Lin Chen stayed calm and said with a smile ——"senior, handsome, this thing is born and can’t be changed. Or let’s talk about other chips, maybe Junior has senior here. What do you need? Junior only needs a bit of the essence of the bones..."

Divine Dragon's will in a low, muffled voice, shaking the space, said: "Don't talk about those useless, what do you have? I'm not interested. This incomplete will, is it possible that you can still repair it? Billow!"

If it is another descendant of Ancient Dragon, the will of Tianyue Town Prison Dragon might still consider it. a bit.

But this kid is too Xi Ancient Dragon bloodline!

Whenever I think of Taixi Ancient Dragon, it can always think of the days when the elder sister used it as a'sandbag' to practice hands...

Tianyue Town Prison Dragon, born to Strong defense. Needless to say, the Prison Dragon in the Divine Dragon realm, within the same level, the defense is superb, and almost few opponents can break it.

But, this does not include Taixi Ancient Dragon!

Taxi Ancient Dragon is the Ancient Dragon known as Absolute Attack and Absolute Defense! Attack power and defensive power are all known in the Ancient Dragon class!

Every time Taixi Ancient Dragon wants to practice hands, the target can only be the defensive Tianyue Town Prison Dragon...

It turns out that she and the Ancient Dragon sister can practice head-to-head. I can touch myself, but I can't touch her!

So, whenever Taixi Ancient Dragon is mentioned, it is a history of blood and tears for Tianyue Town Prison Dragon.

It has great opinions on Taixi Ancient Dragon!

If Lin Chen knew the reason, he would be so angry that he would cock his mouth.

Xingyue Princess sees everything in her eyes, as if hesitating to think about whether to tell the fact that Lin Chen is a Human Race...

Boom~! boom! boom! boom!

There is a violent tremor and distortion in the space!

The will of Lin Chen and the Tianyue Town Prison Dragon, at the same time aroused their vigilance!

This shock is very terrifying, coming from a large area and multiple directions from far away in time and space!

Everyone is far away from the location of the Divine Dragon Tombs, but things are definitely not simple!

"What's the matter?"

"I...I seemed to be forcibly interrupted by my ancestors."

"There seems to be a powerful energy Get closer!"

"The way is wrong, it seems that there is more than a little bit!"

A dozen descendants of Divine Dragon flew out of Dragon Tomb!


Lin Chen also flashed immediately beyond the stars.

Immediately afterwards, a sleek man wearing a black robe appeared next to Lin Chen.

The dragon horn on his head, his arms are as black as ink, his five fingers are claws, and his eyes gazed into the distance.

It is the Primordial Spirit will of the Hell Dragon of Tianyue Town.

It and Lin Chen almost speak in unison.

"It's an insect race!"

As soon as this statement came out, many descendants of Divine Dragon have one's hair stand on end!

The space shock just now was at least the formidable power that shattered thousands of stars in an instant. It turned out to be an insect race?

Insect race at this time is coming?

The comer is not good! The other party came with a plan!

The Divine Dragon plane, every time it is opened, is the weakest moment of Divine Dragon's will.

Because of their incomplete will, they also need to teach and guide the descendants of Divine Dragon, which further weakens the incomplete will of Primordial Spirit.

Lin Chen and Tianyue Town Prison Dragon looked at each other: "Senior, the person who came is not good."

The latter nodded and said: "Indeed, this situation has never happened before. It happened."


At this time, a soft and beautiful shadow Ping Ting stood upright, but her mental condition was not very good, standing beside Lin Chen and Tianyue Town Prison Dragon.

It is the Divine Dragon of Hell Water.

She said solemnly: "The situation is not optimistic, the insect race is here! Our Divine Dragon Formation has all been torn apart in different ways, which is a good thing for the remaining Old Guy!"


Dragon Clan has the surviving Divine Dragon will, and the insect race also has the Primordial Spirit surviving of the insect god! But the remaining will of the insect god is not as good as Dragon Clan.

Lin Chen suddenly said: "They are going to launch a big attack! My Avatar is outside and suddenly ignored by the insect race. A large number of insect races are coming here."

