"Nine messengers? The ancient god senior is actually one of the nine messengers from God World!"

God World, this World is opposite to Lin Chen The words were too ethereal and illusory, he had never imagined what God World would be like.

The ancient gods continued: "The King Demon God at that time was seriously injured and wanted to devour all the galaxies near the God River galaxy to recover his wounds. He was stopped by the nine messengers of God World, and the battle of the gods happened. The edge of the river galaxy is the place where the mortal world is scattered."

"That battle destroyed countless creatures, sacrificed six of them with nine messengers, and finally killed the Demon God king. The eternal sacred fire confines its will forever, and suppresses its last remnant thoughts with the sky tower, and then focuses on the fusion of countless stars and sky towers, until the will of King Demon God is burned with the sacred fire."

Speaking of this, the ancient god sighed.

"As long as the King Demon God has a trace of will, it is possible to return in a swirl of dust. The eternal flame is inherently restraining the Demon Race, so the flame must stay here forever until it is burned. Into nothingness."

"The Demon Body of the Demon God King, invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, surpasses the ordinary divine force, although it is dead but not completely extinct, it is shattered and turned into fragments."

"At this point, another round of Demon Race battles in the Nether was triggered, and the Demon Race that got the Demon God King Demon Body fragments were the Demon Venerables who later became the emperors. Most of Demon Realm's Demon Emperor is the Demon Body fragment that obtained the Demon God King, and Fang became the emperor in the Demon Race."

After the talk, Lin Chen's heart was turbulent.

The eternal sacred flame has such a long history in retrospect!

The ancient god seemed to think of something, Hengkong pointed at Lin Chen’s forehead, said with a smile——“As for the sky tower of the Nine Provinces continent, it is a God World thing and requires nine messengers. The Divine Seal can be fully activated, and the old man can only make you its ally, but cannot completely control it."

A Flame Seal is added to Lin Chen's forehead, and then gradually disappears and hides in his body.

Lin Chen handed over: "Thanks Senior!"

The ancient god said with a smile: "If you encounter danger in the mortal world, activate this seal, the sky tower will Help you, but if you are in the holy realm, it will be beyond reach, unless you can completely control it. And, don’t you mean that your little girlfriend controls an eternal holy fire? If you want to resurrect the old man’s Primordial Spirit, maybe you can Try to use the eternal sacred fire..."

Lin Chen talked a lot with the ancient gods, Ning Qingxuan quietly listened from the sidelines, as if seeing the surging forward with great momentum of the ancient era, Human Race Sage did it all. Period.

And Lin Chen also really understood the various shocking and stunning generations that emerged in Human Race before the creation of the Holy Realm.

"Well, it seems that before the creation of the Holy Realm, there was nothing more handsome than me, then I can rest assured."

Lin stood up solemnly and said with a smile at will "The ancient god senior, if you have anything, please call me with the Primordial Spirit seal at any time."

The ancient god serene smiled: "Naturally, when the old man expects you to become a god, the old man has to wait I can afford it."

Lin Chen teased: "Waiting, senior eating hot pot and singing, listening to Fairy playing the piano, I may be it."

Look at each other and laugh!

This kid, bragging, doesn't blush.

old man likes it!

Finally, Lin Chen asked: "By the way, the ancient god senior, how to deal with this different crystal training art."

Lin Chen spread out the seven ancient books and handed them to He is Senior.

The ancient god startedled and released his spiritual consciousness. Before he was alive, the method of cultivating high grade alien crystals made him come back!

For the innate talent of this dísciple, his Senior's eyes are still old.

It's a pity to embark on a path of killing a teacher, otherwise one apprentice and one teacher will surely become an eternal Legendary in the sage list.

The ancient god shook his head and laughed: "It's up to you, the old man is very relieved to you as a little fellow. It's just a little..."

He specially took out two ancient books. , Said with a smile: "This middle grade, low-grade alien crystal training art, old man wants you to publicly grant it to everyone in the holy world for free in the future!"

Lin Chen was slightly surprised.

The ancient god laughed loudly, boldly and transparently.

"Ordinary geniuses want to have limited access to higher levels. In that case, the old man is willing to set this precedent and help the mortals in the world. May the holy world be sincere to the geniuses, everyone is like a dragon !"

