Ignoring many Dragon Clan's angry rebuke, the two referees Elder's faces were not red and heartbeat, and peacefully declared--

"This little friend of Lin Chen, will Will participate in the official election tournament, he and his Taixi Ancient Dragon are out of lineage, and will join the official election tournament together. Moreover, he must single out four Dragon Clan goddesses based on the original rules to win in order to gain entry into Divine Qualifications for the Dragon plane!"

"Little friend Lin Chen has a very good relationship with my Dragon Clan. He has promised that once he enters the Divine Dragon plane, he will try his best to protect my Dragon Clan from the poison of the insect race. Violation!"

At this moment, Lin Chen suddenly raised his hand.

"Well, what I do emphasize is fairness, fairness, or fucking fairness!"

He smiled and said--"This handsome suddenly felt that this rule It’s not fair, it’s very unfair to all of you, let’s do it. If the descendants of Divine Dragon have a problem with my entry into the Divine Dragon plane..."

The corner of his mouth slightly raised, as always, his words aroused Melaleuca wave.

"If you think there is a problem, all come up, don't say a dozen four, a dozen ten, twenty, forty. It's all right!"


Weird silence!

Dragon Clan, who was yelling or roaring earlier, quieted down suddenly, looking at Lin Chen in disbelief.

Even the Dragon Clan Elders were dumbfounded. They finally laid the steps for Lin Chen. Why didn't this kid play the cards according to the usual routine!

You still don’t think one dozen four are too few? Know that you are facing the descendants of Divine Dragon! No less than your Human Race's sage list!

If the descendants of Divine Dragon work together, the effect is far greater than one plus one!

Mu Tianqing's red lips are slightly open, like, too much like him!

It's almost the same as the former "King of Ten Thousand Dragons"! Except for being a lot more handsome than Gil Yingbangbang, the tone and charm are exactly the same!


The void trembles, and the man wearing a dragon horn in pitch-black black armor levitates in the air, his eyebrows are as cold as a knife.

"This remark, this Crown Prince can't be regarded as unheard of."

Eldest Prince of the Prison Dragon Clan in Tianyue Town!

Shih~! Tear~!

The aurora of quiet azure roars like a tornado, and a handsome youth of azure robe, behind is a pair of azure light dragon wings slightly stretched, each time it flaps, it rolls up the space storm.

He sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said calmly: "I didn't expect that His Excellency Lin Chen of Human Race has also arrived in the dragon world. I have long wanted to meet you for a while."

Wind God Wing Crown Prince Long, another descendant of Divine Dragon!

bang! bang! bang!

The sky falls in chaos, one after another divine light descends, the breath of dragon crosses the sky, densely intertwined like a net, a person’s temperament is superb, Life Aura is extremely noble The descendants of Divine Dragon are out!

They look arrogant, as if they are the strongest kings between this Heaven and Earth innumerable living beings!

There are nineteen Crown Princes, Princesses, and Gods in the dragon world. They are all cruel characters who want to compete for the number of candidates or want to fight Lin Chen!

At the beginning, when Lin Chen became Azure Dragon Clan, he faced only the Crown Prince Princess of the Ancient Dragon clan and Immemorial Dragon clan, but now he is facing the cream of the crop level of the Wild Ancient Dragon clan!

The two are not of the same grade at all! Just like the gap between the enchanting list and the sage list!

"There is me! Just now I broke the rules, and my quota is gone, this Princess will participate again!"

Xingyue Princess is extremely indifferent, looking at Lin Chen Her eyes are only pure killing intent, she is now anxious to have a fight with Lin Chen!

There are a total of twenty Divine Dragon descendants, who can stop them!

"There is a good show to watch."

"I want to see what Heavenspan this Lin Chen has, and dare to run wild in our dragon world!"

"All the gods will tear him to pieces!"

"Taixi Ancient Dragon must return to the dragon world!"

Dragon Clan clamored frantically--

They are already anxious to see Lin Chen crying and crying, begging for mercy!

However, they thought that they could see Lin Chen regretting the fear, and Lin Chen was forced to say something.

"Is there any more...Is it all?"

I saw that his expression was a little excited, and he even had a little expectation.

