
Billions of cloud shadows show up in the sky, Lin Chen shot the cloud shadow with his foot, and walked straight to the top battle circle!

This time, it is the turn of the insect god and the will of Divine Dragon!

Good fellow, Saint 5th layer cultivation base, dare to intervene in the battle of the god level?

Even though Divine Dragon and the insect god have fallen for countless years, the will of God is still God!

The tiger will die but it is still a tiger, non-ant mote is reversible!

To fight against the will of God, it is definitely not Saint King who can interfere with the level!


Lin Chen carried the gun and went up to do it!

How can this not be confused?

It's better than you Divine Dragon, insect god, and Saint 5th layer who has never seen such a wild and courageous Saint 5th layer!

Lin Chen runs Heavenly Art too, and the divine might also face doesn't change!

However, Tianyue Town Prison Dragon was the first to react.

A look at its vast and stalwart Primordial Spirit dragon head, covering the stars and covering the moon, in a low, muffled voice sound transmission Lin Chen ——

"Lin Chen boy, we Come to delay this red scorpion god, it is the mastermind of this operation. It is willing to share its blood with other insect gods, and the current battle seems to be the strongest, but in fact it is the weakest!"

"This seat will delay it for you, and you will smash it!"

Lin Chen laughed proudly: "hahahaha, Senior Long, it's a deal! It's a deal, not broken Chrysanthemum Chen does not return!"


The offensive of the prison dragon in Tianyue Town suddenly skyrocketed, and the dragon's light was as dark as an abyss, tearing it off with one claw!

This claw is like the sky, and the entire starry sky is overturned.

The Star River-like Primordial Spirit body of the Red Scorpion God, flicks the scorpion tail!

The scorpion god's tail stabbed the god dragon claw hard, and when he resisted this claw, the red scorpion god was forced to retreat again and again!

The human form of the upper body of the God Red Scorpion appeared, gnashing teeth-"This Old Turtle still has this level of power. Didn't he give his full strength just now..."

When the red scorpion god saw Lin Chen attacked it, said with a malicious smile: "I can't kill you because I'm sad, but you came here by yourself!"


A dark storm swept across the starry sky!

The red scorpion god complexion greatly changed immediately, and he opened his mouth to exhale a blazing red light. The aura of the red light can even corrode the space of the Divine Dragon plane into a vacuum!

When the red light crossed, when it collided with the dark storm, Heaven and Earth remained silent, and all the space fragments seemed to disappear in a moment!

The Primordial Spirit of the Scarlet Scorpion God concentrates on dealing with the Tianyue Town Prison Dragon, and cannot tolerate its distraction.

As for Lin Chen, it doesn't take seriously at all!

No matter how strong he is, battle strength can only threaten Saint King!

God, he is still a million miles apart!

Potential is potential, and battle strength is battle strength! These are two conceptual things!

Boom! boom! boom!

When the God of Scarlet Scorpion was repelled by the Hell Dragon of Tianyue Town, suddenly the tail of God of Scarlet Scorpion was rolled into the sky, piercing the defense of Primordial Spirit of Tianyue Town Hell Dragon.

On the Divine Dragon Arm of the Prison Dragon in Tianyue Town, the red light flickered violently, and a series of blue smoke appeared!

The Primordial Spirit of the Red Scorpion God said with a malicious smile: "Do you really think that this seat can't beat you? This poison is enough for you to enjoy for hundreds of years!"

Q Knowing that a piece of corroded and smoking Primordial Spirit dragon scales fell off on the stalwart dragon body of Tianyue Town Hell Dragon, and the corners of its mouth slightly raised.

The red scorpion god eyes shrank.

Does it predict its own hand?


A touch of the ultimate holy light, blooming with a colorful starlight.

It's Lin Chen!

He holds a group of nine-color starlight in the palm of his hand, which is as beautiful as a meteor and as bright as a star sand. The scorching light is as beautiful as a god.

The nine-color starlight was set off against the teenager's wild smile, and he slammed his arms to the sky! !

Swipe~~! !

The night sky is cut through, and the nine-color starlight shines on the world, like an ant shaking an elephant head on into the Primordial Spirit of the red scorpion god!


