gold sacred yuan coins for him in the air transport planting bag, which is extremely efficient.

And Lin Chen is counting the spoils of war this time, but the holy cave is roaring with the holy light of desire!

Lin Chen was taken aback: "Oh, the accumulation is close to the limit again, and the holy cave is about to burst!"


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