Lin Chen didn’t know that, almost a few days after he entered the Divine Dragon ruins, the Dragon Clan Supreme Elder who hated Human Race the most, just arrived outside the Dragon King Palace——

Four days later.

Swipe~! Boom~!

With a loud noise, Lin Chen and the descendants of Divine Dragon descended in the Divine Dragon Nebula, a small gray-brown continent plate floating in the void.

Lin Chen waved his fist. Except for slightly distorting the space, when there is no change, clicking one's tongue in wonder.

"It's a hard space barrier, more than ten thousand times more stable than the space of the Dragon Realm!"

When Lin Chen Primordial Spirit's power comes out, the range he can perceive is quite limited.

However, Lin Chen continued to release the Primordial Spirit force clearly understood further away, as far as possible to figure out the location before acting.

all around The hazy psychedelic starlight is in the shape of a cloud, which can shield the perception of Holy Force and Dragon Qi, and has a serious impact on Primordial Spirit.

"The entire plane is pressured by the God Dragon's Might. If the normal Human Race enters, it will burst and die if it can’t stand the pressure. However, I own Heavenly Art. Divine might can't suppress my main body, and at the critical moment, I can still use my main body to fight with Avatar..."

Lin Chen's eyes turned, his Primordial Spirit power seemed to perceive a ray of light.

"It is the rays of light of the attribute light ball! To release more Primordial Spirit power in that direction!"

xiu! xiu! xiu!

There was a flash of afterimages, and Dragon Clan left the team.

Sixty-nine descendants of Divine Dragon, among which the 19 descendants of the strongest Ancient Dragon bloodline left the team directly.

When they left, their eyes were full of disdain, and they glanced at Lin Chen as if they were looking at a dead person.

Among them, there are many descendants of Ancient Dragon who are full of hostility and killing intent towards Lin Chen, and even have several points of coveting the taste of his ancient Dragon bloodline.

However, when it is not a dispute, the Divine Dragon ruins have few opportunities to find opportunities, and they must compete for scoring.

Many of the descendants of Divine Dragon are wary of Lin Chen, let alone protect him, and even have no idea of ​​getting close to him.

Lin Chen smiled indifferently: "It seems that there are many guys who want to kill me. If this is not the Divine Dragon ruins but other planes, I am afraid they have already fought."

These Divine Dragon descendants all know the spatial coordinates of their first Ancestral God dragon, and once they landed, they started to form a small team with each other to start their actions.

Only Luo Shuiyue, she moved lightly and stood quietly beside Lin Chen, helplessly said: "Who made you at first is so high-profile, at first there will be an Ancient Dragon to lift up The sedan......"

A person from Lin said solemnly: "You don't need to fight. Niu, you don't need to make money. You don't need to make money. People don't need to be handsome. But they must be in place. "

Luo Shuiyue helped, this person was hopeless.

At this time, Lin Chen also stood on the left side of a beautiful and beautiful person. The star robe was gorgeous, noble and elegant, and he was an outstanding beauty.

Lin Chen blew a whistle, jokingly said with a smile: "Dragon Clan Princess on the left and right, I don't believe in this beauty."

Xingyue Princess watched him At a glance, said with a sneer: "Don't think of damaging your pig's brain, this palace is here to monitor you."

Lin Chen backed away pretending to be frightened, and said in shock: "Trick...sneer? What kind of posture is this, I'm a little scared!"

Xingyue Princess was provoked by him for a second, gnashing teeth: "Lin Chen, do you want to die! Dare to speak rashly, believing or not my palace let you die on the spot!"

Xingyue Princess raised her hand, and a golden light lingering dragon print appeared in the palm of her delicate jade.

Lin Chen startled.

Good guy, this molestation actually caught a big fish!

Xingyue Princess is the one who is in charge of the Dragon Seal among the descendants of Divine Dragon!

As long as she wants, the dragon seal can erupt in Lin Chen's body, thus'threatening' his life.

Seeing this scene, the other descendants of Divine Dragon hurriedly protected Xingyue Princess, for fear that Lin Chen would immediately rush to take action if they found out!

A woman of goddess grotesquely said: "Xingyue elder sister, how do you..."

Xingyue Princess realized that she had lost self-control and immediately took the dragon Print it away.

Princess thought to herself: "Why am I so careless...just expose the dragon seal to him. I..."

Lin Chen said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in you. I will take action early. You Xingyue Princess has been scared by me for a long time, the kind of pa pa pa."

"You!" Xingyue Princess Xingyue Stare slightly, so angry!


Her Dragon Qi shattered the dust all around, and wanted to slap Lin Chen.

"Xingyue elder sister, Lin Chen is just joking, don’t go to your heart..."

Luo Shuiyue stopped in front of the two, Xingyue Princess coldly snorted, Close your palms and turn your head away, for fear that when you look at Lin Chen, you will want to make a violent shot.

The other descendants of Divine Dragon stared at Xingyue Princess with a surprised look.

Xingyue Princess has always acted calmly, knowing the big picture and looking at the big picture, how come it's always easy to blow up recently...


Lin Chen snapped his fingers, his eyes lit up, and excitedly said: "I found it!"

Luo Shuiyue wondered: "What did you find?"

Lin Chen said with a smile: "Light!"

All the gods: "??"

Lin Chen stepped into the air without saying anything. At this time, besides him, Luo Shuiyue The nine Divine Dragon descendants within, all the other Divine Dragon descendants have slipped away.

Lin Chen smiled: "Since these people don't take me to play, then I will wave myself."

Luo Shuiyue exclaimed: "Where are you going!"


Lin Chen said with a big smile: "I found a good place, do you want to go together!"

Luo Shuiyue hesitated a little bit, and immediately followed, the seven Divine Dragons around him The descendants looked at each other, looking towards Xingyue Princess.

Xingyue Princess clenched the teeth, "You can't let him run like this, in case he goes to sneak attack other Dragon Clan, only we can control him, keep up!"

Eight people followed closely from behind, Dragon Clan's fire of luck, flying with Lin Chen under the stars.

The magnificent aurora sometimes penetrates the starry sky, sometimes disappears and disappears, forming one after another in the nebula.

The descendants of Divine Dragon dare not appreciate it. There are too many dangers lurking in the Divine Dragon Nebula. Perhaps if you are not careful, the remaining insect race will emerge.

However, Lin Chen seemed to feel something when he swept for less than twenty breaths and looked back suddenly.

When he saw the small continent that came just now, eyes shrank!

That turned out to be an incomparable gigantic dragon scales! !

This dragon scales is even as big as the Ling State continent of one-fifth of the mortal world!

"The continent plate I just stood on, turned out to be a piece of dragon scales?"

Lin Chen was dumbfounded, a piece of dragon scales, comparable to the continent plate!

Divine Dragon in its heyday, how strong is the body!

"Wait a minute!!"

Lin Chen was struck by lightning!

A single thought, his heart suddenly appeared!

"This Divine Dragon scale has lost its divinity. The owner of dragon scales must have died for countless years. If so..."

Lin Chen thought of the system One of the features!

Disassembly function!


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