While Saint King of the Universe is in a fight with everyone, he observes secretly, activates the secret technique clearly understood all around, and continues to hide his strength.

"If you count according to the guys in 19 layers, Jiang Taixu and You Wangsheng are not there, the disaster of pain has not appeared, and the destruction of the earth and the earth has not appeared. Didn't it come, or say Hidden away, it’s not a concern to travel to life, but others are different..."

On the other side;

As Qiankun Saint King expected, Lin Chen's body is responsible for the front Boom hard, attract attention!

His Phantom Clone has brought Xiao Linger and another servant, Sorrowful Ghost, to move quickly!

"Extremely Que Opening Heaven Sword!"

Lin Chen smashed the 5th floor space giant with a single sword, Xiao Linger opened a space channel in a blink of an eye, and quickly dived into the Sixth Layer !

In the void channel, Lin Chen Avatar said solemnly to Xiao Linger.

"Ling'er, how long will it take to reach the 16th-layer. The other side has already discovered our intentions on the body side!"

Xiao Ling'er said: "It takes two at the earliest. In a quarter of an hour, there must be no battle in the middle."

"It seems that this battle must be fought."

Lin Chen’s Phantom Clone once again released three An Avatar, the Sacred Dragon appears in the air, and the power of the Divine Dragon permeates the space channel.

This time, Lin Chen will go to the 16th floor and bring more helpers out!

Now his cultivation base is not what it used to be, and the spiritual realm is about to become Primordial Spirit. Adding a group of servants is no problem at all!

However, Lin Chen doesn't want anyone.

He specially brought the'Heavenly Eye' Sorrowful Ghost this time, just to identify the heroes of all walks of life.

Heavenly Eye of Sorrowful Ghost can see part of the cause and effect and life of his same level, or Saint below.

Anyone who is contaminated with evil fruit and baleful aura is more vicious and evil.

On the 16th floor, the cultivation base does not exceed Sorrowful Ghost, so he can screen as much as he wants.

Anyone commiting any imaginable misdeed, a treacherous and insidious villain, or Saint whose hands are stained with blood on the sea corpse mountain, Lin Chen will not be a bird.


It is another sword, Lin Chen like a hot knife through butter's breakthrough to the 9th floor!

His goal this time is the powerhouse on the 16th and 14th floors!

The powerhouse detained on these three floors are basically strong players from the 7th to the 4th cultivation base! If you can take it out, you will surely be able to form a powerful enough force!

"What is the situation, the space gate was cut off?"

"The situation is wrong, a powerful intruder has already invaded to the next level!"

The moment the prison guards saw the space gate being shattered, they immediately sounded the next level!

Holy Prison 12 layers space gate!

After discovering the intruder, all the prison guard Saint immediately gathered here!

There are a total of thirty-six Saints with seven turns or more, and a dozen Saints with three turns, all of them returned after going out to explore the galaxy where the remains of the Divine Emperor are located.

Originally, they originally planned to go to 16th-layer.

However, if a war starts on the 16th-layer, they are not absolutely sure to prevent the intruder from releasing other prisoners, so they must delay the enemy at 12 layers!

"This time we are going to be shameless, remember, at all costs stop them!"

"It is them who are desperate. They dare to come to our holy prison. courting death! As long as you drag them to death here, you adults will be able to destroy them when they return!"

"We opened the jade slip of the space gate, so pay attention to them. They may be there anytime. Appeared!"

A group of powerful prison guards just finished speaking.

tone barely fell ——

Boom! boom! boom!

The towering giant space gate behind them was suddenly cut off, and everyone was stunned!

What the hell is this weird magic!

They dignified the 7th and 8th rotation cultivation base, and they didn't even notice the spatial trajectory!

It's like a ghost!

"Don't care if you can't see it, they must go through the space gate and fight directly!"

An Ancient One loudly shouted from the eighth-level cultivation base, condensing the cultivation base for three consecutive strokes Claws, vigorous and horizontal, the claws cover the stars and cover the moon!