Lin Chen said with a smile.

"Senior righteousness, I admire the kid. Okay, I will choose a suitable time to teach more mortals in the holy world in a more suitable way. If you throw your hands out irresponsibly, it will cause an uproar. Avoid jeopardizing more people after the Evil Sect knows how to create alien crystals."

The ancient god said with a smile: "You do things, I can rest assured."

... …

After leaving Ancient God Palace, in the sky, Ning Qingxuan said curiously: "What's next?"

Lin Chen shrugged: "Next? The next step is very simple. It's done, Ollie will give it!"

Two days later, Bing Xin was in the palace.

All the servants looked at themselves with shocking gazes like discovering a new continent, and then at Lin Chen

"My Burning Heaven Luoyang Heart Sutra, the formidable power actually increased by six More than double..."

"The bloodline has broken through! My bloodline is close to the bloodline of the descendants of God!"

"And my Grade 7 holy sword Moyuebreak Soul, I just tried it, and the formidable power is not inferior to Grade 8!"

"The old man's signature Absolute Art, unexpectedly broke through all new realm! Even the previous doubts are all understood. !"

All the servants almost knelt down for Lin Chen!

Lord, always drop God!

In the past three days, their cultivation technique breakthrough, bloodline soaring, and battle skill sudden enlightenment, all kinds of formidable power at least several times over!

In the same level, they are now slinging against the opponents of the same level in minutes! It's as easy as adults hammering children!

This improvement is a qualitative change from the inside out!

They really can’t think of anybody else who can do it besides surpassing the real divine ability of mortals!

This is not a miracle of God. What is it?

The chief Supreme Elder of the Divine flame palace is staring at Lin Chen!

Her realm bottleneck has not increased since the last retreat, but this time it has loosened a little! Just because the core method formidable power of "Divine flame Heart Sutra" has skyrocketed!

As overbearing as Shangguan Jue, and like a girl being developed at this time, Xue Di stared at Lin Chen in shock.

too terrifying! Her core method and master Absolute Art have tripled the formidable power!

This is what Divine Immortal has the ultimate foundation!

Lin Chen pretended to be frightened, clutching his chest, and said in horror: "What do you want to do in the Divine flame palace, let me talk about it first, I have a master."

Shangguan Jue glared at him fiercely, appearing sexy bearing and charming temperament, and couldn't help but said: "What the hell did you do..."

"Don't ask." Lin Chen interrupted her , Faint smile: "How do I do it, I will teach you tonight when I have time. You only need to know about the Divine flame palace, help me take care of Ruoyan, and follow me with peace of mind. In the future, similar benefits will be available throughout the Divine flame palace."

Divine flame The three of the palace are shocked!

The previous generation Palace Lord was shocked and full of satisfaction.

The Chief Supreme Elder has rekindled his fighting spirit!

She knows very well what it means for Lin Chen to transform their core method levels!

This level far surpasses the benefits of change brought to them by Wu Pianjue!

Lin Chen this child, they have decided!

After seeing the change of the head of the Divine flame palace Elder, Lin Chen said with a big smile: "Everyone, let’s not talk nonsense, let’s go and start the Flying Sword domain!"

Zi Qianshou opens Formation and Xiao Linger displays space channel.

In the process of rushing, Lin Chen also continued to refining a large number of new high grade alien crystals that he cultivated, and his elemental attribute value soared all the way.

Four days later.

Sword Domain, Immemorial sword city.

The simple and simple city releases a powerful sword intent. Sword City is a list of sword tombs, sword monuments, and sword forests, full of awesome Supreme sword intent, stirring up the situation!

Boom! boom! boom!

A sword monument shattered, a group of Saints were blown away by a sword, and the holy blood was sprinkled in the sky!

The headed azure robe man, his handsome face is full of coldness and solemnity, staring at the twenty people in the sky!

Of these twenty people, there are three Saint Kings, another is the famous'Sword King' both at home and abroad!

The king of sword dao, Monarch Overlooking The Whole World. Use sword to enter dao to become a Saint King, hold the sword intent to break life and death, this is the king of True King!

The azure robe man who was injured is the father of Jian Qingcheng!

At this time, Immemorial Sword City is experiencing an unprecedented disaster!


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