However, Elder Wuji can still hold his mind.

Wuji Tianzhong can perceive it, indicating that the opponent is not too far beyond the scope of his deduction.

The scary thing is that when certain creatures in God World come, they can't even perceive the existence of the Promise Heaven Clock...

She said with lingering fears: "Great Grandfather, is there God World powerhouse is coming?"

The old man Wuji shook his head: "I don't know whether it is an enemy or a friend. It is still unclear."

Qian Yingxue hesitated and said: "But also in the Holy Realm. If there is a powerhouse, it should be..."

"Yingxue." The old man Wuji gave her a serious look.

Qian Yingxue startedled, she showed this look when she saw Great Grandfather for the first time, it was far more serious than when Lin Chen punched a Saint King!

"Don't use common sense to examine the creatures of God World."

"We are creatures of the three-dimensional realm, and they are the four-dimensional!"


Dragon World——


Outside the Dragon King Palace, a radiant Dragon's Might burst out with infinite anger, shaking the space and suppressing all directions!

"Damn it, until now, you are still arguing! Do you still want to protect the evil Human Race?"

The sound of anger spread all over the temple, countless Dragon Clan Being dizzy and horrified by the shock, he immediately stayed away from the vicinity of the Dragon King Palace.

"That's all, it's useless to count on you. I personally take care of this kid. After he comes out, whether his secret or his position, this Elder will take it directly!"

"Send this Elder order, summon the dragon kings of all races!"

A big storm is brewing in Dragon Clan, with Lin Chen as the center, it is brewing more and more intense.

Lin Chen didn't know what was waiting for him in the dragon world.

Divine Dragon plane, in the nebula at the position of the dragon head.

Outside the gorgeous blue palace, when Lin Chen opened his eyes, his pupils changed from azure blue to black and white, and finally turned back to their usual black eyes.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading the bloodline and possessing the Divine Dragon bloodline attribute value: 5 billion points. The enhancement level has been automatically synchronized. All the bloodline divine ability possessed by the host: Azure Dragon Sword, upgrade to the extraordinary rank. Heavenly Prison, promoted to a peerless level. ]

[Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading the bloodline and possessing the Yin-Yang Divine Transformation Dragon bloodline attribute value: 5 billion points. The enhancement level has been automatically synchronized. The bloodline divine ability attribute that has been automatically inherited: Immortality, Grade: Peerless. 】

Lin Chen sighed, and when he got up and looked at himself, he said with joy--"Good fellow, I like to mention two Divine Dragon bloodlines. Sacred Dragon has exceeded the limit of 500,000 powers!"

Lin Chen’s current Sacred Dragon, after killing the centipede king and decomposing countless Divine Dragon scales, he has 500,000 powers. Pure power alone can open the 100th holy cave. Half a step Saint King contends!

However, 500,000 dignity is a limit, and if you want to improve in the future, even the ancient Dragon, which is innate talent, is quite slow.

This is also the reason why many dragons have not become the Dragon King, with 500,000 powers to 990,000 powers. 990,000 powers to 1 million powers are two big boundaries!

The corners of Lin Chen’s mouth raised: "During this period of time, the Divine Dragon scales that Avatar decomposes are a bit scary. The speed of killing the insect race is directly proportional to the speed of decomposing the Divine Dragon scales. And... …"

Lin Chen's palm rests on his dantian position, which is the position of the 46th holy cave!

Accumulation has almost reached the limit!


In the azure blue palace, a stream of light flew out and it was Lin Chen’s Sacred Dragon!

Sacred Dragon has completed bloodline transformation and baptism. The focus of Professor Divine Dragon is Luo Shuiyue, and Lin Chen can only be regarded as an incidental promotion.

The current Sacred Dragon is transformed into a human form, with a pair of yin and yang twins with black White Dragon pupils, blue dragon horn, and a tall and slender body covered with golden dragon scales. The temperament is cold and cold, and the charm is even more enhanced. .

