Lin Chen was slashed by a single pass, and was run over by Jian Qingcheng.

Lin Shuai has a dumb face.

"Good fellow, this woman is unreasonable when she is crazy! Asking but not talking, hitting and hard. This handsome guy didn't do anything to you, why are you cutting me! You are jealous of me Seeing this scene, Leng Yueqi and Bai Ruoyan laughed and looked at each other.

Lin Chen’s flesh-shell Saint Physique is extraordinary. Ordinary swords can’t hurt him at all. Grade 6 Holy Artifact will hurt him a few times at most without any substantial harm.

Leng Yueqi faint smile: "Won't Ruoyan elder sister go up and stop it, but he got injured after picking the War God Flame Palace for you."

Bai Ruoyan Smile like a flower: "It's his charming small sect training, Leng teacher is the one, don't you feel sorry for him?" Leng Yueqi showed a beautiful smile, slowly said: " Madam tolerating Husband’s little naughty is as it should be by rights, isn’t it."

This smile is like a thousand flowers in full bloom, like the cold icy flowers on Snow Mountain’s summit, blooming suddenly, all night. Qing Wu stared blankly for a while.

For such a glamorous person with such a smile, even a woman has to fall into it!


Bai Ruoyan squinted her beautiful eyes, then said with a smile: "Then congratulations to Yueqi younger sister."

Bai Qianqian: "...I'm so uncomfortable. What's wrong with the two elder sisters?"

Crimson Fairy giggled said with a smile: "Little girl, this is a little far away for you , The woman's heart is seabed."

Ye Qingwu's eyes shined, and even muttered to herself: "Fight, fight!"

Ning Qingxuan, hold your forehead......

A quarter of an hour later.

Lin Chen was chopped thousands of swords, and finally made Miss Jian Qingcheng calm down a little.

Dashuai Lin sat on the ground like he was suspicious of life.

"Thinking that my heart arsonist crossed the Sacred Realm I, I was cut thousands of swords by a beauty, unknown, who can tell me what happened?"

" I didn't do anything to you!"

Sword Qingcheng bit his white teeth lightly, his eyebrows were raised, and his beautiful eyes glared at him.

Do you want to tell him Lin Chen,'Unhappy is because you have bad thoughts about other women in your dreams, even if you are thinking about male children, you are not interested in this Young Lady'?

Doesn’t that mean that the charm of her sword Qingcheng is not as good as Han Yizhi to Lin Chen?

"hmph! This Young Lady kills you if you want to kill, it's better to kill you a dead person!"

Sword Qingcheng left in a huff.

Lin Chen looked at her leaving behind and couldn't help but said: "What did I do to make her so angry!"

Ye Qingwu patted his On the shoulder, faint smile: "Because of you, I didn't do anything."

Lin Chen: "...very profound, little fairy, can you give me some more hints."

"Okay, that's the end of the nonsense. Everyone is waiting for you, our lord."

Suddenly, Scarlet Fairy continued to be serious and continued: "The current Holy Realm has been completely messed up by the Genesis Alliance. The fact that you destroyed half of the holy prison is also known in Grade 9 sect. A large number of powerhouses were born just to guard us. How about your choice. Everyone is waiting."

Speaking of business affairs, Lin Chen seriously pondered for a moment.

"Go, call everyone together!"


Bingxin Palace great hall ——

A total of 212 servants , Get together!

"I have seen the lord!"

The servants one-knee kneels, respectfully greeted.

This month, during Lin Chen's recovery process, the servants of the 16th-layer and 15 layers, Holy Force has recovered 50%, and all the injuries have been completely recovered!

With You Wangsheng, the great character who is about to become the Grade 9 Saint Level Alchemist, treating them is a small problem!

When I really learned about Lin Chen's behavior and record, none of the 150 servants who joined afterwards refused to accept it!

They are truly sincere to Lin Chen, no more words!

A character who dares to challenge Grade 9 sect, kill the son of Martial God, and even overthrow the holy prison, is more than enough to be their lord!

Furthermore, Lin Chen seems to be acting out of order, but the bottom line is still there. He releases the prisoners of the holy prison, and only releases the powerhouse that recruits the servants. He will not accept anyone else, and even release will not Release it.