All Dragon Clan present saw Lin Chen's appearance, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, dumbfounded, and some even saw a ghost.

Only these? Why are you still too young?

Does this person really know the seriousness of the problem? Twenty descendants of Divine Dragon, are you afraid that you haven't figured out the situation?

The descendants of Divine Dragon on the field have all their green veins exposed, and the female has cold eyebrows, and the killing intent is fierce!

Good guys, everyone is so angry with Lin Chen, he can anger all Dragon Clan all the time by just opening his mouth!

Even the referee Elder is big eyes staring at small eyes and even wants to stop Lin Chen.

"What is Lin Chen thinking about?"

After all, what happened to him, they didn't have the chance to improve the bloodline!

"Wait, although it will change." Nearby Tong Elder Xuan raised his hand and stopped the Elders.

Through Elder Xuan’s gaze, he looked at Lin Chen’s slightly anticipated appearance and muttered to himself—“Lin Chen little fellow, let the old man see it without using those external forces and killing What realm can you achieve as a mover......"

He seemed to have seen a long distance, and he saw the scenery and probability that other dragon patriarch hadn't seen in Lin Chen.

"Well...then let the king witness to the last moment, this unprecedented Human Race and Dragon Clan duel."

The dragon king who made Dragon Transformation by Yin and Yang is a Noble and elegant temperament, with black White Dragon horns, a beautiful woman in a green palace dress.

She walked in front of both sides personally, the slender jade finger gathered the faint Yin Yang Qi, and then flicks with the finger.

shua! shua! shua!

one after another Dragon Qi, which spins Yin-Yang Qi breath, revolves and attaches to all the gods.

Yin-Yang Dragon Qi is a means to protect the gods. Once the Yin-Yang Dragon Qi is broken, it will be judged as a loss.

Just when the King of Yin and Yang created the Dragon Transformation, he wanted to give Lin Chen a layer of Yin and Yang Dragon Qi.

Lin Chen waved his hand and cynically said with a smile: "This beautiful senior, don't bother you to bring me a suit. I am a person and I like to do it directly."

The powerhouse was taken aback.

Lin Chen looked around all the gods, smiling with skinny: "I bet that you can't even break my defense. If this handsome forces a drop of blood, I will lose!"



All the descendants of Dragon Clan are completely angered!

It's so arrogant, it's too deceitful! Divine Dragon does not show off his power, he is a snake skin as Dragon Clan!

Lin Chen stepped into the air without saying anything. Taixi Ancient Dragon swam through the void and slammed into the Formation time and space of Dragon Clan.

As soon as I entered the Dragon Clan talisman surrounded by red clouds, it was densely packed all over the void, emerging one by one, covering the entire space!

xiu! xiu! xiu!

All the descendants of Divine Dragon follow closely from behind and swept into the Array Space!

This unique Array Space can only be displayed by Dragon Clan, which is completely different from the Formation of Human Race.

As soon as he entered Array Space, Lin Chen's vast and huge Taixi Ancient Dragon body shrank ten times, and the space became more solid.

The dragon king who made the Dragon Transformation of Yin and Yang shook his head helplessly-"that's all, then as Lin Chen said."

With a wave of her sleeves, Array Space is like an eggshell Cover, quickly shroud and close.

"The election begins!"

The referee Elder coldly shouted!

Countless Dragon Clan eyes are burning, staring at the situation in Array Space for fear of missing any detail!

Tear and pull~!

Almost at the same time the order was issued, the Crown Prince of the Wind God Wing dragon unfolded the dragon wings and swept away in a flash, and the strongest one shot immediately!


The space is surging with a special energy, stagnating the void!

Wind God Wing Dragon's Crown Prince is fast, but Lin Chen is faster than him!

"Rune of Slowness!" Lin Chen pushed horizontally with one hand!

[The host activates Level 8 Rune of Slowness, which consumes 35,000 Saint Level rune energy. 】

The ash-gray talisman was born, suddenly burst open, and the space completely stagnated!

At this moment, the gods of Dragon Clan, the complexion greatly changed!

Rune of Slowness starts, it's either a spike or a heavy hammer!

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