After experiencing the previous great wars, even if the [Godslayer] state is turned on, the growth-type attribute light balls will not be dropped, but the number of drops that can be turned on before is also quite large. Lin Chen’s 46 holy caves of desire burst open!

The current state and situation are not the time to explode!


Lin Chen completed the seal and ran the core method to seal the holy cave at once, and the Holy Force disappeared.

The old hole is closed.

"It can only be sealed up first, now that the hole bursts, the state is not good."

In a thought, Lin Chen turned on the system.

[Heavenly Path Collection System version 8. 0

Host: Lin Chen-cultivation base: Saint Realm 5th Layer mid-term-Saint Level essence: 665.5 million points.

Ultimate strength: 48,000 power (husk awakening + 300%)-Saint Level blood: 584 million points

Saint Level spirit strength: 990,000 points (Primordial Spirit ·Half-step Primordial Spirit Realm Peak)

Saint Level cultivation technique essence: 690,000 points-Saint Level rune Energy: 680,000 points-Top Heavenly Dao value: 910,000 points

Top innate talent points: 760,000 points-suit essence: 2.870 billion points.

Intermediate enhancement points: 5.2 billion points.

Saint Level elemental energy: Fire Element 11800 points, Earth Element 11790 points, Wood Element 11880 points, Gold Element 11777 points, Water Element 11980 points, Thunder Element 11690 points, Wind Element 11780 points, Light Element 11770 points Points, the dark system is 11750 points.

Set column: Golden War God set (not complete).

Innate talent bar——bloodline status bar—cultivation technique status bar—

Life awakening bar—nirvana technique bar—characteristic rune bar—

Divine Spark column: divine elephant · Divine Spark fragments (consumption of Heavenly Dao value and host qi and blood power can be activated)]

"My grass! Am I stabbing the attribute?"


Lin Chen suck in a breath of cold air.


A real leap!

After this battle was fought, Lin Chen's non-growth attribute value increased tens of thousands of times!

What is the concept of tens of thousands of times! The intermediate enhancement points alone are 5.2 billion!

The elemental attribute value has soared ten thousand times due to the killing of the cloudy sky!

Lin Chen: "...Once, in the face of reinforcement, I only promised, now, I strike out!"

In the past, hundreds of thousands of intermediate strengthening points were strong Divine Transformation Dragon bloodline , Let Lin Chen stop.

However, now that he has 5.2 billion points, he can try to hit a higher [strengthening level].

Lin Chen, who had only a few hundred points of Saint Level cultivation technique essence before, now has 690,000 points! The top Heavenly Dao value has reached a terrifying 910,000 points, which is a direct increase of hundreds of thousands of times!

The attribute value of the growth category is also hundreds of times!

However, the system displays not only the attribute value, but also Lin Chen recently obtained the attribute treasure chest——

【The host obtains the Divine Attribute treasure chest, open it and obtain: War God Set of the sixth piece-the ultimate helmet design drawing (final piece). ]

[The host gets the innate talent attribute treasure chest and opens it to obtain: Orange-level intermediate active innate talent · Form Displacement Shadow. (The host can consume innate talent points and swap space positions with the designated target. It has a cooling time, and the cooling time depends on the opponent's cultivation base). ]

[The host obtains the innate talent attribute treasure chest, open it to obtain: an orange-rank innate talent compulsory upgrader. (The innate talent designated by the host can be forcibly upgraded to an orange-level innate talent, the Innate Ability is transformed, and the innate talent effect is greatly improved.)]

[The host obtains the innate talent attribute treasure chest, open it to obtain: Orange-level Intermediate permanent innate talent · Godslayer. (Permanent Godslayer, once activated will consume a lot of innate talent points, and has a cooling time. The cooling time depends on the strength of the boosting power. The stronger the boosting power the innate talent brings to the host, the longer the cooling time.)]

[Host obtains the cultivation technique type feature treasure chest, open it and obtain: Orange rank top cultivation technique fragment (1/3)]

[Host obtains the cultivation technique type feature treasure chest, open it and obtain: Orange rank top Cultivation technique fragments (2/3). After collecting the complete fragments, you can randomly obtain an orange-level top cultivation technique. ]

[The host opens the Saint Level attribute treasure chest and gets: 100 Fire Element Energy...]

Lin Chen was completely shocked by a series of system light screens frantically!

Saint King is Saint King, very awesome!

Even the permanent [Godslayer] innate talent is here!

Moreover, the orange-level top cultivation technique, the holy world is almost extinct, and only a few Grade 9 forces have inheritance.

Now Lin Chen only needs to collect one more fragment to obtain the orange-level top cultivation technique!

Even the final design drawing of the War God set is out!

Lin Chen couldn’t help but look up to sky and heave a deep sigh: "Kill Saint King, is he really cool!"

Hearing his words, the servants next to him said Look at Lin Chen with a look of monster.

Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun felt a chill inexplicably...

How cool is it to kill Saint King? I'm afraid that only Lin Chen can say this...

Since ancient times, which Saint King is not an arrogant, arbitrary existence, a side Supreme, almost Eternal Inextinguishable, Saint King’s Life essence can reach hundreds of thousands of epochs, and it will accumulate as the cultivation base in Saint King Realm increases.

In other words, as long as Saint King is not killed, it is Eternal Inextinguishable. Want to kill a Saint King, too difficult, too difficult.

"Everyone, I will give you a big gift this time!"

Suddenly, Lin Chen stood up with a smirk on his face.

The servants opened their eyes and looked at Lin Chen suspiciously.

"Now, in addition to the core method, choose another cultivation technique that is good at Absolute Art and practice it in the Divine Consciousness Sea. Don’t stop."

Lin Chen points to With Fang Ling, excited said with a smile.

"Just start with you, Fang Ling!"

Fang Ling was taken aback, but he held an attitude of absolute trust in the lord, sitting cross-legged, the holy cave absorbed a large amount of gold holy yuan At the same time as the currency, the core method was operated, and the Divine Consciousness Sea began to practice the'Extremely Que Kaitian' sword technique.

Lin Chen walked to Fang Ling, pointed his fingertips at the center of his eyebrows, and gave an order to the system.

"system, I want to turn on the attribute transfer function to transfer intermediate enhancement points!"

[The host turns on the transfer function and consumes 10,000 top Heavenly Dao points. Begin to transfer and strengthen the attribute value, and strengthen the cultivation technique required by the target. 】

【Strengthen the target's core method +1 successfully, consume 4000 intermediate strengthening points. 】

【Strengthen the battle skill selected by the target +1 successfully, consume 3200 intermediate strengthening points. ]


In an hour!


A certain space plane in the Holy Realm was crushed by a peerless sword qi that soared and shook the sky. There was no slag left. Where the sword qi passed, the Star River was cut off and the sun and the moon were divided. But in a flash!

All the servants are dumbfounded!

Even the waves and clouds are directly dumbfounded!

Lin Ping’s small eyes and big question marks, only she did not understand what was going on.

In the past, it was full of expert-bearing waves, but at this time it was very funny and stuttered: "This...I am not dreaming, am I? What happened? I am crazy or the world is crazy! "

Fang Ling seldom looked up to the sky and laughed: "hahahaha, turn the clouds, do you want to play a friendly game now, you are afraid I will be hit by me!"

Lang Fan Yun was dumbfounded, and blurted out subconsciously-"This must be unfair! Lord, what kind of powerful medicine is for you!"

Fang Ling's strength has soared by a notch!

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