Bai Ruoyan overthrew Lin Chen.

Fairy bit her white teeth, Hongxia stained her cheeks, and questioned the little thief.

"I know, Lord Lin is really such a great ability, Fiend Empress, Yueqi younger sister, you have harmed you!"

Lin Chen's mouth twitched slightly, embarrassed said with a smile: "This...who told you..."

Bai Ruoyan's beautiful eyes flickered with tears, coldly snorted and said: "Your little fairy."

Lin Chen's heart is drawn.

Your uncle, Ye Qingwu, you actually sold me!

Shangguan Jue is trying to keep this commander secret, you actually sold me!

Bai Ruoyan stared at the little thief and said: "If I don't ask, would you not tell me for the rest of your life."

Lin Chen hurriedly said: "No, I am not Didn't find the right time to say..."


This new Divine flame Palace Lord ripped off the robe of the little thief--

She saw the shallow and obvious scars on Lin Chen's shoulders, chest, and arms. When applying the seal, my fingertips gently stroked Yu Qianqian's tooth mark, pursing her lips distressedly.

"What a vicious woman, how can she bite it down..."

Lin Chen wanted to speak, and Fairy's fragrant lips were printed lightly, preventing his explanation.

Yusi pulls away, Bai Ruoyan's gaze has a different kind of charm.

"Little thief, I regretted it when I was in the Divine flame palace. Why didn’t I be with you earlier when I was in Nine Provinces? I won’t let myself regret it again this time. Make up for what you owe!"

Fairy tone barely fell, the Divine flame all over the body burns, and it slowly condenses into a spiritual Avatar!

The charm and appearance of the spiritual Avatar is exactly the same as Bai Ruoyan!

Lin Chen: "??"

Bai Ruoyan suddenly burst into laughter, tears in his laughter, and tears like fine jade embellishment, beautiful and beautiful, beautiful and stunning.

"The early bird catches the worm by other women, but I know, your other first time, it will be me!"

I saw, Fairy’s Spirit Avatar Like the body, he knocked down Lin Shuai's Primordial Spirit Avatar!

Lin was shown off!

Avatar and body are both knocked down, is there such an operation?

Outside Bingxin Palace——

Today, Shenji Pavilion visited Jiang Taixu in secret.

Ziyun Pavilion of Bingxin Palace.

At this time, Xu Qingxue, one of the three chief Elders of the Shenji Pavilion, has complicated eyes in her wonderful eyes, faintly sighed, and full of sadness.

"I haven't seen you in many years, you have become this old fogey look..."

Jiang Taixu pours tea, freely said with a smile: "The phase changes from the heart , I have no intention of pursuing the first place, but my mind is transparent and bright, bring it up a level, not to mention the past."

The beautiful woman took a sip and thought to herself, you are cool, can you? For the sake of those who worry about you! A comforting word will not say!

The other two Elders laughed loudly when old friends met and everyone sat down for a chat.

bang! bang! bang!

The entire Bingxin Palace vibrated and trembled, the peaks trembled, the tabletop shook, and even the tea was spilled.

The three people of Shenji Pavilion were surprised.

Xu Qingxue said in surprise: "How can there be an earthquake? Could it be that a strong enemy is coming?"

She was about to count the Bingxin Palace, Jiang Taixu raised her hand to stop it. Said with a smile: "It's okay. The area here is relatively empty. Our lord will exercise his body occasionally, and it is normal to shake and shake."

"Exercise body?" The beautiful woman was taken aback, and then her pretty face turned red. A light sip: "What kind of lord are you, you are not doing your job properly!"

Jiang Taixu laughed: "hahaha, the lord is acting, first under the heavens!"

The back pavilion of Bingxin Palace— —

Ji Wuchen and the others were just astonished by this sudden movement.

Immediately, Ji Wuchen and Long Jiushan smiled heartily.

Qi Feiyan: "It looks like an earthquake."

Shangguan Invincible: "It's not just an earthquake, even space is shaking!"

Qin Nine Heavens : "His, horrible!"