There is no shortage of vicious and evil people in the holy prison. If they are released and let them escape, it will be the side of the evil and cause great disaster. If Lin Chen releases other criminals, it will increase the burden of the holy prison. It is clearly beneficial to him but he has not done it.

If you want to betray someone, you must convince them first.

The new servant, who admired Lin Chen's temperament and his actions, prostrate oneself in admiration, and his emotions are extremely high, and there is no separation between other servants!

All their arrogance and achievements are worthless in front of this lord!

The way of Lin Chen straight to the point.

"Now the holy world will be chaotic. Now that we have become the target of public criticism, the first task now is to protect ourselves, control others and accumulate strength."

Lin Chen turned to Jiang Taixu , He immediately understood and stood up and told.

"Recently, the Prediction Master has attempted to deduce our position fifteen times. The old man has been completely blocked. You can rest assured, as long as it is not the old man Wuji, the old man can guarantee that your actions will not Expose in advance."

Chin also walked out and said seriously: "The Genesis Alliance is frantically looking for our information and whereabouts during this period. It has been investigating Qiyu many times. Lord, did they kill their eyeliner? "

"Very good." Lin Chen nodded, then said: "In this case, first cover your own retreat."

He jokingly said with a smile: "However, accumulate strength It doesn’t mean that we want to be coward. The Genesis Alliance wants to make trouble, and we will do it. Let’s mess up them together, first get rid of their eyeliner. Ling'er and Qianshou are responsible for shifting positions at any time."

"Lord, we too. To play!"

The servants of the fifteenth and 16th-layer be eager to have a try excitedly.

Lin Chen said with a smile: "No hurry, wait for your Holy Force to recover more than 70%, and some will fight for you."


At this moment, Xiao Ling'er's pretty face was full of worries, she stared at Lin Chen's eyes.

"Now that the most bitter sentient beings are mortals, the Genesis Alliance has begun to eliminate mortals, and even use bloodworm venomous insect's poison to poison mortals on a large scale."

"Their venomous insect's Poison is very powerful, and it has already begun to be used in a large area in the yellow domain. If the Saint bloodline is impure, it will be eroded to death by toxins and painful to death. If there is a strong enough bloodline innate talent and physique, it can also be immune to venomous insect's poison. Feng'er and the reborn senior have already mediated the antidote, but..."

Lin Feng'er, one of the servants of 18 Layer, the cultivation base of Rank Nine, the Holy Realm can be counted on one's fingers, the poisonous expert, if The materials are sufficient and can even refine the venomous insect's poison that threatens Saint King.

This answer caused Lin Chen to fall into contemplation, one head and two big ones.

Standing at the present height, any choice of Lin Chen is very important, a decision will affect innumerable living beings!

Now the Genesis Alliance is flourishing, and the forces that can resist them are all guarding each other or guarding him. Lin Chen——

Detoxification and saving people is for the power present, small issue.

The problem is that saving these innumerable living beings will definitely expose the position of the entire team.

If you don't save, mortals will die more and more.

Lin Chen thought in his heart-"The Genesis Alliance is completely annihilating humanity, and it also used the most brilliant method. If there is a leftover Saint or other genius among the mortals, they can also be venomous. To survive the insect's poison, these geniuses are either recruited or destroyed."

The Genesis Alliance does not overthrow all mortals in one shot.

For example, mortals like Shen Lingshuang, who have unknown backgrounds but have Martial God bloodline, can survive the venomous insect's poison.

Shen Lingshuang's cases are everywhere in the vast world of the Holy Realm. Of course, Martial God bloodline is still unique and unmatched. But there are many people with similar experiences.

But as soon as the venomous insect's poison comes out, whoever has the innate talent and who has the potential will be in full view, unless they are not in the holy world.

They just want to identify lost geniuses like Shen Lingshuang, and then solicit the flames that can threaten them, then draw them over and turn the other party into their own.

If you can't win, it will be completely destroyed!

This is real class rule. If the Genesis Alliance succeeds, there will be no Human Race from now on. In the era when a hundred flowers bloom, there will only be one Genesis Alliance in the Holy Realm!

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