xiu! xiu! xiu!

Countless sword qi soaring across the sky of the holy pill, turning into a Sword Dragon!

In the sky, on top of the Sword Dragon, slowly stepped on a silhouette, carrying an azure sword, have a dignified appearance, heroic and peerless, it can be described as a young Master dressed in blue clothes, holding a pot and straddling a sword. Ghost God!

He is so extraordinary!

So that as soon as he appeared, he became the protagonist of Between Heaven and Earth. All the characters were eclipsed in front of him. It is better than the presence of several enchanting evildoers. Compared with him, he is no more than Yinghuo and Haoyuezhi. difference!

All the alchemists eyes shrank...

The list of saints is here!

The demeanor of individual mighty almost reveals desperate horror!

It is him.

Tsing Yi Young Master stepped on the Sword Dragon, myriad swords simultaneously go out, sword qi soared into the sky and shook the sky. When looking down at the innumerable living beings, feel free to flick!


With a flick of the extraordinary, the void passed the sword light of speed to the pinnacle, like a jade-like flash.

Sword light cut crosswise, and the heads of the alchemists who were roaring and roaring flew across in an instant!

Everyone have one's hair stand on end!

It's as powerful as a group of powerhouses such as Heaven-opening Realm and Saint-turned-turning, so scared to look pale!

Open Heaven Realm has such strength, and it is undoubtedly the sage ranking!

Have you even come out of the sacred talent list to deal with them personally!

Man Jianlang spoke arrogantly.

"A group of trash, don’t make noise. Today, the Elder Council of Danyu is still useful to us. If it falls, there is still a chance to become a member of Genesis. If you fail to appreciate somebody's kindness, today All of you and the forces behind you are going to die."

He lifted the pot and drank, the sake dropped from the corner of his mouth, and sneered in awe: "Between ten breaths, those who don’t choose, die. Those who don’t return. , Die!"

All the alchemists gritted their teeth!

This is clearly kill to the last one!

Not only to kill them, but also to pull up by the roots, the forces behind it and the Aristocratic Family, sect, all!

Genesis Alliance, what a ruthless method!

swift and decisive, killing and decisive. This is the list of sages, and there is no time for them to hesitate to think!

As for the powerhouse of the Genesis Alliance that came along, I felt my heart rustled.

Too ruthless, they also plan to intimidate these pharmacists to subdue, and force them to stand in line one by one, or die if they don’t stand in line!

With such a kill, there are simply not many alchemists left!

Several alchemists questioned and scolded!

"If you do this, you will not be afraid of Heavenly Retribution and be judged by the gods!"

"Can the sage list act wilfully!"

Sneered each extraordinary: "Sorry, the sacred talent list can act wilfully, you have three breaths left."

Seeing ten breaths past, when no one from the top of the Elder Council made a statement--

"Very well, it seems that you all want to court death. Okay, I'm also convenient for business, killing is..."

Zhu Bufan got up from the back of the Sword Dragon and drew his sword out of its sheath. sword edge The azure light that tears through the sky is blooming, like a blue moon hanging in the sky!

Elder Councils are shaken.

"The inheritance of the Elder Council cannot be destroyed here! Elders, fight with him!"

Dan domain Song Yilian of the Elder Council, her lovable body stood up impressively, her teeth bit her red lips, her palms released countless light, and ten thousand sacred pills rose in the sky in an instant!

It's actually similar to the natural phenomenon of the same sky in Banten when someone pill concocting that day, has several points of!

Song Yilian pinched the sacred seal, everyone in the open world, Elder, and the Elder Council Ancient One clenched the teeth, the holy cave condenses the Holy Force, and pushes with both hands to urge the Holy Force to inject ten thousand sacred pills!

"Wandan Art·Break!"

Song Yilian screamed coldly, and Wandan energy burned, releasing infinite Holy Force into a ring, suddenly exploded!

