Luo Shuiyue said solemnly: "Heart-eater Purple Demon Bee and Silent Sickle Mantis!"

Another Divine Dragon descendant is ready for battle, said solemnly ——"These insect races were born in the land where the two races died out. Under the premise of collective action, they can resist the pressure of the Divine Dragon ruins and survive!"

The descendants of Divine Dragon present have all seen them. The people in the big scene should not be frightened by this worm infestation.

Lin Chen's dragon pupil turned around and glanced all around the starry sky--"This is the insect race? A very mysterious lifeform. The energy fluctuation of a single body can't even compare with the lowest Sacred Beast, but Each one has a special offensive."

"If it is a sneak attack, even Saint may be killed by them!"

Lin Chen once heard that, Insects are divided into multiple realms: larvae transforming feathers, adult insects receiving gas, transforming insects to shed spirits, becoming monsters, Peak Monster Insect, Insect King, Insect King, Insect King!

This is a group of insect races that have become monsters. Although their individual bodies do not have the overall strength of the holy realm, they have the lethality comparable to the holy realm!

Once they are affected, the end result is that the bones and flesh will evaporate from the world, and even the mentality will not be left!

This is equivalent to a group of insect races with the lethality comparable to the holy realm, but without the defensive power of the holy realm.

But the most difficult thing is their number!

The number of hiding the sky and covering the earth, just seen in the front row, has exceeded the number of several millions, and it must be counted in tens of millions!

This equivalent to ten million creatures with sacred attack power launch an offensive together!

The formidable power is enough to push the thousands of planes horizontally!

This is the horror of insect race, the inherent quantitative advantage!

Not to mention that there is a group of Peak Monster Insect among them, which is comparable to the battle strength of the Holy Mind and even the Open Heaven!

Furthermore, if you kill like this, I don't know when you have to kill, or if you will provoke a bigger guy!

When Lin Chen took a closer look with the power of Primordial Spirit, his eyes suddenly lit up!

"No! These insect races have attribute light balls!"

Each insect race has attribute light balls, but it is very dim. In addition to the long distance, Lin Chen has not yet been able to Spy on the whole picture.

"There are too many, let's withdraw first!"

A beautiful and beautiful Goddess descendant said Jiao.

Suddenly, a cold-eyed goddess reacted to Lin Chen almost at the same time, and suddenly looked up towards the space directly above.

Above the starry sky, there is actually a dim moonlight, densely packed moonlight threads all over the starry sky, faintly outlined as a half moon hanging in the sky!

Lin Chen squinted his eyes: "That thing is..."

The blue pupil goddess has a dignified face, coldly said: "There is actually a sky moon tarantula!"


The moonlight is open, an inescapable net-like moonlight giant web, on which lies a huge black tarantula, the tail section of the insect body is covered with bright moonlight, and the body is thousands of acres in size!

"This is an Insect Emperor Realm Sky Moon Tarantula, comparable to Human Race's seven-turn Peak Saint!"

"Well, it won’t take a while to kill it. As for the child, its tarantula moon web is extremely difficult to break and is surrounded!"

When several gods exclaimed——

Lin Chen transformed back from the dragon body Human form, mouth raised, with a stern smile—"Don't worry, I didn't plan to run."

He looked towards the nine gods: "The big guy above your head will be handed over to you, and the worms will be handed over. Give it to me."


Lin Chen barely responded to them, and swept towards the worm in a flash!

"A person wants to fight the worms? Are you crazy!"

"I have no time to care about him, but I slaughtered the sky moon tarantula and opened a hole to charge ahead!"

The descendants of Divine Dragon rushed forward, transformed into half-dragon bodies, and immediately besieged the Sky Moon Tarantula!

The spider web of the Sky Moon Tarantula is extremely tenacious, and it can be broken by an extraordinary attack. You must concentrate a little bit to tear it!

Only Luo Shuiyue and Xingyue Princess hesitated a little, the former chose to follow Lin Chen, the latter chose to monitor Lin Chen, one left

The other followed Lin Chen!

Xingyue Princess rushed to Lin Chen's side and said coldly: "Lin Chen, what are you doing, don't forget that your half-life is still in the hands of this palace!"