Chin and Dimie smiled rarely.

Tianjin pretended to hold his forehead, and his stern face pretended to be uncomfortable: "It made me dizzy."

Fang Ling said seriously and nodded: "The most powerful thing is , The frequency of the vibration is amazing. Listen to the frequency and rhythm of the vibration, there is even a melody of the general order."

Lang Fanyun said seriously: "Does the vibration melody resemble a general order?"

How did I hear it is "The Club is Busy"."

Ji Wuchen said with a smile as an old and disrespectful "This earthquake is really spirituality! Most importantly, it was still very shaken." Long lasting."

Yun Tianguang rubbed his chin: "Based on my experience in my youth, calculated from the shaking amplitude of earthquakes and space earthquakes and the number of air waves generated by the air, the depth of this earthquake is at least seven in one second. Next, um, it's almost a major disaster."

"no!" Situ Changsheng suddenly raised his hand, saying very solemnly.

"You only saw the surface, not the inside. I can even feel that there is a little Spiritual Fluctuation of the air waves generated by this earthquake!"

What! Everyone suck in a breath of cold air!

Are all spirit strength shaking? Amazing! You are indeed an expert, you can perceive this!

Jiang Wan'er was lightly coughed, pretty face slightly red, her eyes squinted, and she said nonsense: "It's a bit hot, I'm going out first."

Everyone suddenly realized!

This World of Ice and Snow, Miss Wan'er feels hot.

Well, it's really time to improve the environment.

Jiang Wan'er escaped into the void and flashed away. When she stood on a mountain, her face was flushed.

"en? That's..."

Jiang Wan'er suddenly discovered that on an iceberg in the distance, Xiao Ling'er, who was in charge of anticipating foreign enemies, was holding an ancient mirror with beautiful eyes staring intently. Staring at the ancient mirror.

She remembers that this mirror is one of Xiao Linger’s Life Source Holy Artifact, the ancient mirror of Xuantian, which can see through all the blocked or hidden space planes, and clearly understood the time and space of eight persons and ten directions. , The real Rare Item.

At this time, Xiao Linger was staring at the ancient mirror intently, her ears were dyed by the red clouds, her beautiful and feminine cheeks were all flushed.

"Your Excellency Ling'er?"

Jiang Wan'er appeared suddenly, Xiao Ling'er was startled, and hurriedly put away the ancient mirror of Xuantian, her expression crossed a trace of panic, said with a smile .

"Miss Wan'er, why come here suddenly, I've been around here, there is no problem."

Jiang Wan'er nodded: "Well, you do things, we can rest assured ......"

Xiao Ling'er forced her composure and smiled: "Miss Wan'er laughed, your Xianxia thaumaturgy is more brilliant than mine."

Jiang Wan'er shook her head: "The spatial divine technique is not a small technique."

The two girls looked at each other and chuckled.

The atmosphere is suddenly a bit awkward.

Jiang Wan'er is lightly coughed: "I suddenly lack a mirror, Miss Ling'er mind letting me use the ancient mirror of Xuantian too."

Xiao Ling'er startedled, jade hand lightly stroked A strand of blue silk, looking into the distance for a moment, suddenly looking back, smiling like a flower.

"Well, why don't you watch it together?"

"...This can be there."

The spatial shock of Bingxin Palace lasted for ten days. , Leng Yueqi also suddenly disappeared.


A bitter ice flower blooms in the sky. When the Palace Lord of Bingxin Palace looked up, he couldn't help but be surprised by a pretty face!

"This is Yueqi breakthrough realm!"

"It's starting to expand the acupuncture point...My God, a single acupuncture expansion is more than 500 times! This... This is already aptitude surpassing most enchanting lists!"

The Elders of Bingxin Palace are ecstatic!

But, besides ecstasy, there are doubts.

Although Leng Yueqi has Heaven-blessed Genius and has the aptitude of the enchanting list, he can accumulate obviously not reaching the realm that can expand the hole 500 times in a single time!

Is it related to the previous earthquake?


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