"Calm down!" Qiankun Saint King slapped his shoulder with a slap, the space oscillated and twisted, coldly shouted.

"Is there no loss in my holy prison? My holy prison also invited the will of the gods out!"

"Does this king want this kid to die? Who knows? He still has this kind of trump card. This is unexpected. It is meaningless to vent his emotions. We all have serious losses. What we want now is to stop the losses in time!"

The Saint King reluctantly made Wu Family When Old Ancestor calmed down, he said again.

"Besides, the price paid this time is not in vain. At least we know this kid’s ultimate move."

"If you don’t have the will of the gods and you Wu Family's divine blood let this kid initiate this move, and we will die unclearly!"

The eyes of Saint King of Qiankun flashed with strange light, and continued.

"When this kid was fighting with us, he didn't use the battle strength he used to fight with the Divine flame palace. If he can really kill a Saint King with a punch, he should have taken it out just now. Impossible to wait until later At the risk of his own death."

"This king speculates that whether it is the ultimate weapon that just contends with the divine blood and the will of the gods, it is also the ultimate weapon to kill Saint King. Well, he definitely can't use it for the second time, at least, not in a short time!"

The Four Kings glanced at each other--

Yes, Saint King, Qiankun, guessed it pretty close.

Saint King's vision and vision are not so easy to be frightened!

The stronger the power, the more you need to pay a sufficient price.

No matter how strong Lin Chen is, he is just a Saint 5th layer. When he can't use those external forces, he can't turn over any waves in front of Saint King!

Celestial Phenomenon Saint King in a low, muffled voice said: "In other words, if you want to take his life, you can only take advantage of this short-term opportunity!"

Universal Saint King nodded: "Yes, don't give him a chance to breathe. However, with our current lineup, we still need the big brothers to come back, and..."

His eyes are far away: "Since it is a rising star, Naturally, young power is also needed to deal with this child. We need more powerhouses......"

Wu Family Old Ancestor said gloomily: "You mean Genesis Alliance?"

Qiankun Saint King said seriously: "The forces that can quickly stand with us at the moment are only them. I can't think of my holy prison, but I will be reduced to the time when we negotiate terms with these youngsters..."

"Go Well, killing this child is much more important than the face of your holy prison!"

Wu Family Old Ancestor takes the lead, and the four King Armaments are divided into two.

Qiankun Saint King and Wu Family Old Ancestor go to the Genesis Alliance, and the two kings need to return to the holy prison to stabilize the prison layer below!


One month later, in the strange realm of the holy world, in the vein of Jade Dragon Mountain of World of Ice and Snow.

Here is the new stronghold of Bingxin Palace.

There used to be many Grade 5 and Grade 6 Big Sects who wanted to covet the new forces here. When they wanted to occupy their territory, they sent many Life and Death Realm powerhouses.

When these forces attempted to forcibly suppress the Bingxin Palace, they didn't even enter the gate and were directly shattered by a sound!

Until those Life and Death Realm Saints were shaken to death, the sects of Qiyu all around realized how terrifying this new mysterious force was!

Bingxin Palace, Bingtian Secret Realm——

Leng Yueqi wore a blue long dress, glamorous and beautiful, she caressed the face of the teenager under Yu's knee.

Leng Yueqi couldn't help but burst into a beautiful smile looking at his sleepy face. She liked this peaceful moment very much.

"Is he still awake, cold elder sister."

The jade bead's crisp voice echoes with ice Snow Mountain within the valley, followed by a lithe and graceful slender shadow When the wind blows, Fairy has picturesque eyebrows, and its temperament resembles the blooming Azure Lotus, quiet and extraordinary, like a fairy.

Faced with Ning Qingxuan’s concern, Leng Yueqi shook her head and said, “I haven’t awakened, but after taking the medicine pill from Youwangsheng, my Qi and blood have gradually recovered to the best state, perhaps the spirit. Too tired."

She lowered her head and bent down, and the slender jade finger flicked the outline of Lin Chen's face, and suddenly said with a smile.

"If possible, I would like to let him rest forever. It is enough to stay quietly with him."

Ning Qingxuan said with a smile: "The present The holy world is so chaotic, if he wakes up, he might make another major event."

The two girls looked at each other and smiled.

Ning Qingxuan said: "He will always be a knife mouth tofu heart. He says he can't be a hero. He wants to live a free and easy life, but he is always at the forefront of this period..."

Leng Yueqi said with a smile: "Tell me about the time you met for the first time."

Ning Qingxuan, who has always been elegant and close, has a rare light tongue with a smile. Cunningly, "Didn't you say it many times, Leng elder sister, is this going to check the post for him? We haven't happened yet." Leng Yueqi smiled: "Maybe next What's going on."