Lin Chen patted Sacred Dragon, very satisfied—"Well, I’m almost as handsome as one-tenth of me, and I deserve to be one of my signature giant dragons."

He was about to take action, Xingyue Princess follow closely from behind, and said: "What are you going to do?"

During this period, Xingyue Princess also accepted the inheritance of the sage of the Yutian Golden Dragon, but She would come back to monitor Lin Chen every one month.

After all, Lin Chen’s battle strength is still too dangerous. If he has any doubts about other descendants of Divine Dragon, he will find the Dragon Tomb monument, except for the dragon seal held by her Xingyue Princess. It's hard to limit him.

She is responsible for the tasks assigned to her by Dragon Clan.

Lin Chen jokingly said with a smile: "is it possible that I am going to pee and I will report it to you, not Xingyue Princess."

Xingyue Princess coldly snorted: "Vulgar language."

Lin Chen raised an eyebrow: "Pushing is also vulgar? What about hehehe?"

Xingyue Princess: "..."

Lin Chen chuckled and did not continue to molest her, but with a beckon, Sacred Dragon was incorporated into the ontology.

He changed the appearance of become Saint draconian, soared into the air, and swept towards other Dragon Tomb.

Xingyue Princess followed closely, staring at Lin Chen with Xingyan'monitor'.

Lin Chen arrives at a continent of ash-gray, at the end is a surging forward with great momentum mountain, there seems to be a horrible energy hidden inside the mountain, horrible to see!

Lin Chen arrives at this moment, and gravity has increased sharply!

At least, 500 million times more weight!

You must know that the Tianbaran plane entered during the screening of the Ten Thousand Dragons Conference, but the gravity of several millions times, there are hundreds of millions of times here!

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed: "Here, is the Dragon Tomb of the Hell Dragon of Tianyue Town..."

His Primordial Spirit can feel the power of the mountains. , The raging dragon's breath storm is raging!

You need to know that in the Divine Dragon plane, such a solid space, and the 500 million times the weight of the Dragon Tomb of the Heavenly Mountain Hell Dragon, the energy that can still raging, shows how much energy there is terror!

Lin Chen rubbed his chin: "Good guy, the energy here is so full, it can be seen that the Heavenly Mountain Prison Dragon, perhaps among the fallen Divine Dragon, the Divine Dragon’s will, has the most remaining power... "


A pair of dragon pupils opened in the mountains, and looked as huge as Sun, Moon and Stars from a distance.

"Is it the descendants of Dragon Clan and Ancient Dragon...what is going on here."

It is the voice of Tianyue Town Prison Dragon!

In its deep voice, there is an unconcealable disappointment!

The descendant of the prison dragon clan in Tianyue Town. It has been waiting for countless years, but it hasn't come once!

This means that there are no descendants of Divine Dragon who can enter here. It is a proof of the decline of this clan.

Lin Chen and Xingyue Princess hand over at the same time.

Next, Lin Chen said seriously: "Junior Lin Chen, I am looking for a senior to borrow something."

The Divine Dragon of Tianyue Town Prison Dragon said with plain will: "Descendants of Ancient Dragon, what do you want."

Lin Chen said: "The marrow of the senior body."

Divine Dragon will: "en?"

It has long since fallen, and Divine Dragon's body has long been incomplete, and most of its flesh and blood has been swallowed by the dying worm god.

The Marrow of the Bone of God, it does still exist, but not much. If this child is the descendant of the prison dragon clan in Tianyue Town, it would be fine for him, but it is not!

Divine Dragon will indifferently said: "We have it, but we don't give it. You can return it."

Lin Chen said solemnly: "Maybe Junior can be equivalent to senior Exchange transaction..."

Divine Dragon's will coldly said: "If you don't give it, you don't give it."

Lin Chen: "...Is there no room to talk?"

Divine Dragon's will: "No."

Lin Chen's mouth twitched slightly...

He bluntly said: "Can senior tell me why."

Divine Dragon will: "Because of you, looks handsome."

Lin Chen: "..."

Damn, it makes sense, he didn't Right! !


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