The Purple Moon Biking King Scorpion was cracked by Lin Chen's Demon Slaying Gun!

It waved its poison tongs frantically, and the strong wind poison qi slashed like a blade, and wherever it passed, the star burst!

Purple Moon Biking King Xie has been emptied time and time again, Lin Chen's movement method is too fast!

Using his current cultivation base to use the movement method, Human Race Holy Realm, few powerhouses can compare to Lin Chen!

This has almost evolved into a fighting trend, that is, only Lin Chen beats it, and it can only be beaten!

Totally desperate!

The worm blood of the Purple Moon Jade King Scorpion is soaring, turning into an attribute light ball to spread the sky!

Lin Chen swings a gun and stabs, dances like a dragon, imposing manner like a rainbow, and rushes all the way!

Each of his moves has the trigger probability of [Extinction Ripples] and [Destruction Explosion], not to mention his [Blinking Lights and Shadows] top five moves!

No matter how powerful the Ziyue Biking Scorpion's defense is, it will not be able to withstand Lin Chen's frenzied attack!

Purple Moon Biking Scorpion’s huge worm body and blood raging, torn skin and gaping flesh, hit Lin Chen with wounds in less than a hundred rounds, and the effect of exterminating the rifts made it almost desperate. !

"Squeak! This king is fighting with you!"

With a roar, the purple moon and green king scorpion condenses all the energy on its scorpion tail!


Lin Chen didn't use his gun, a starlight appeared out of thin air.

With a grip, Lin Chen transforms into a star bow like the power of star fury.

The bowstring is full.

Lin Chen Holy Force condenses the arrows, the arrows are in red flames,

Suddenly, the scorpion tail stabs and rushes, gathering the life force of a generation of Insect King!

Lin Chen slams the strings and burns the sky with one stone! Divide into five!

Boom~! chi chi chi!

between Heaven and Earth An aurora suddenly bloomed, and it turned into a billowing flame, burning under the stars!

The proud scorpion tail of Ziyue Biwang Xie was shot through by five arrows and exploded inside and out.

【The host has triggered the destruction and explosion twice, has eliminated the hostile target, and has ended his life and death. 】

After the desperate life and death state is lifted, Lin Chen's Holy Force is slightly weaker by 10%, but it is still very strong!

Next time you start "Death to Life and Death", if you burn life force based on the current cultivation base, the increase will be more than 10% simple!

"It's dead..."

"The Insect King, who is comparable to the dragon king of my clan, can't even hold on to two hundred rounds in the hands of Lin Chen..."


"How against the sky is his growth arc!"

The descendants of Divine Dragon are terrified.

This Human Race is so terrible!

At the moment when the Purple Moon and Bi King Xie died, the remaining two Insect Kings felt like have one's hair stand on end!

Fortunately, the Eclipse King Blue Butterfly King, it at least escaped a considerable distance.

From the beginning, the Black Electric Horror was delayed by Taixi Ancient Dragon with five'Heavenly Prison', and there was no time to escape far!

Lin Chen smiled awe-inspiringly: "I'm doing things, besides being fair, it's very fair! Since the King Scorpion is dead, it must be rain and dew, everyone is fair."

Lin Chen slowly raised his hand, jokingly said with a smile.

"The two Insect Kings are not qualified to escape in my hands."

The corners of his mouth rose frantically, and his laughter spread across the starry sky with the rolling Holy Force!

"There are seven more hanging like me!"


One snap, divine light comes to the world!

[The host consumes 140,000 points of Saint Level rune energy to activate Level 8 Phantom rune, and is synchronizing the host's strength -]

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Lin Chen's seven Phantom Clone, the cultivation base has skyrocketed! !

Almost one-thousandth of the breath, with the same peak state as Lin Chen's body!

The descendants of Divine Dragon are all crazy!

What's the situation!

Although your Lin Chen body is such a perverted body, is your Avatar so wicked!