At this time--

Wei white's mental starlight flickered from Lin Chen's eyebrows, seemingly a sign of recovery.

"He really wants to wake up!"

"Finally rested, I'll talk to everyone. Don’t worry everyone!"

Leng Yue When Qi stared at Lin Chen, Ning Qingxuan immediately sounded and transmitted everyone outside.

I saw that the Bingtian Secret Realm melted into a spatial vortex, straight to the mountain within the valley, and a crowd of silhouettes swept over.

Qi Feiyan: "Lord, are you okay!"

Long Jiushan: "Lord, don’t worry! I just went to give you a giant dragon whip to wrap your kidneys. Good legs, good spirits!"

Ji Wuchen: "Go go go, don't harm the lord, but drink the nourishing soup I made for the lord."

Bai Qianqian: "Is the master really okay..."

Little Demon Empress: "Lin Chen, you must have nothing to do. If your most hard and special man falls, this Young Lady There is no climax to watch!"

Bai Ruoyan, Jian Qingcheng, and the Little Demon Empress were all worried about their pretty faces, and they rushed in with the servants!

I saw, under the ice and snow jade tree, Lin Chen slept very sweetly on Leng Yueqi’s knee pillow.

At this moment, his brow furrowed, and he slowly revealed a foolish smile, chuckled.

"Sister Yan...I also have a Divine flame on my body. Come and help me put out the fire..."

"It seems a bit too hot, sister Yueqi, come and help I balance it, yes, it’s there, it’s cold..."

The atmosphere suddenly became very quiet--

The servants of the'coming people' looked at each other, Tacitly.

When the girls heard this, they blushed immediately, and they were so beautiful.

This guy, he still talks so much when he sleeps!

When the servants saw Lin Chen sleeping so deeply, Essence, Qi, and Spirit and Saint Physique had no problems. They smiled at each other and quietly withdrew...

Only The simple Lin Pingan was very curious, and curiously asked Bai Ruoyan: "Ruoyan elder sister, does Lin Chen also have a Divine flame on her body? Why can't I feel it?"

Bai Ruoyan Xia Ran sipped her cheeks, "Because he is a little thief!"

The crimson Fairy chuckled and leaned in Lin Ping'an's ear and whispered a few words.

At that moment, Lin Ping'an'grew up'.

I saw Lin Chen’s idiot laugh more and more arrogant, and even said with a smile while talking with a halazi,

"Hey, Qingxuan, what are you doing? I This person prefers to eat watermelon and drink watermelon juice. Well, these two watermelons are quite big."

"The little fairy will dance again, please dance on me, thank you."

"Qianqian, are you getting fat, let me Kangkang."

"Yizhi, why are you so proactive? Actually, I like the back, not the top."

The corners of the women’s lips twitched slightly...

You are still not a human being, Yizhi, you will not let it go!

What dream did this guy have!

"Qingcheng, help me..."

At this time, Jian Qingcheng was surprised and happy when he heard his name, and his heart was restless.

This bad guy is in his dream, what is he doing to himself?

She was afraid that he would go too far, and that he would do nothing.

The beautiful lady is like a cat scratching her heart, listening to his dreams with her ears pricked up--

I saw, Lin Chen was muttering sleep talks while she was sleeping like a idiot.

"Help me to count the spirit plant of my luck, so many, don't leave it..."

Sword Qingcheng: "..."

Om ! Hum! Hum!

The long red hair glows with a sharp sword qi, and the jade hand of the sword allure is slowly placed on the handle of the sword, and the sword is drawn with desire.

Ye Qingwu stopped her suddenly: "Qingcheng younger sister, don't..."

Jian Qingcheng has no expression on her face, coldly said-"Why, you want to stop me? "

Ye Qingwu suddenly handed over a holy sword, smiling enchantingly--"Your sword is a little lower in grade. Use this one, Grade 6, it's exciting!"

Jade hand took the sword and suddenly smiled: "Good sister."

Ye Qingwu gave a silent thumbs up.


The beautiful woman's sword is out of its sheath, and the sword cuts the lover!


"Mom, it hurts!"

Lin Chen was blasted by a sword, his handsome face was dumbfounded, and he woke up with his face covered.

"Wow, what's going on! Who slashed my handsome face with a sword, and beat people without slapping the face!"

"en? Qingcheng, what are you doing, fucking , Grade 6 holy sword, am I still wounded!"

"You’re enough! Cut me and get my gun again...Huh? Damn, goblin, you give her the second one, you Are you crazy!"


Lin Pingan: "Please increase your efforts."

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