At the moment when the ice flower is in full bloom, a Divine flame rises to the sky, the scarlet glow burns into the sky, and the purple Qianshou Concealment Array is immediately activated.

Seeing this scene, the Divine flame palace stronghold in the distance of Bingxin Palace, the faces of all true biography are happy!

"Palace Lord breakthrough!"

"The power of the very powerful Divine flame, Palace Lord at least breakthrough the perfection, right?"

" No, the Divine flame is only high, and the Palace Lord’s cultivation base has not yet penetrated, but... this is the magical effect of the eternal flame!"

The Divine flame Palace Elders are even more ecstatic and shocking. Cover up.

A pavilion, the people of Shenji Pavilion were amazed.

"I have long heard that the eternal sacred fire can recreate acupoint expansion and condensing multiples. I never thought I would have the honor to witness today!"

"The original realm of the holy state of mind remains unchanged, but it can be recreated. Improving the foundation of condensing caves is really Heaven and Earth divine object."

"Jiang Taixu, the soulmate of the lord, is probably the only Human Race between Heaven and Earth that opens the eternal flame. The height of the future may be A man who is not inferior to her!"

The three people of Shenji Pavilion clicking one's tongue in wonder, Jiang Taixu strokes his beard and smiles, how can the lord's woman be simple.

In Bingtian Secret Realm——

【Orange stage passive innate talent, Dual Cultivation acacia launch is over. The host has gained 1.4 billion Saint Level essence points, and 1322 Saint Level Fire Element Energy points...]

Lin Chen's attribute value is still soaring all the way until now.

The ice on the frozen lake surface reflected Lin Chen's profile.

Two beautiful fairies, one on the left and the other, lie quietly on the ice bed, falling into a closed-door cultivation state.

Now Lin Chen, the cultivation base is not what it used to be. Whether it is Holy Force or Primordial Spirit, flesh and blood, it is far beyond the ordinary Saint!

The orange-level [Dual Cultivation] innate talent has brought too many benefits to the two girls!

Lin Chen scratched his head and said with a smile: "I’ve been shaking for a few days, and my mind is a bit blurred. Fortunately, the orange-level innate talent is really strong, three Personally benefited a lot..."

Lin Chen looked around his condition and attribute value and couldn't help but smile.

"Kill the will of the gods and Martial God's divine blood Avatar, my Sacred Dragon has reached 99,000 powers."

Lin Chen's Saint Level Blood Attribute The value, even now that it hasn't been absorbed, Lin Chen's Sacred Dragon is still in a state of retreat, hitting the bottleneck with the last 100,000 power.

"Especially the will to kill the gods, although I did not get the attribute treasure chest, but my Saint Level essence accumulation has reached a kind of abnormal level..."

"With the previous accumulation, I can continue to seal the acupoints, maybe the next time I continue to condense the acupoints will be far beyond the past..."

Lin Chen thought for a moment, and then looked towards his Primordial Spirit Avatar , Seeing the bright and beautiful bite marks on his body, he almost laughed and took it back into his body.

"If Sister Yan really knows how to play, Primordial Spirit won't let it go, it made me a little bit at a loss this time, um, I have to make it up next time, hahahaha!"

Lin Chen has just left Bingtian Secret Realm and walked into Bingxin Palace, with a beautiful and enchanting figure leaning against the wall, with slender hands hugging his chest, as if waiting for him for a long time, jokingly smiled.

"Saint Physique plus Primordial Spirit, extreme ice and extreme flame, it is four times happy, Lin is really handsome guy, why not continue."

Lin Chen rushes to the night light dance said with a smile: "No way, Brother Chen still has important things to do, is this fairy together."

Ye Qingwu's eyes lit up: "You want to do something again? Then go! "

"Lin Chen, wait a minute." From the elegant voice of Konggu Youlan, Ning Qingxuan came from the sky, like a spotless lotus Fairy Maiden Hua.