Tianyue Town Prison Dragon looked towards Water Divine Dragon —— "Those Old Guys, how many others can move."

Dai frowned, and Water Divine Dragon seriously said: "The one who can really leave Dragon Tomb , Now there are not even seven of them."

Tianyue Town Prison Dragon said: "These old bastards are so insidious!"

This time it was made clear that Dragon Clan was going to die. Li forced, but chose to open the Divine Dragon plane for more than three months. When the will of Divine Dragon was teaching the descendants, the weakest period came.

This can be regarded as the final counterattack!

However, even though the Divine Dragon plane has been opened so many times in the past, the insect race has not launched a major attack, why is it like crazy this time?

At this time, a hoarse voice came from several distant Dragon Tomb continents.

"The first few directions, let us give some old bastard."

"The remaining will of some old rivals is also awakened. Insect race wants to Annihilate our descendants."


The majesty of the radiant Divine Dragon is like falling from the sky, descending to the world all around all around the distant time and space.

Lin Chen’s Primordial Spirit power, he perceives several Divine Dragon wills equivalent to the Divine Dragon of Hell Water, and swept in different directions!

The Tianyue Town Prison Dragon waved his hand and snarled sound transmission.

"All the descendants of Dragon Clan follow the order, this Tianyue Town Prison Dragon, formally give you an order. Before our Old Guys close all the Formation gaps, you have to go to one of the gaps to welcome Enemy, hold on until we have all repaired the Formation!"

All descendants of Divine Dragon, immediately received, went out one after another.

This time, the Divine Dragon who can leave Dragon Tomb's will, and count the Heavenly Mountain Prison Dragon, there are eight in total, and they swept away in eight different directions!

Before leaving, Divine Dragon of Jilinshui turned his eyes, staring at Lin Chen, and suddenly said.

"Little friend Lin Chen, at this moment, the future of Dragon Clan is entrusted to you."

Lin Chen nodded and said: "Junior must do his best."

A ray of water flees, when the will of Divine Dragon of the hell water just left--

"gā gā gā! Dragon Clan, today is the time to destroy your descendants!"

"Let you taste the anger of my insect race that has accumulated countless years!"

"Even if you die, you have to pay the price of blood!"

Several shocks The sharp hiss of the eternal age spread all around all around.

Is the insect race’s will of the insect god! They even rushed to the location of the tomb of Divine Dragon in person!

When the terrible divine might come to suppress all the descendants of Divine Dragon--

Boom! boom! boom!

An afterimage of Divine Dragon swept across the sky suddenly, suddenly opened the mouth of the dragon and breathed out, colliding with the extremely distant insect god!

Like countless True Dragon dances colliding, the distant time and space are constantly shining with bright aurora, which is extremely dazzling.

The aurora continues to spread like a starburst, which is especially terrifying. It is horrible to see the descendants of Divine Dragon!

This is the battle of the gods! Too terrifying, there is World Destroying Might between every thought and every move!

The continuous will of Divine Dragon resists the invasion of insect race's will from many insects from different directions, and the Formation is being repaired quickly!

Lin Chen and the descendants of Divine Dragon retreat again and again, retreating to the position of the Dragon Neck Nebula of the'Divine Dragon Nebula' before they completely moved away from the battlefield.

At this time, the world starry sky suddenly dimmed!

All starlight has been covered up!


The descendants of Divine Dragon eyes shrank ……

They perceive the endless insect race, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

The quantity is more than billions and tens of billions, it is a unit of hundreds of billions and trillions; it has reached a point where it is almost infinite!

At least most of the insect races of the Divine Dragon plane have gathered here. Insect race insects make a move. As expected, they cut weeds and eliminate the roots as soon as they make a move!

However, when Xingyue Princess glanced at Lin Chen from the corner of her eye, she was completely stunned!

I saw someone in Lin with his mouth wide open, and his expression was so excited that he suddenly saw a group of big beauties swarming, and he smiled like an idiot.


It must be crazy!


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