The Scarlet Scorpion God hasn't understood why this child is immune to its divine might, and the opposite Tianyue Town Prison Dragon smiled heartily.

As expected, the Divine Dragon in the prison retreats quickly. The Primordial Spirit dragon flashes, transforming into several times the speed of light, and retreats away in no time!


The nine-color starlight is divided into five, suddenly blooming five beams of nine-color light beams!

Nine-color light pillars propped up the universe, blooming with bright holy light, covering most of the Primordial Spirit of the Red Scorpion God!

The beam of light slowly revolves, exuding the aura of extinction, twisting into everything covered by rays of light, annihilating everything!

Lin Chen gasping for breath, his face is rarely pale, with a sense of separation.

He stepped back quickly, but within both eyes flashed with extremely exciting rays of light!

Nine Tribulations Stars have always been one of his killing moves.

The strength of the formidable power is directly linked to Lin Chen’s holy cave origin, cultivation base, Primordial Spirit power, and elemental attribute!

On Primordial Spirit, Lin Chen today is no weaker than most Saint King.

On Holy Force, he reached the destructive power of Saint King. Not to mention that Lin Chen absorbed thousands of high grade crystals and decomposed tens of thousands of Divine Dragon scales!

Lin Chen looked at the continuously expanding nine-color beam of light, the holy cave quickly absorbed the massive gold sacred yuan coins that were planted by Qi Yun, and said in his heart: "If I don’t use another trump card, this is my current stage. The strongest attacking moves, as strong as a Saint King frontal defense, is also nine deaths and still alive."

"Unless it is an old monster of the level of the Supreme Elder of the Divine flame palace chief, you will be seriously injured if you don’t die. , I don’t know that the will of the insect god can have several points of effect......"

This nine-tribulation star condenses all the holy cave origins and Holy Force that Lin Chen can use, and almost takes him The strongest blow to hollow out.


A scorpion tail swept Sun, Moon and Stars and crushed countless stars in the Star Fragmentation cloud. Five beams of nine-color light beams were twisted by it, and they were directly crushed!

Lin Chen frowned: "Can't you..."

However, within the fragmented nine-color starburst, Lin Chen saw a huge amount of attribute rays of light!

His face is happy, as long as the attribute light ball falls out, it proves that it is not without effect!

I saw the red scorpion god at this time, the Primordial Spirit was slightly incomplete, and its brutal and violent eyes scanned the surroundings, looking for Lin Chen's silhouette!

Lin Chen's "Nine Tribulations Stars" triggered [Extinction Rift] and [Destruction Explosion], giving it and causing certain damage!


At this time, the seven great Divine Dragon will gather and surround the Primordial Spirit of the Red Scorpion God!

Its expression suddenly became gloomy!

The will of the insect gods that were called by it all ran away!

When they realize that they can't win the battle, their consciousness is highly unified and they retreat directly!

"tsk tsk tsk, general without an army one, let me see how you want to make waves!"

"This human brat is really shocking and stunning, it can be given to us This level of Primordial Spirit will cause harm..."

"Well, there is the taste of the Ancient Dragon back then. In time, it will surely subvert the forces of all races..."

" Hehe, that's not something we can worry about."

The seven Divine Dragons will look at the red scorpion god, snered, and come on!

The red scorpion god bursts out hysterical unwilling roars—"Damn it, time and time again! Too Xi Ancient Dragon, this seat can't beat you, could it be that even your descendants can't kill you? Do not believe in evil!"

Boom~! boom! boom! boom!

The red scorpion god fought the will of the seven Divine Dragons, but he became more and more frightened. The injury to his Primordial Spirit was unable to recover completely, and the wound became more and more enlarged!

This led to, and gave the seven Divine Dragon a chance to take advantage of the will!

With a loud noise, the Primordial Spirit of the Scarlet Scorpion God was besieged to death!

It can't even break through to catch Lin Chen and die!

At the moment when the Red Scorpion God was destroyed, the Divine Dragon will cast undisguised admiration, surprise and shock on Lin Chen!

A man in a black shirt, transformed by the Eternal Great Dragon, floated in the air, and couldn't help but give a thumbs up to Lin Chen.

"Boy, you are really strong!"

Lin Chen grinned in the air.

"Senior Divine Dragon made you laughed lowly with little tricks."


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