She was beckoned in jade, the robe of silver light was worn by Lin Chen, and Lin Chen was undressed and belted, and put on his'Star Chasing Robe' again.

Ning Qingxuan gently arranged Lin Chen's sleeves and smiled quietly, "Master Jin Wuxia has repaired it for you. If you want to act, you need to wear it by your side."


Lin Chen put on a brand-new robe, three points more handsome.

Ning Qingxuan smiled: "Be careful on the road."

Lin Chen dumbfounded, his eyes trembled.

Suddenly, he hugged Ning Qingxuan's weak and boneless waist, his five fingers held the Fairy jade hand, and Ning Qingxuan was slightly red.

Lin Chen said solemnly: "Qingxuan, treat me handsome as the invincible hand in the sky, and I will marry you to travel across the starry sky and the world."

Ning Qingxuan puchi smiled, Fanghua is peerless, "How can you talk like this."

Lin Chen sighed: "I really don't know where so many things come from. When can I flirt and brag with all the beauties, study the Great Dao of Yin -Yang, let’s talk about my ideals in life and my handsomeness!"

Ning Qingxuan patted his shoulders, his eyes flowed, said with a beautiful smile: "Well, I will wait for you."

Ye Qingwu faint smile said: "Whh~ the meat is so numb that my goose bumps are all up, then, let’s have a piece of meat and crisp chicken."

Lin Chen rolled her eyes:" If you don’t like it, don’t look at it. This handsome man forced the chicken to be there for a long time."

Ye Qingwu: "Hey!"

Ning Qingxuan’s charming and beautiful cheeks appeared a bit shy. Gently push him away-"It's getting late, you go quickly. Ji Wuchen senior, they have already gone to the Zixia King Valley to pick up people, and Danyu needs you to go there in person."

"It's another wave of pretending to be forced, so annoying."

Lin Chen and Ye Qingwu stepped into the sky, opened the space with their palms, and said with a smile.

"Then go to hammer a few sage talent lists to play!"


Three days later.

Dane domain, the fire beacon of the holy pill city rises everywhere.

At this time, the Danyu fell into the chaos that Baiji rarely seen.

Ordinary forces, it is basically impossible to provoke the forces of the pill domain. This is the place where the relationship network is maintained the deepest. The alchemists waved their arms and can invite a large number of powerhouses to help.

Not to mention, it is the power of specially trained pharmacists. The true powerhouse is gathered, but in a moment.

However, this does not include the Genesis Alliance!

In a cooperative way, the Genesis Alliance has attracted the high-level forces of the Danyu one third, and will forcefully suppress Danyu!

With the power of the Genesis Alliance, you are not afraid of Dan domain at all!

The alchemist of the pill domain occupies almost half of the holy world. Controlling the pill domain is equivalent to controlling the lifeline of the alchemist.

So the Genesis Alliance has always wanted to suppress Danyu!

In the past, Danyu’s Grade 9 forces would naturally not stand idly by, but the problem is that, among the two major Danyu Grade 9 forces, one joined the Genesis Alliance, and the other remained silent and never made a statement!

In the Holy Pill City, a group of pharmacists were seriously injured and were surrounded by the Holy Pill City.

Countless young talents in refining medicine are unwilling to growl.

"Why, didn’t the Holy Pill Society make a statement? If you watch the Elder Council of the Elder Council shatter, you will not be afraid of your lips and teeth!"

"Pill God Aristocratic Family has become an alliance member It’s a runaway dog, did the Holy Pill Society turn to the side?"

Ordinary people are frightened--

Among the besieged alchemists, there are people from the Elder Council. Song Yilian was also among them, her eyes shone with the rays of light cutting off one's means of retreat, and there was a bitterness that was rather jade broken than tiled.


A Sword God beamed across the sky in the Holy Pill City, severing countless buildings in the Holy Pill City.

Everyone immediately kept quiet out of fear, and a new powerhouse came to Holy Pill City!

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