When the world of dragons changed dramatically, outside the Shenhe galaxy.

The rotating star ring releases energy equivalent to the explosion of the formidable power of the Holy Force in the open sky realm a million times!

It is like a pair of polar stars under the starry sky, revolving around each other and relying on each other for a long time, as if eternal and unchanging.

I don't know when, one of the polar stars began to detach gradually.

Under the pair of polar stars, there is a channel entrance that looks like a dark abyss, which is very concealed.

Under the entrance, there is actually a monument, all around standing with massive silhouettes, or horns on top of the head, or derivative beast tails, all kinds of strange things in human form, this face is actually full It's the Fiend clan!

Furthermore, every Fiend clan can be comparable to the human race in the star realm!

The number of hiding the sky and covering the earth, Fiend is more than tens of thousands! !

In the dark great hall, the empty throne sits with a quiet and dusty shadow, dressed in a wide black robe, covering the slender figure, only the outline of the robe can be seen That beautiful and enchanting figure.

She is wearing a Ghost God mask, with a red ghost face and blue fangs, especially ferocious.

Only the pair of phoenix eyes under the mask are like limpid autumn water, and the eyebrows are like a spring mountain in March. The brows are full of bone-chilling coldness, as if they were born without feelings, and the brows are dotted with beauty Cinnabar, seeing the female emperor's pair of phoenix eyes, is the first time she has a glimpse of her stunning beauty.

General one-knee kneels of a Fiend family of scarlet, said respectfully.

"Given the female emperor, all those who do not follow are eliminated. Venerable Fiend has awakened more than half of the seats. Fiend has twenty-four seats, and eighteen have exited. In response to the female emperor’s call, four Great Demon The elders have arrived in the West Demon God state and want to discuss the joint battle plan with the empress."

The empress’s voice is cold and emotionless--"You haven’t told me how much they used to make a decision. Heaven."

Fiend General trembled, and said respectfully: "Go back to the empress, less than a day."

The empress stood up, the beautiful phoenix under the mask of Ghost God A sharp killing intent passed by the eye!

"Really, in less than a day, the four Fiend clan elders decided to share the life and death of the four clan and our clan? Ha...a group of old bastard eating inside and out."


The Fiend clan also has four branches. Each branch has a Fiend king in charge, but the real masters behind them are the four Fiend clan elders, who are superior to countless Fiend kings and can compete with the Human Race. God, fight against courtesy!

The female emperor, to unify the Fiend clan, she needs to win the elite forces of the four clan.

She slightly said with a sneer: "Go, let's go to the four clans to meet them! Even if the four old bastard join hands, they are only the enemy of the emperor's tricks. If you drop, there will be talks, If not, the emperor wants all the elite of the four clans to belong to our army!"

"When my Fiend reigns, it will be the day when Human Race will fall!"

Fiend General leader: "Yes! The subordinates immediately mobilize the powerhouse that understands the four clans, and go with the empress!"

The Fiend Empress is getting closer and closer to dominating the Fiend clan!

The only mortal enemy of the Fiend clan is Human Race!

The origin of the Fiend clan involves the highest secrets of the gods of the Human Race.

Only a few people know the origins and secrets of the Fiend clan.

But the only thing that is certain about the later Human Race is that the innate talent of the Fiend clan can be said to be against the sky!

They have the wisdom and learning ability of Human Race, as well as the innate talent of Four Great Demon Races! It is the most terrifying enemy of all races in the future, so the Fiend family has been living in seclusion for a long time.

The Fiend clan nowadays has grown into a supreme existence!


The Shenhe Galaxy is one of the largest galaxies in the world, but outside of the Shenhe Galaxy, there is a wider galaxy that is also darker and full of The purest violence and the law of the jungle.

It is the sky battlefield of the Foreign Domain battlefield. To be precise, it should be the Heaven Vault Star system outside the sky battlefield!

Heaven Vault Star series is the site of Four Great Demon Races!

Four Great Demon Races are: wild demon race, day Fiend Demon race, blood demon race, and the last disaster Demon Race!

Each type of Demon Race is particularly scary. Whether it is Peak powerhouse or the number of Demon Races, Demon Race is the strongest level since Asura!

It is stronger than Dragon Clan, and I have to admit that under the overall strength, Dragon Clan is inferior to Demon Race.

However, Demon Race has been in civil wars throughout the year. Even if it does not go to war with all races, internal struggles and fights will continue. They are murderous creatures that have nothing to do with peace. This race feels the real sense of being alive!

The baptism that has gone through many wars, the remaining Human Race, Demon Race, and Dragon Clan are three-legged, but the only one that has grown the fastest is the Fiend clan with the Demon Race bloodline!

However, when the Fiend clan was the weakest, why was it not destroyed? It seems that there is an invisible powerful force that silently shelters the Fiend clan...

Cause and effect, as if It has already begun to take shape.

Heaven Vault Star system, a planet that releases infinite energy, is roaring the energy hurricane of Tearing Space all the time, as if countless disasters are naturally formed!

In the endless storm, the void distorted several masses,

"gā gā gā, funeral, why do you have time to call us, could it be that you have found a new bait? "

"The emperor will go up and down billions of dollars in a quarter of an hour to engage in this thing with you. For the funeral, you must give the emperor a reason, otherwise your nest will be demolished!"

"Hehehe, how about you give me a few female demons to play with the emperor, by the way, I want the Demon Venerable cultivation base."

Several shapes twisted in the void, bursting with quack Laughter and sullen laughter.

Only the evil young man in the middle, closed his eyes and rested, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

His appearance is very strange, Human Race’s face and body, with four magic snakes wrapped around his chest and shoulders, densely packed magic eyes turning around his neck, and even his palms are in full bloom. , Releasing the breathtaking rays of light!

If Lin Chen is here, he might immediately recognize that this young man is exactly the burial heavenly demon emperor he once killed!

However, what Lin Chen killed at the beginning was just a ray of thought Avatar, and now the buried heavenly demon emperor is the body!

Here is the base camp of the Four Great Demon Races’ Calamity Demon Race, the lair of Emperor Heavenly Demon!

The thoughts standing near the burial heavenly demon emperor are all the consciousness thoughts of the Demon Emperor!

This is a meeting at the highest level of Demon Race!

When the emperor buried heavenly demon opened his eyes, the magic light was extinguished, and the magic pupil was like the Demon Realm on the Tibetan side, and the demonic energy was monstrous.

He said with a slight smile: "Why do you bother? Our bait has been hooked and the fish has been raised. It can be said that God helped me Demon Race!"

, Other Demon Emperor ideas suddenly came in interest!

"Oh? You mean, our plan is finished?"

"I said you called us out, could it be..."

The severe light flashed in the eyes of Emperor Heavenly Demon, awe-inspiring said with a smile: "Yes, the gods of Human Race have all entered the remains of the Divine Emperor!"


Several groups of Demon Emperor ideas suddenly burst into Heavenly Demon Qi! All fell into a state of ecstasy!

"hahahaha! It seems that before tens of millions of epochs, our layout with the group of dead Ancient Demon Emperors was not in vain!"

"It's hard to break the broken The ruins of the Divine Emperor are pulled back from the edge of the distant universe. This hand is really useful. The prediction of the dead Prediction Master is really smarter than the sky!"

Buying the heavenly demon emperor said with a smile: "Now The fish has bitten the bait, and they are still fighting over the bait! The Human Race of the Holy Realm is now at a time of weakness!"

A terrifying fact that sends cold shivers down one's spine!

The ruins of the Divine Emperor, turned out to be the Demon Race in the layout!

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