Disassembly function!

This function hidden in the corner of Lin Chen system is not not used by Lin Chen, but after Lin Chen's contact level is too high, the decomposition function has not been through the boundaries for a long time, resulting in many restrictions.

The decomposition function directly consumes one of the most important attributes of Lin Chen, the Heavenly Dao value.

Firstly, things that have a master cannot be decomposed.

Secondly, the energy Spirit Physique cannot be decomposed.

Thirdly, things with life or existence consciousness cannot be decomposed. For example, Divine Dragon Totem, which was entered by the previous Wanlongzhihui, Totem itself has spirituality and consciousness, so Lin Chen can't decompose it either.

Even if the object has a ray of remnant thoughts of its owner, the system cannot be decomposed!

In the powerhouses and levels that Lin Chen came into contact with in the later stages of the holy world, almost every powerhouse attached its own things or lost treasures with its own spiritual consciousness. He can't erase the strong spiritual consciousness.

And the mental consciousness that can be erased, the attribute value that can be decomposed is too small, so the decomposition function has become a tasteless function, and it is a pity to discard it.

In addition, Lin Chen's attribute value level today is too high, and Top Attribute and Saint Level attribute real values ​​are extremely high.

To decompose the general treasure, the attribute value obtained is pitifully small, and it will also reduce his most precious Heavenly Dao attribute, almost more than the loss.

As time passed, Lin Chen himself didn't bother to open the decomposition function, and opened it for nothing. It is better to keep the Heavenly Dao value to awaken his own power.

But today he saw this Divine Dragon scale is different!

This piece of dragon scales has lost its divinity, which means that it will not have a trace of Divine Dragon's consciousness and remnant thoughts, and it fully meets the requirements of system decomposition!

The most important thing is that while it can be decomposed, its level is high enough! This is the most important thing!

Lin Chen flashed his figure and came to the edge of dragon scales, trembling hands stretched out, and when he reached the small continent plate, he thought of communicating with the system!

"system, turn on the decomposition function!"

[System is analyzing the target, can it be decomposed...]

Lin Chen restless, his heart seems to be jumping to his throat eye!

【Consume 98 top Heavenly Dao points, turn on the decomposition function, and decompose the goal successfully. 】

Swipe~! bang! bang! bang!

The entire continent section was instantly divided into countless stars, all condensed in the palm of Lin Chen!

This scene made the nine well-informed descendants of Divine Dragon dumbfounded on the spot!

Even Princess Xingyue stared at Lin Chen like a ghost!

That is the scale of Divine Dragon! Even if it loses its divinity and has been destroyed for countless years, it would be difficult to smash it without the strength of the Dragon King!

If the nine of them are allowed to join forces, it will take at least ten days and ten nights to break this piece of dragon scales, let alone'dissolve' it instantly!

【Successfully decompose the target, the host gains 20 million Saint Level essence, 10 million Saint Level blood, 150 Saint Level Earth Element energy, 132 Saint Level Wood Element energy, 1400 Saint Level rune Energy, 122 top innate talent points, 80 million Saint Level essence...]

Lin Chen almost jumped with excitement!

"Damn it, I set it!!"

This attribute value is so rich!

Although the blood of Saint Level has not soared, after all, the Divine Dragon of the Divine Dragon ruins has fallen for so many years, but the elemental attribute value and the essence of Saint Level are too high!

Luo Shuiyue's beautiful eyes trembled, staring at the young man's profile, her long eyelashes trembling.

"He...he smiled, this smile is exactly the same as before!"

Luo Shuiyuefang's heart is throbbing, Lin Chen's smile is strikingly similar to the one in the battlefield of the nine races. It's exactly the same time!

This man, it’s about to start again...

"That’s right, so special. It’s really the right choice to not use up the top Heavenly Dao all at once. The Heavenly Dao value I obtained before has increased again, and now I still have 570,000 top Heavenly Dao points, which is enough for me to do a great job!!"

Lin Chen's mouth rose wildly and his mouth was full. Laughing crooked!

"This handsome is forced to evacuate the Divine Dragon ruins today!"



In the remains of Divine Dragon, a pair of pupils, such as Sun and Moon revolve, opened in the vast and distant depths, staring into the distance.

"There is the smell of Taixi Ancient Dragon...very vague, but...does exist...and, it's coming here..."

Dragon Clan's luck The fire can conceal the breath of the descendants of Divine Dragon entering here. If the fire of Dragon Clan disappears, it will alarm the most powerful insect race remaining here!

And the master of this will, suddenly felt the breath of Taixi Ancient Dragon through the fire of Dragon Clan's luck!

The rays of light of the double pupils skyrocketed!

"How many epochs! This seat can finally meet Taixi Ancient Dragon again! Back then, he was badly injured by that guy's man, so these Dragon Clan took advantage of the void and used her descendants to come. Pay for the sins of this time!"

Bang! boom! boom!

A sharp roar shook the nebula into turbulence and tears, countless stardust meteorites exploded frantically, and a terrifying energy frenzy rolled up billions of ten thousand zhang high, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood That's sweeping everything!

Just a anger of will, it is so terrifying!

On the other side;

Lin Chen is possessed by Sacred Dragon, and even transformed into the body of Taixi Ancient Dragon himself, galloping in the remains of Divine Dragon, traveling at the fastest speed, this Such a bold action directly made the nine Divine Dragon descendants look stupid!

This act of actively revealing the body and revealing the position is simply saying to the insect race hiding in the dark: Come hit me, I am Ancient Dragon bloodline ~~~


It must be crazy!

"Lin Chen, are you crazy? Hurry up and put away the dragon body of Taixi Ancient Dragon!"

"Dragon Clan's fire of luck finally covered our breath , Aren’t you courting death by doing this!"

"Do you want to trap us in the worm, you really are wolf ambition!"

Divine Dragon descendants gnashing teeth, He was so angry that he almost shot Lin Chen!

Lin Chen has a smooth journey. After all this time, he has broken down 18 Divine Dragon scales and Divine Dragon feathers!

The harvest is so rich that it is comparable to Lin Chen who has gone to kill a group of four-turn and five-turn Saints!

"hahaha, cool, so cool!"

Lin Chen couldn't help but laugh up to the sky. This was an unexpected surprise. This accumulation is his cultivation base When condensing acupoints, it will go further!

hong long long ~~!

A burst of purple-gray waves like a huge sky-turning wave suddenly emerged from all around all around Lin Chen and the others!

Because the vast illusory nebula cut off most of the perception, when the descendants of Divine Dragon perceive it, they are already surrounded!

In the purple-gray wave, there are two types of insect races, one with long seventy feet and a faint purple body, which flutters its wings and bounces off the sound waves, and the tail has cones. , The teeth are like sharp knives.

The other is sharp as a scimitar, the whole body is five feet long, three zhang high, the tail is like cicada wings, the mantis body, and the black eyes on the front are turning with ferocious hostility, locking Lin The direction of Chen and the others!

Lin Chen expression congeals in the form of Taixi Ancient Dragon, he finally witnessed the true face of the insect race up close!

This race that once existed only in history even threatened the foundation of Dragon Clan in its heyday!


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