Lin Chen suddenly said with a smile: "Do you know what I did before?"

Xingyue Princess startled, subconsciously said: "What is it..."

Lin Chen laughed without saying a word, snapped his fingers, seven phantom divine light fell from the sky!

Xingyue Princess and Luo Shuiyue were surprised at the same time! There are seven Lin Chen!

"The refining of Avatar stopped ahead of schedule, now is the time to use them!"

Lin Chen's seven great Avatars are all out!

With a wave of his palm, Lin Chen handed all the [Enhanced +17] Holy Artifact into Avatar's hands!

"This commander forced me to be the meeting place before, the dark horse clubhouse, and dictate all dissatisfaction. Fight group battles, the dark horse clubhouse favorite! Give me fiercely bombard them!"

Clang~! Boom~!

Sword out Dragon Transformation, the sword shook Xingyu!

All Avatars are blessed with five-color brilliance and brilliance!

Almost at the same time, Avatar waved his sword!

"Extremely Que Kaitian·Sword of Speed!"

"Turning rain and flowing clouds!"

"Tears of God!"

" Burning arrows!"

"Thousands of thunderbolts!"

"Lotus Dance!"

"Eight Burning Dragons!"

"9th layer Burning Heavens Palm!"

Blade Qi is like a teardrop world shacking. The lotus blooms in a chaotic Star River, and the sound of the burning dragon shatters the sky!

Lin Chen's many orange-level Absolute Art have exploded!

The worms are violently crushed in different directions. The horror of the offensive, even the proud Xingyue Princess can't help but eyes shrank!

He actually has reservations!

If this kind of battle were taken out in the previous formal elections, twenty Divine Dragon descendants would be impossible to hold on for so long!

Boom! boom! boom!

All of Lin Chen's stunts are "divided into five". When fiercely crushed the front row of worms, it exploded murky heavens dark earth!

The Blade Qi of God’s Tears is even more of a group attack magic skill. It is based on the spirit, pure power, and Holy Force cultivation base of the caster. The fragments of Blade Qi are exploded. The stronger the three fields, the more Blade Qi. metamorphosis.

However, Lin Chen is extremely good in all three areas. This battle skill has already played the formidable power of the first battle skill below the orange high level in the hands of Lin Chen!

On the group attack effect alone, the orange-level high-level "Extreme Que Kaitian" and "Langyuyunyan" are not comparable!

[The host triggered destruction and explosion innate talent 1992 times, 1999 times...]

In Lin Chen's offensive, his innate talent light screen instantly bounced wildly, which directly triggered The big bang of the second wave! Continue to spread the insect race behind the insect tide!

The Holy Force cultivation base of Lin Chen Avatar is already comparable to a single sage ranking and the descendants of Divine Dragon.

In addition to the instantaneous splitting of light and the increase of Ambilight, this wave of offensive is like more than twenty seven-turn Peak cultivation base Saints launching the strongest attack together!

The speed of such annihilation caused the gods who were fighting the sky moon tarantula above the sky to eyes shrank...

This kind of firepower is too abnormal!

This Lin Chen has hidden so many hands!

No wonder Dragon Clan executives will invite him to enter the Divine Dragon ruins to protect the gods. Now it seems that he does have this strength!

Not to mention the twenty Divine Dragon descendants, even if this number is doubled, it may not be able to win him Lin Chen!

Luo Shuiyue and Xingyue Princess reacted extremely fast, shocked but in a blink of an eye, they immediately joined the counterattack insect race camp, destroying a large number of insects in a spurt of energy!

For a time, the worm tide crazily emerged and was crazily wiped out.

And Lin Chen flicked away, and when he came to the vicinity of the worm tide, he finally saw the attribute light balls they dropped!

There is only one attribute light ball dropped by every insect race, and the pure white attribute light ball is all over the starry sky.

Lin Chen changed too much when the Ancient Dragon took away, the system popped up a light screen.

[The host gets 6000 high level Heavenly Dao points, 5000 high level Heavenly Dao points...]

Lin Chen startled, and his eyes shine immediately!

These insect races actually drop the Heavenly Dao attribute!

Good guy, there is a way!


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