This special thing still prevents the dragon from living!

How come such a monster appeared in Human Race!

This kid is from God World!

Lin Chen’s current cultivation base for the holy cave, if it is increased according to the "Taiyi Time and Space" and [Extreme God Possession]——

Theoretically, it should be comparable to the power of 1525970. Holy Force!

Yes, a million powers are the limit of Saint King!

But the lethality of Lin Chen's Holy Force did not reach more than 1.5 million dignity.

From the actual combat just now, the lethality of the Holy Force that Lin Chen felt was around 1.1 million powers.

And the [Death to Life and Death] is exactly the lethality of a million powers!

The blank '500,000' respect power during the period is a huge boundary between 999999 respect power and one million respect power.

This limit is the half-step difference between Saint King Peak and the real Saint King!

And the theoretical "500 thousand powers", just to fill the half-step Saint King, the higher the Saint King gap!

So, the fifty holy caves of Lin Chen's perfection, plus the virtual holy caves in the Taiyi time and space, the total of all the Holy Forces, just over the damage of a million powers, reached the Saint King's boundaries!

Condensation Realm Perfection has a Holy Force equivalent to Saint King!

Now Lin Chen can have Saint King’s battle strength without resorting to a series of killing moves!

His many orange-level innate talents will make his battle strength stronger than the ordinary Saint King by several grades!


In an instant, Lin Chen's Phantom Clone split into two groups!

Four Avatars are going to chase the Moon Blue Butterfly King, and three are going to encircle the Black Electric Horror!

Lin Chen's Sacred Dragon, although he was injured, has the innate talent of the bloodline of the'Divine Transformation Dragon made by Yin and Yang'. He recovered on his own without any harm. On the contrary, he quickly grabbed a massive amount of attribute light for Lin Chen!

Xingyue Princess looked at Lin Chen's back, slightly stunned, her eyes fascinated.

A Human Race that has Taixi Ancient Dragon bloodline and takes the Ancient Dragon bloodline to a whole new level.

A Saint 5th layer Perfection can kill the Human Race of Insect King!

Such a man will definitely be the leader of Human Race in the future!

Xingyue Princess recalled Lin Chen’s words-“It’s not my Lin Chen, I don’t deserve the High Ancient Dragon bloodline, but the Ancient Dragon bloodline, I don’t deserve Lin Chen. ! '

The beautiful lady smiled bitterly: "He... unexpectedly said that it was true."

Unconsciously, Lin Chen’s impression quietly happened in Xingyue Princess’s heart. The change...

After a while, the descendants of Divine Dragon secretly sighed in relief, feeling the joy of the robbery.

They thought that when everything was over--

Lin Chen turned around suddenly, his gaze staring from a distance at the top war circle at the Dragon Head Nebula.

Several descendants of Ancient Dragon looked at his begin to stir in their eyes, and their hearts throbbed.

hey hey hey, No way...... Does this kid want?


Lin Chen silhouette flashed, and the sky shone in the sky!

He holds the slaughtering spear with red light in his hand, and wears a robe of Zhu Yuetianchen, smashing to the top of the dragon head nebula!


This time, all descendants of Divine Dragon suck in a breath of cold air!

Today's descendants of Divine Dragon have been subverted several times!

All were shocked by Lin Chen!

His grandma, this kid is real! !

He rushed into the circle of Divine Dragons!

This is the 9th Heavenly Layer to be featured!

As proud as the descendants of Ancient Dragon, at this moment I have to admit that Lin Chen is an unprecedented monster in every respect!

"He is too hanging..."

"Why is he so fierce!"

"The Crown Prince refused to accept anyone, just obey him Lin Chen !"

"I set it up!"

"Your hanging, why don't you soar up to the 9th Heavenly Layer?"

Just turned into the perfection of the condensed state, it turned out to be To dry the will of the Primordial Spirit of the insect gods!

Is this a person?


Lin Chen: "Take off, don’t talk about it."

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