"courting death." Zhu Bufan sneered, azure sword in his hand flicked, pulled out a waning moon sword light, and slashed away!

Boom! boom! boom!

The energy of Wandan was surging back and forth, and it was all crushed and swallowed to nothingness by the sword light, and all the Ancient Ones of the Elder Council flew upside down!

Song Yilian was injured by Jian Jin's aftermath, her lips bleeding violently and her expression was shocked.

"This is the strength of the sacred talent list..."

One sword defeated the senior leaders of the Elder Council, twelve in the late stage of the open world, Perfection, and two in the Saint. , Can't even reach his might of a single sword!

"Weak, too weak. Even you rubbish dare to waste the time of this sage, and all die!"

Zhu Bufan stepped on the Sword Dragon, whistling, holding the sword together When it flashed in front of Song Yilian, said with a sneer: "You take the lead in rebelling, right? Let's start with you first!"


While holding the sword one by one, slashing in the air, slashing with one sword!

Everyone couldn't bear to see a scene where a core Elder of the Elder Council was about to vanished fragrance and crumbled jade, and regrets passed in their hearts.

This is... the price of resisting the sage list! The sage is the authority, and the sage is the future of the sacred world, they should be very clear about it, and resist the death!

Even though Song Yilian couldn't see the opponent's sword clearly, she felt the cold before death.

"Unexpectedly, I died in this way. The medicine refining technique that the little fellow left me has not yet fully learned..."

Song Yilian closed her eyes——

Boom! boom!

The space inch was broken and shattered, and an explosion resounded through the sky in the Holy Pill City!

The coldness of death did not spread all over her body, but Song Yilian felt the warmth of her arms, and the man's masculine and pure breath puffed her nose, which made the beautiful woman open her eyes.

The profile of the young Junyi wore a cynical smile as always, with an evil temperament, and said with a smile at will.

"So angry, my friend."

I saw that the extraordinary sword edge was stopped by the silver robe boy with one finger in full view, and the fingertip was on the sword edge. On, let Zhu Bufan's sword accumulate and not send it!

Block it!

Countless powerhouses and powerful people of Danyu are stunned!

One finger blocks an extraordinary sword!

This person, who are you on earth?

"Older Generation Song, I won't be late."

Lin Chen peaceful smile, looked towards the beautiful woman with a slightly startled look in her arms.

"It's you, Lin Chen!"

Song Yilian looked ecstatic!

"Where did the savages come from, dare to be heroes, courting death!"

The sword is raged by extraordinary anger, the sword tip is repeatedly picked, and the lotus blossoms sharply, like the Dragon Snake dancing, one after another The sword light, like rivers converging in the sea, is rolling in, turning into a storm and twisting towards Lin Chen!

"Senior, take a tea break next to me, these guys leave it to me."

When Lin Chen nudged Song Yilian with a palm to teleport to a distant place, his ten fingers held the space. , When the pure power suddenly broke out, he pulled down suddenly!

Boom! boom! boom!

Lin Chen pulled his ten fingers diagonally, and the sky of the entire Holy Pill City directly tilted down. The storm-like sword qi river was pulled horizontally and shattered. When they exploded, they were bounced away, urging the movement method to retreat. !

The eyes of countless powerhouses almost fell to the ground!

The space of the entire Holy Pill City was directly tilted by his palms!

Don't say Open Heaven Perfection, even Saint of the 3rd and 4th training base is impossible to do it!

How terrifying is the pure power of this child!

"Wait! Just now, Yilian Elder called him Lin Chen... Could it be that Lin Chen, the champion of the day selection!"

"My God, old man this Did you see the daoist? He is Lin Chen from the Grade 9 sect Divine flame palace!!!"

The exclamation of the Elder Council shocked countless pharmacists. !

Lin Chen? Could it be Lin Chen from the Great Saint King of the Fourth Great Saint King, one of the new era hegemons of the Divine flame palace and the holy prison alone, Lin Chen?

It turned out that he came to Danyu to save!

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