Jiancheng growled unwillingly—"Aren’t you even the lackeys of Genesis? The luck to dominate the Sword Domain is not enough, but also to stifle everything in this world. Is it a retreat?"

The twenty people in the sky laughed, and their eyes were full of mockery and disdain.

The purple clothed Sword King headed by the head raised his head and laughed, "Jiancheng, you are too naive, winner is the king, loser is the villain, why do you have to say more. This king only asks you, don’t you pay? The people who came out of Lin Chen’s thieves, this king just warned that the next sword is not that simple!"

The Saint King in white next to him said with a sneer ——"a wise man submits to circumstances, sword Accept, your decision will kill the entire Immemorial Sword City, and don’t kill yourself because of a little friendship."

Lin Chen’s servant team moved to this point, and some people returned to the Sword Domain. At that time, he was scrutinized by the Prediction Master of the Sword Domain part.

And it just so happened that Sword Domain’s strongest Grade 9 sect, Ancient Sword Sect, had a good relationship with Genesis, so a handful of Peak elites were dispatched to win people directly!

If you don't hand over, you will die!

It's very simple. Behind the Wan Ancient Sword Sect is the Sword King, Zhao Lingtian!

This person is among the 36 domains of the holy realm today, besides Sword God, sword dao is the most powerful house, and he is the only person who has achieved the'sword intent to communicate with God'!

In this era, Sword God is not coming out. Sword King is the strongest sword dao king! Of course, not under the premise of'Jin Taichu'.

"Why make it difficult for the people of Sword City!"

"The running dogs of the Genesis Alliance will always be so cruel and violent! This old man is not worth it, I will fight with you!"

At this time, Elder Council, Ye Family, Realm Tower, Zixia King Valley and some servants and powerhouse of the hidden world appeared from the secret roads of Jiancheng!

All of them regard death as home, a gesture of either the fish dies or the net splits.

There are several servants of 18 Layer Nine-turn Peak, who have already done their faith in cutting off one's means of retreat, blocking the opposite side of Saint King!

The purple clothed Sword King raised his eyebrows: "Have you finally appeared? Take you, count as my Sword Sect's meeting gift to Genesis!"


A dragon roar cried, his sword was unsheathed, and the purple light cloud actually tore the sky!

He swept swiftly and slashed with a single sword, and the soft clouds shattered everything, as if only with this sword, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields turned into ashes in just a moment!

With this sword coming down, those who can live will only be important figures!

Everyone regards death as home, and is planning to go head-on--

The space trembles violently, and the air cloud shatters into the sky, like stars, magnificent!

Everyone, sword dao powerhouse is taken aback!

The previous sword of Supreme Unity Sword King was enough to wipe out most of the creatures below the Saint King cultivation base. Even if Saint King is hard-wired directly, it’s impossible. Who is it?

Boom~! Brush~!

At this time, the distant clouds split apart, and the two vast palaces move like a void, and peng peng rushes from outside the Immemorial Sword City with two sounds!

I saw that the young man stepped on the top of the palace, and the two palaces flashed horizontally under his feet. The speed was extremely fast.

The powerhouse of Wan Ancient Sword Sect was dumbfounded!

He actually drifted over with two palaces? Is the road so wild?


When the Bingxin Palace and the Divine flame Palace descend outside the Immemorial Sword City, a silver robe jumped into the air and revolved in the air. When stepping into the powerhouse overlooking the Sword Sect high above the clouds, the corners of his mouth rose, jokingly said with a smile.

"Are you from Genesis? Very good, you are surrounded by me alone."

Sword Sect everyone: "..."

One People surrounded them? The road is very wild, Little Brother!

Boom~! clang! clang! zheng!

blade light Flurry dance, sword qi soars, blade light like tide!

Sword Sect everyone is stunned, what is the origin of this child! Do it as soon as you meet?

"Supreme Unity Golden King Sword!" The purple clothed Sword King cut out a Golden Great Dao, and the golden edge shook the sky!

"Wuwang Sword!"

"Taixu Dragon Transformation Sword!"

Swords are full of tricks, 200 thousand Ancient Sword Sect’s powerhouse is each Make Absolute Art hard to block Lin Chen's offensive!

Boom! boom!

Lin Chen's Sacred Dragon made a divine light trick, covering everyone and covering everyone to retreat quickly!


The servants shouted in surprise and ecstatic.

They felt that all new realm, the master who hadn't seen for half a year, the battle strength has soared to an unimaginable point!

The red-haired lady next to Jian Cheng looked at the man in her heart, and was very happy, feeling sincerely happy for his soaring strength.

Ye Qingwu in the team waved her pink fist and shouted excitedly: "Lin Chen, why are you here! Quickly crush them!"

"Lord? Lin Chen "

Supreme Unity Sword King startled, who barely took over the first wave of Lin Chen's offensive, looked terrified!

"Are you Lin Chen?"

Lin Chen held the slaughter gun in his hand, stepped on the cloud shadow to kill, and laughed awe-inspiringly—"nonsense, look at the gun! People, you have to be ready to eat Lao Tzu's big black gun!"

The gun body danced, the sky full of dark thunder dancing like a lightning snake, one after another world-destroying lightning like an electric dragon rushing down!

Boom~! boom! boom! boom!

The spear glow of the electric dragon spear glow and the shadows, one after another rushed down, the electric dragon penetrated the defense of many Sword Sect powerhouses, and the life-saving trump card was played in one face!


The people of Zixia Wanggu, Danyu, and Ye Family were very air-conditioned!

What kind of battle strength is this!

Crushing the half-step king, nine-turn Saint, and one face-to-face fight with three Saint Kings still have the upper hand! !

Lin Chen, how abnormal has become in the past six months!


Lin Chen coldly shouted, Xiao Ling'er sound transmission in the air.

"Master, the Formation has been completed, please let go and fight as much as you like."

After that, the massive space holy light is like a silver light flashing one after another, and I am under the protection of divine light. Everyone, flashed to hundreds of thousands li in a flash!

Boom! boom! boom!

In another series of explosions, Supreme Unity Sword King and the two Saint Kings were once again hit by Lin Chen's Avatar in melee combat!

This time, Lin Chen aimed at the gap in their melee range. With the speed of the movement method, he immediately started fighting!

When I realized that Lin Chen had five Avatars, and all of them had Saint King Realm's Holy Force, Supreme Unity Sword King immediately realized the seriousness of the problem!

"Quick retreat..."

He was about to Tearing Space stealth, but found that an invisible barrier had completely cut off the outside space! They can't find a gap to the outside world!

They wanted to escape, but Lin Chen did not give this opportunity.

It is the Avatar's close combat frantic attack this time, Lin Chen has the best chance!

"Overtime innate talent!"

Three Avatars smashed away in one palm. First, Supreme Unity Sword King and two Saint Kings, disappeared in an instant!

Next, the other two Phantom Clone instantaneous cloud shadows afterglow, and all the Sword Sect powerhouse has been absorbed into the plane of time and space!

In time and space——

Lin Chen appeared, with seven Phantom Clone, looking down at all the people in Sword Sect.

"Give you 3 breaths time, kneel down and seal the cave, and explain the creation of the world, I can spare your life, otherwise, die."

Lin Chen's eyes flashed killing. intent.

Supreme Unity Sword King said with a malicious smile: "It's just a Holy Artifact with a special point of space. What are you proud of?"

Lin Chen shook his head and said:" I gave you a chance. If you don’t cherish it, then go up and regret it on Yellow Springs Road!"


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