bang! bang! bang!

ghostfiend Saint King, Qiankun Saint King, Celestial Phenomenon Saint King!

The Great Saint King, the third holy prison, appeared in the air, looking at Lin Chen and the others in the distance.

The strength of these three people is not inferior to the previous Two Great Saint Kings!

Originally, they wanted to wait until they concentrated their efforts to find Lin Chen. They didn't expect the other party to hit the door first!

It seems that this kid really does not play cards according to the routine!

Lin Chen raised his brows and chuckled: "You three Saint Kings, why are you hiding in the holy prison? If you had come to the Divine flame palace together, it would be fine. I don’t have much hobby. I like to pack, pack up your Saint King in the holy prison and take away."

Boom~! The violent Celestial Phenomenon Saint King came with a violent palm. The sky was spinning around and the light was dim. If there are thousands of giant elephants rolling in, all around are dazzling giant beast afterimages!

It's all pure pure power attack!


Fang Ling cuts across with a sword, and the Holy Force condenses the achievement of Saint sword like the aurora on the horizontal plane, and cuts all Celestial Phenomenon with one sword!

The shadowy ghostfiend Saint King squinted his eyes—"Fang Ling? He actually stepped into the Saint King Realm? What kind of chance is this? And the realm is extremely stable, and I don’t want it at all. New promotion status!"

It was beyond their expectation that they recovered to their heyday after breaking out of prison. Promoting to Saint King is simply a fantasy story!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't even believe what the intelligence said!

Shangguan Invincible sneered--"You Old Guys, you haven’t made much progress for so many years. Don’t worry, there will be more and more Saint Kings in our team!"

As soon as the words came out, the anger and killing intent of ghostfiend Saint King and Celestial Phenomenon Saint King were even worse!

Since this is the case, let them go even more!

How to say that the holy prison is also their territory, and the other party dares to send it to the door, that is to fight in their territory!

ghostfiend Saint King coldly shouted: "Everyone listens to the order, one piece is destroyed..."

"Wait a minute!"

The elegant and handsome Universe Saint King Suddenly coldly shouted!

He stared at Lin Chen who was joking and joking, and suddenly said.

"You all person, half of them quickly went to the holy prison passage and went to the 16th floor to look down on other criminals! In addition, for the 9th rank cultivation base, go and guard the first layer's resource Secret Realm entrance."

The behavior of Lin Chen and the others made him notice the abnormality. According to their abilities, a sneak attack should be the most effective way to injure them. Why did they show up on purpose?

There must be something strange!

As soon as this sentence came out, Lin Chen's servants complexion slightly changed.

Lin Chen put away a playful smile, with great interest: "As expected of Saint King, I can see through my intentions at a glance. It's really not good to be yin with these old monsters."

Long Jiushan grinned and said: "Master, then don't talk nonsense with them, just hit them!"

Lin Chen laughed: "Then just be them right!"

These powerhouses who stayed behind in the most holy prison are all strong players in the fourth team of the holy prison. Taki fought with the Saint Kings. Most of them are ruthless characters with a cultivation base of rank 7 or higher. There are a total of 88 people!

In addition to ten nine-turn Saints, there are half of the resource Secret Realm treasury stationed there.

For the remaining power, if multiple teams work together, Lin Chen’s Nine-Ran Peak will at least have to hit four to five each!

If everyone peak state, the problem is not big.

After the Divine flame battle, everyone’s status has not been adjusted so quickly. Everyone’s overall battle strength is about 70%. If you count the cultivation technique that Lin Chen has strengthened for them, the heyday will be Stronger.


A surge of pressure against Heavenly Might came, and another Saint King appeared!

Lin Chen rolled his eyes, and the tall tower in the distance stepped into the air to a silhouette.

Ancestor of Wu Family!

Qiankun Saint King awe-inspiring said with a smile: "It seems that your Excellency really wants to cooperate. Although the fighters are not right, it happens to be here to kill them all!"

I saw, Wu Family's ancestor turned his eyes and suddenly said with a smile.

"Since the old man has appeared, the disaster of pain should have appeared."

Wu Family Old Ancestor's gaze scanned the Holy Prison First Layer like a sharp blade.

Saint King is Saint King after all, and all the elements of Lin Chen's actions are clearly understood! Although Lin Ping'an hasn't appeared yet, Wu Family Old Ancestor is certain that Lin Chen will bring her!

"War God Set!"

Om~! Lin Chen's five-piece War God set is attached to the body for the first time, blasting All Heavens and Myriad Realms' invincible divine might blessing into the body, such as the brilliant Golden-Red Clouds divine light flooded with the Holy Prison First Layer!

"Is this the killing move of this child......"

Qiankun Saint King is watching Lin Chen ——

Lin Chen is now closing the hole Status, the Holy Force cultivation base cannot be used, and if you want to participate in the battle above the eighth rank cultivation base, you have to rely on the War God five-piece suit.

bang! bang! bang!

golden light divine splendor haunts Lin Chen, his pure power in a blink of an eye, from 60,000 power breakthrough to 500,000, 800,000 , 900,000 powers! Stop at the limit of half-step Saint King Peak!

"Sure enough, without Godslayer, I can only reach 900,000 powers. Although the War God set has become stronger, my foundation has not kept up."

In the closed hole state, Lin Chen cannot use the Godslayer innate talent. He can only use pure power to oppose the enemy. Now he can be regarded as the supreme powerhouse under Saint King!

Boom! Lin Chen stepped into the void and took the lead, rushing into the direction of many prison guards!

ghostfiend Saint King flicks with the finger, Ghost Qi whistling, turning into a shocking finger to run away Lin Chen!

"Stop hurting my lord!"

The waves cut across the clouds, cut Sun, Moon and Stars, and broke through the ghosts, the two kings confronted, and intercepted!

Fang Ling faced Celestial Phenomenon Saint King, sword edge broke myriad forms, and moved the sky with a sword!

Four kings fought, and the Holy Prison First Layer suddenly began to tremble violently.

On the other side, Ji Wuchen said seriously.

"In that case, let's go together! Fight around him!"

Jiang Wan'er said: "You cooperate with Invincible and Feiyan, and involve the Saint King, don't try hard! Those guys who are going down, give it to me, Feixue and the lord!"

Qi Feiyan and Shangguan Wudi were in the Divine flame palace in the first battle, in order to intercept a protector of the law, it cost a lot.

Now it is very dangerous for them to delay a Saint King's words.

So, you of 19 layers have to assist the two of them. It is the best plan to stop Saint King.

Seeing that Saint King of Qiankun saw that he was surrounded, he smiled indifferently: "If you don't protect your lord, you will come to me for trouble."

Long Jiushan sneered: "Lord Don't need our protection, worry about yourself first!"

tone barely fell, he raised his hand and punched, and the pure power of horror like Great Desolate rushed down, crushing the light, murky heavens dark earth!

Qi Feiyan shot his bow, Qin Nine Heavens swung his battle axe and cut across the air——

Situ Changsheng released the Primordial Spirit Formation in one breath, facing a Saint King, they A face-to-face is a big kill!

Wu Family Old Ancestor was the only one who stood still.

His eyes scanned the surroundings all the time.

He is waiting, waiting for Lin Ping An to show up!

As long as he doesn't move, the other party's painful disaster cannot be acted easily!

At this time, if he raided Lin Chen, there may be a breakthrough fighter, but this is equivalent to leaving behind the disaster of pain.

In this case, whoever takes the first step will suffer!

Wu Family Old Ancestor, who sits in the First Layer of the Holy Prison, has not acted easily, and the battle has suddenly fallen into a stalemate.

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