Since he does not surrender, Lin Chen will take the initiative!


Lin Chen’s Avatar cuts out a divine force Opening Heaven Sword, and the giant sword smashes it down!

Immediately afterwards, Avatar pulled the Nine Heavens Starfury and Shocked Thunder, and shot away with one arrow, splitting the light into five!


One Sword King, two Saint Kings, and seventeen Sword Sect supreme powerhouses joined forces to block Lin Chen’s offensive——

Supreme Unity Sword King said with a sneer: "You think you can kill me at this level..."

Before he finished speaking, his pupils suddenly trembled!

In the space directly above, Lin Chen’s Phantom Clone suspended five magnificent lantern-like star clusters, overflowing with destruction aura, making them feel the fear of death!

The previous four Saint Kings were fully defensive.

This time, Lin Chen has already used two orange-level high level Absolute Art to disperse their resistance. Now it is the moment of the Holy Force's operation!

Lin Chen Lang said with a smile.


Boom~! !

It is another day of nuclear peace.

The starlight is shooting all around, the fire beacon rolls over the space-time plane, the energy of the starburst evaporates countless mushroom clouds, and the world-destroying energy flows out like a python.

Seeing that there are Supreme Unity Sword King and two half-step Saint Kings who were injured but not dead. Lin Chen didn't talk nonsense, and didn't bother to ask. He raised his hand to draw a knife and draws a sword "tears of God" !

"Supreme Unity sword intent!"

Supreme Unity Sword King vomits blood, then cuts out a sword, a sword intent wipes out all Lin Chen's Blade Qi fragments nothingness!


Lin Chen was surprised and mobilized Avatar again to perform'annihilation·starburst'!

Supreme Unity Sword King gritted his teeth and cut out three strands of sword intent!


The destruction aura of the annihilation starburst, once again agitated and opened!

When the fire beacon passed away, the three silhouettes were covered in blood, still standing in the energy storm!

Lin Chen can’t help clicking one’s tongue in wonder: "This is the sword intent of the Great Accomplishment period. It’s really strong..."

Lin Chen doesn’t cultivate artistic conception, and artistic conception can be roughly divided into Early- Stage, mid-term, Great Accomplishment, Tongshen.

The sword intent of this Supreme Unity Sword King is slightly inferior to Fang Ling.

And if Sword King powerhouse uses the sword intent, it is Life and Death Battle.

Lin Chen is enough to kill Saint King's'annihilation starburst', but he hasn't killed them twice in a row!

Supreme Unity Sword King said grimly: "Lin Chen, you killed us, Lord Zhao Lingtian will definitely not let you go! Now that the three of us are let go, you still have a chance!"

Lin Chen shook his head and laughed: "Everyone is an adult, don't speak so naively. I killed so many people in your Sword Sect, did I let you go, go to your Sword Sect for supper and wine, Will you let me go?"


Lin Chen didn't use his spear, he held the frozen Heavenly Sword in his hand and slashed violently with one sword, and the five-handed giant sword fell straight away!

In spite of the injury, Supreme Unity Sword King cut its sword edge upside down, took out the last trace of sword intent, the giant sword that strangled the sky!

"Tears of God, Burning Sky Arrow!"

Lin Chen’s Avatar slashed again, and Nine Heavens Starfury slammed the bow, splitting the shadow, and piercing the twin king’s defense!

Then, the blade glow exploded, with endless Blade Qi fragments, strangling all three people, frantically triggering [Destruction Explosion] and [Extinction Ripples], sending them all on the road!

The plane of time and space is so strong.

Here, all Saint King's escape methods will be blocked!

On this day, Wan Ancient Sword Sect was shocked!

Several Supreme Elder at the core, two Saint King Venerables, and a Sword King fell all at the same time!

[The host gets 12,400 top Heavenly Dao points, 8.9 billion Saint Level blood, 40,000 Fire Element Energy, 20,000 Saint Level rune energy, 20,000 Saint Level cultivation technique essence, 6.9 billion Point suit essence, 42 million intermediate enhancement points, 1 billion Saint Level spirit strength......]