Other powerhouses reacted very quickly, and immediately concentrated their attacks and flooded into the broken space door.

All kinds of offensives sweeping the starry sky, flashing across the sky, rushing fiercely from all directions!

The Sorrowful Ghost hiding in the void stood up with a solemn expression.

Such a terrifying offensive wave is enough to threaten the life of Saint of Rank Nine, and it is better than that of Peak Saint of Rank Nine.

Xiao Linger's hands are slender, and the rays of light in the silver white space are like butterflies flying, and she looks like she is ready to shoot.

"Don't shoot, the speed will be slow, let me fix them!" I saw, Lin Chen Avatar smiled confidently, standing directly behind the void channel, facing there A super fast offensive wave!

Lin Chen Hengkong a palm, ten thousand zhang gray talisman covering the heavens, shielding the sun, blooming and exploding!

[The host uses 4000 Saint Level rune energy to activate Level 8 Rune of Slowness. 】

When the gray talisman exploded, all the spaces were frozen and stopped, as if they were still! The space is so solid that all kinds of offensives have stopped!

Almost at the same moment, the four major Avatars copied Holy Artifact, Absolute Flame Sword, Frozen Heavenly Sword, Nine Heavens Starfury Bow, and Three Saint Level Flying Swords!

The body of Lin Chen cannot use the Holy Force cultivation base, but Avatar can!

[The host consumes 1600 innate talent points to activate the instant light splitting innate talent. 】

"God's Tears!"

"Red Flame Burning Sky Arrow!"

"Extreme Que God Speed ​​Sword!"

" Lotus dance!"

Blade Qi fragments are like squally showers, sword glow is like tidal water, the lotus blade glow that dances all over the sky whizzes away, and the arrow light that burns the sky falls straight down, all divided into pieces Fives!

Boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Adjacent to the space channel, the space with a radius of one million li exploded into faults, and the whole world was upset!

Lin Chen this move with Rune of Slowness's concentrated offensive has not prevented many prisoners from attacking, but weakened the formidable power of one third!

The lord has become stronger again!

Xiao Ling'er and Sorrowful Ghost had the same thoughts in their minds. Compared with the previous singles against the nine Great Saints, the lord’s cultivation base has not changed, but the cultivation technique formidable power has completely changed several levels. !

Almost at the same moment, the Sacred Dragon shining golden light danced in the sky, the dragon tail swung, and when the dragon body rapidly enlarged, it released endless scarlet gold breath, winding the dragon body, turning into red Xia, Divine Light Body Protection!

"Tai Xi divine light!"

When the divine light of scarlet gold enveloped the Sacred Dragon, the dragon body blocked, and all the offensives all strikes!


The space channel created by Xiao Linger shook violently, and the offensive slowly dissipated——

I saw that Lin Chen’s Sacred Dragon and Avatar were unscathed!

When the Avatar withdrew from the space channel, the Sacred Dragon spun quickly and was incorporated into the body.

Sorrowful Ghost is full of surprise and astonishment. He knows that the Avatar of the lord has his true cultivation base, but this is too terrifying!

At the previous moment, under the premise of hurriedly coping with it, he might not be able to retreat if he changed to block!

Lin Chen Avatar grinned--"The enhanced +16 Divine Dragon bloodline and the enhanced +17 cultivation technique, really awesome, hard-wired a large wave of offensive, and can hardly block a wave of Saint's offensive comparable to the 9th revolution. , Unscathed! Refreshing!"

"Just rush down at such a speed!"

On the other side; all the prison guards who were blocked from the attack were shocked and almost doubted their lives. !

So easy to block their offensive, does the opponent have a half-step Saint King Level other powerhouse?

"Damn it, don't care if they have who, catch up!"

You Ancient One coldly shouted, leading everyone into the giant space gate, at this moment--


Another gray talisman covering the stars and the moon lassed and exploded suddenly, making them caught off guard!

Their Holy Force, the action, all became particularly slow, slow response!

By the time the highest part of their cultivation base broke through the shackles, ten breaths had passed!

Lin Chen’s Avatar, down 16 floors! !

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