The ruins of the Divine Emperor were brought by Demon Race!

In the game!

Demon Race had anticipated this situation a long time ago!

Now Human Race, the gods are all out of the holy world, the Shenhe galaxy, and there will be no heads of dragons!

The situation is getting chaotic!

After hearing the news of Human Race, a Demon Emperor thought to say with a big smile: "Human Race is the god of all things, the representative of the highest and holy. Oh, when you really encounter temptation, you are no better than me Demon Race is slow."

"This group of old fox can't guess whether we will take advantage of the void when they leave the Holy Realm? No, they will definitely expect it!"

Another Demon Emperor evil said with a smile: "gā gā gā! Even so, even if they know it may be a bait, they will bite it. This is the inferior nature of Human Race!"

"Human Race, really a sad race. The gods know what it means to leave the holy world, and they still choose to abandon the human race of the holy world. If those Saints know the truth, they may lose hope in their beliefs. The emperor has already I can't wait to swallow these desperate guys!"

Although the will of several Demon Emperors was satisfied, no one proposed to attack Human Race first!

Yes, even if the gods leave, the foundation of Human Race still cannot be underestimated.

Furthermore, with the status of the Demon Emperor, you can see the whole situation at a glance.

If the Demon Emperor acted and moved the whole body with one start, Dragon Clan might not easily sit and wait for death. The enemy's enemy is both a friend.

Furthermore, afterwards, the Demon Emperors may have to stare at the Divine Emperor ruins and the direction of the gods. It is entirely possible that they will attack the Human Race and be killed by the gods with a sudden thrust.

The goal of Demon Race, as everyone knows, is to control all existing galaxies and races, and become the final overlord!

So, it's just the beginning of the first round.

They have second and third rounds!

However, the buried heavenly demon suddenly showed a serious look, looking towards you Demon Emperor.

"Human Race gods bit the bait. It's just one of the news I brought to you today, and there are two other important news."

"Second, Fiend Empress , Has been completely born, and the realm she reached is slightly better than us."

Buried heavenly demon, the emperor took a look at the will of the Demon Emperors, and said calmly: "Single fight alone , We may not be able to win her. The Fiend clan has an unexpected situation, and the inheritance of the Fiend clan’s old bastard makes her breakthrough all new realm!"

The will of the Demon Emperor Suddenly there was soaring hostility and killing intent, and even has several points of jealousy!

"Damn it, the emperor didn’t approve of this plan back then, now it’s really nurturing a tiger to invite calamity!"

"hehe, don’t deny it in a hurry, we still have a future Isn’t it a hand? The innate talents of the Fiend clan are obvious to all. When I want to complete the grand order, their power must be indispensable."

"This is a double-edged sword, which is sharper for us at the same time. , The better it is for us! The Fiends hate Human Race, and it is likely to declare war on Human Race. Then it will be our best time to start!"

A Demon Emperor suddenly said: "Buried Heaven , She has reached... the King of Demon God?"

Buried heavenly demon, the emperor shook his head and laughed: "It won’t be true. If she becomes the King of Demon God, we don’t have to do it here, we will block her. It’s the king. If we join hands, she will definitely die."

Every Demon Emperor, rigorous schemes and deep foresight, even the Fiend clan is also in the layout!

However, there are always surprises in the plan, and the growth of the empress seems to have exceeded their expectations.

Buying the heavenly demon emperor looked towards the thoughts of the Demon Emperors, earnestly said-"So, our first choice now is to stop the civil war and coordinate all the battle strengths in the four clans, the remains of the Divine Emperor and the Dragon Clan will leave it to us to stare at. Once the Fiend tribes join forces to attack the Human Race, let them fight to death and life, and we will take it all!"

A Demon Emperor's thoughts and voice hoarse. : "So, what about the third important news you said."

All the Demon Emperor thoughts look at the buried heavenly demon emperor.

Speaking of this, Emperor Heavenly Demon said with a serious face--"The third is something outside the plan. The son of prophecy that we intercepted from the Fiend clan did not appear."


In the days of the Fiend clan, the Shocking Prediction Master used to foretell the divination. He once predicted that the Human Race will have a prophetic son rising against the sky. With personal power, it is enough to affect the balance of all races.

This is also the reason why the Empress Fiend went to the mortal realm and the human race holy realm in the form of three thousand Avatars.

The Demon Emperor thought and wondered: "Since the son of prophecy did not appear, why..."

"no!" buried heavenly demon said solemnly: "The son of prophecy does not Appears, but there is a guy who is more troublesome than the son of prophecy!"

As soon as this statement came out, the Demon Emperors' thoughts were stunned, even more troublesome than the son of prophecy? What is the background of the other party!

The heavenly demon emperor’s fingertips flicked, the demonic energy jade slip exploded, and the information about someone suddenly exploded.

The will of the Demon Emperor received all the information in the demonic energy jade slip at once.

After a while, I don't know which Demon Emperor's gloomy way.

"A Human Race Lin Chen, the growth trajectory of this child, really a record that has never been approached and will never be approached again!"

"This child is not too old For more than twenty years, can you sneak into the holy prison and kill a ray of your mind? Human Race has born such a stunning ghost?"

Buried heavenly demon nodded and said: "Although At that time, the suppression of the holy prison made the emperor only split a very weak will Avatar, but he was still knocked down by this child. If you only look at the potential, it may not be as good as some of the previous Human Race Sage, but Just looking at the growth rate, it is against the sky. Matchless in the world is not an exaggeration."

"In addition to his performance in the Holy Realm now, and the divine force that suddenly appeared in the Holy Realm some time ago The source, according to our intelligence spies, was also from him! Moreover, when the Emperor’s Will Avatar met him for the first time, he could not see any trace of his destiny. The Emperor had reason to believe that he would become more than a prophecy. The more difficult existence of the son!"

The Demon Emperor's will one after another glanced at each other, and then they said.

"This child is so tricky, let's go to the Human Race in person?"

Buried heavenly demon Emperor shook his head: "No, if we go, Dragon Clan will immediately Staring, maybe the Fiend clan will also act."

"Why don't you send an Avatar?"

"No way, Human Race has a Divine Item that specializes in sensing the breath of Emperor Qi. , Avatar can’t enter the Holy Realm."

"Hahaha, it’s better to spread this child’s message to the four Great Demon realms, and offer a reward for the head of this child, and then give him to me and wait for the descendants. "

"You buried the son of the heavenly demon emperor, I am afraid that you are already close to the top ten of the Human Race sage list, let them deal with this kid!"

"hehe, The emperor also agrees with this suggestion. It happened to let me four young demons from the Great Demon world go to experience and experience, and now the Human Race gods are all out, and there are very few threats to the existence of those little boys, just let them mix into the Human Race holy world. , Make a big fuss, and get back the head of this child by the way!"

"If this Lin Chen had appeared thousands of years ago, with his growth rate, it would really be possible to become us However, it’s too weak now. The Fiend clan has turned out, and the battle is already not far. We only need to pay attention to his existence and don’t let him run away after the war!"

" gā gā gā, the emperor can’t wait to start the war!"

The laughter of the Demon Emperor’s will, as sharp as a night owl, echoed in the eternal world!

Soon, Lin Chen alone became the primary target of the four Great Demon worlds!

Since ancient times, no Human Race can have this'treatment'!

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