The three Saint Kings have died, and Lin Chen’s attribute value has soared! !

However, Lin Chen is not what it used to be. The quantity and quality of attribute values ​​dropped are proportional to the difficulty of the creatures killed by the host.

Lin Chen frowned, "The guy who understands the sword intent is really difficult..."

This is the sword intent of the Great Accomplishment period. If it is the realm of the'sword intent Tongshen', I am afraid that Lin Chen's body plus seven Avatars may not be an opponent!

Lin Chen squinted his eyes, passing thoughts; “In the Genesis Alliance, the strongest Saint King under True God, Jin Taichu and Jiang Poyi, respectively reached Blade Intent, sword The realm of intent."

These two people, Lin Chen can expect, are the most difficult types of enemies!

"I also need to wait for the same level expert to hold these two guys. If the problems of these two guys are not solved, there will be no chance of winning against Genesis."

Thinking of this, Lin Chen suddenly smiled: "It seems that only Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun!"

[The host has obtained two exclusive treasure chests for the Orange-rank innate talent and one special god material fragment... 】

At this moment, the system light screen pops up, and Lin Chen's heart is shocked. He has more than ten orange-level innate talent treasure chests!

Integrate now, and you will get a high level of orange innate talent with a high probability, and guarantee an orange high level innate talent!

The three Saint Kings were once again beheaded. Lin Chen's harvest is extremely strong!

Every Human Race Saint King, after countless epochs of accumulation, his wealth is extraordinary, one person can be comparable to the entire Grade 8 sect, and there is still something wrong.

Looking at the large amount of rare treasure scattered throughout the plane of time and space, these all are Sword Sect powerhouse's treasures and accumulations in the air transport planting sac, after being killed by Lin Chen, they floated together with the attribute light ball Fell here.

Lin Chen is so lucky to plant the bag, take it all away!

He sighed helplessly: "Fighting is the fastest way to accumulate wealth, and it is true. Unfortunately, if there are no such incidents, I would rather not fight and find a verdant hills and limpid water. Hidden land of peace and prosperity talk to the beauties, practice guns, and do sports. Isn’t he good? Hitting all day long, is it? Human Race has a lot of farts."

Lin Chen The Avatar quickly incorporated a massive amount of gold sacred coins to restore the Holy Force, cast a "star burst", the energy consumed by Saint Level rune is more than hundreds of thousands of points!

If it is not in battle, Lin Chen will try his best to restore Avatar’s Holy Force with medicine pill or gold coins.

After all, Lin Chen's current rune energy is not enough to make him profligate.

In Immemorial sword city, Lin Chen returns here.


Escort the Danyu Elder Council and other servants to immediately cup one fist in the other hand respectfully.

Ye Qingwu flew like a butterfly, circled Lin Chen like a rare treasure, looked up and down, slyly said with a smile.

"Yes, Brother Chen, I haven't seen you for half a year, so much fierceness? You beat all those people back? But you are amazing!"

Lin Chen jokingly said with a smile: "Who do you look down on, I have already killed them."

As soon as this statement was made, everyone was shocked! Ye Qingwu and Ye Lixue's mother and daughter's eyes lit up!

Did it? Those are two Saint Kings and one Sword King!

The Zixia King Valley and the World Tower and the others admired in their hearts, but there was still horror and wonder on their faces.

In just half a year, Lin Chen has been advanced by leaps and bounds to such a level!

They know more or less that Lin Chen paid a huge price for picking the War God Flame Palace and killing the four Saint Kings and Yin Tianzi.

But now, Lin Chen killed three Saint Kings while talking and laughing, more than a dozen Saint Kings with eight turns and nine turns!

Lin Chen now is not what it used to be!

The people present deeply felt the feeling of "betting right in the next game"!

Yes, now is the time to start the betting!

They have a good relationship with Lin Chen, if Lin Chen and Genesis win the duel, they will benefit infinitely!

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