At this moment, Xiao Ling'er's pretty face was happy, clapping her hands happily and said: "Fang Big Brother Long, they are coming back!"

Xiao Ling'er noticed When it comes to her own improvement, she is full of joy, staring Lin Chen with wonderful eyes full of limpid autumn water, and there is a lot of worship and admiration in her affection.

Even with extensive experience, it is difficult to suppress the excitement and excitement at this moment.

If she hadn't experienced it personally, she would even be unbelievable that her spatial divine technique has increased several times!

If it were before, it would take her at least six hours before she could perceive Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun approaching the edge plane of Sword Domain.

Now, as soon as the two of them arrived at the marginal area of ​​the Holy Realm, she had already used the spatial divine technique clearly understood!

The master's method can be said to be against the sky!

Hearing Fang Ling's name, Jian Cheng suddenly realized, "We told your Excellency Fang Ling when we were in danger just now."

Jian Wuji, who hasn't seen for a long time,patted Lin Chen Sighed on the shoulders, "Boy, you haven't seen you for many years, you are so strong."

Lin Chen said modestly: "Jian Wuji senior, I am a person without boasting, I have time for you Boast more."

Everyone laughed.

Immediately, Lin Chen smiled and waved his hand, his eyes swept all around said with a smile-"Since they are back, everyone, let's take root in Sword Domain temporarily."

At this moment, Jiang Taixu suddenly said: "Master."

Everyone looked towards him.

He has a very serious look, said solemnly: "Although this remark is inappropriate for the old man, your Excellency Fang Ling..."

Lin Chen raised his hand and interrupted What he said.

Lin Chen said with a smile: "I know what you want to say, you come out of the holy prison to follow me with your life, and I will respond to your expectations."

Lin Chen Looking into the distance, he laughed awe-inspiringly, full of anger.

"I want to completely liberate the luck of the Sword Domain and the sword domain! From then on, I only need to achieve enough realm. All beings in the holy world, the Blade and Sword Cultivator with the supreme heart, can everyone. Blade Intent is fascinating, sword intent is fascinating!"


Sword Domain, Ancient Sword Sect.

Above the clouds, a Cloud Sect stands between Heaven and Earth.

The white clothed man sits cross-legged in Yunyan, with a sheathless Black Sword beside him.

The sword intent between his eyebrows has become more exquisite and condensed. The sword intent is immortal and dominates the ages! There is a kind of Xeon realm at will!

This person is the sword dao Peak of the current era in the holy world, the Sword King · Zhao Lingtian!

Sword intent is the highest realm of sword dao, and is the ultimate realm for expressing one's own strength!

sword intent, one who can transform into ten thousand swords, clearly understood World's All Living Things. When the mind moves, the sword intent is instant, and any obstacle will be broken!

For example, the user wants to split an island. When he has this idea, the sword intent will split the island instantly!

Sword intent as you wish, as soon as you think!

No front is not broken, nothing can stop!

The sword intent and Blade Intent are attached to the user’s Primordial Spirit Consciousness Sea, and the Primordial Spirit power and Holy Force that are consumed every time they are used can increase the formidable power of any attack!

Sword intent and Blade Intent are fascinating, and are called the strongest attack method between Heaven and Earth! If attached to any sword technique or Blade Technique, it is the most terrifying Divine Item!

At this time, if the cultivation base reaches Saint King Realm's person, then can you see the natural phenomenon directly above Qingtian Sword King!

The gas turns into a dragon, if the Divine Dragon comes to the world, the giant dragon spit out beads. The dragon tails are connected, and there is a huge giant dragon entrenched in the sky of Sword Domain!

What’s even more amazing is that the Boundless Starry Sky above the giant dragon spins a huge vortex.

In the vortex above the giant dragon's head, there is a giant gate of primitive vicissitudes!

Giant gates all around, heroes withered bones, piled like a mountain.

Formidable person tombstone, Zhongyu stand in great numbers.

There are too many legendary heroes buried in this, condensed but not scattered!

This is a sight that only Saint King Realm can see!

Saint King opens a hundred holy caves, and the last one is located at the center of the eyebrows, the "Holy Eye Point". Only with holy eyes can we get a glimpse of this sight!

This scene is called the'gate of luck'! !

In addition to the highly capable Prediction Master, there is only the Holy Eye of Saint King, who can get a glimpse of'Qing Luck'!

Qiyun is Heaven and Earth balancing the existence of everything.

Ordinary people are impossible clearly understood or see the true face of luck in a poor life.

Qiyun is like water, and life is like fish.

A fish that has lost water, no matter how much it pats its tail, it can only be able to move forward a few minutes. Want to fish leaping over the dragon gate, once Dragon Transformation is impossible!

And the luck of Sword Domain is the'key' of the sword saint of the whole holy world to the realm of'entering the gods'.

If Qi Luck is condensed and closed, the sword saint of the whole holy world cannot snoop into the realm of gods!

Now, the luck of Sword Domain is all imprisoned here!

Here, there is only one overlord, Qingtian Sword King!

For those who have lost luck and the door of luck will never open, the powerhouse as sword dao will never be able to step into the realm of'sword dao Tongshen'!

Unless, it becomes the realm of'sword dao Tongshen' before the door of Qi Luck is closed.

Suddenly, Qingtian Sword King · Zhao Lingtian opened his eyes, sword intent cut the void and cut the sky!

He coldly said: "Supreme Unity is dead? Together with the other two...Who dares to shoot my Sword Sect!"


The sword intent splits the firmament, the sky splits in half!

"Dare to offend my Sword Sect, courting death!"

Tear~! sword light like a dragon, slash the sky!

The first sword king of the holy world, personally dispatch!


Genesis Alliance Headquarters——

Ying Jiufeng is walking on air, looking towards the Martial God Aristocratic Family who has just arrived, and is determined in his heart Idea.

Ying Jiu’s phoenix eyes swept away, True Dragon Saint King seemed to see through his thoughts, and said calmly: “It’s not the time to launch a full-scale attack. Although these people have recovered a lot from their injuries, the holy cave is still Very vacant, there is still some time before the peak state."

Ying Jiufeng coldly said: "How long will it take."

True Dragon Saint King said: "At least three months, This still does not include the large number of prisoners in the holy prison. Of course, if you can find me a Grade 9 Saint Level alchemist, this speed can be doubled."

Ying Jiufeng frowned. , Immediately swept his sleeves: "that's all, three months to three months, just summoned each Grade 9 to send Saint King to assemble, this time, I will kill Lin Chen all at once!"

Twelve Grade 9 sect and Aristocratic Family gatherings. Those scenes will be a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering battle in the history of the Holy Realm!

Ying Jiufeng seemed to be considering something, and the corners of his mouth raised: "In addition, send messengers to invite the family sect behind the forty-two sages and ask them to send a powerhouse to help us win Lin Chen and the others."

As soon as this statement came out, Qianhu Saint King smiled knowingly.

Next, it will be the time when the holy world will change completely! !

Lin Chen's bloodbath of the talent list, the result of this action will definitely not end so easily!


Sword Domain, Immemorial sword city.

Boom! boom!

Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun knelt in shame.

The corners of everyone's lips twitched wildly.

His uncle, Saint King without the slightest hesitation knelt down to admit his mistakes, this kind of scene, how many times I see it is his mother’s horrible to see......

"Lord, it’s us The failure of responsibility!"

"If the lord wants our life, there will be no two..."

Lin Chen raised his forehead and raised his hand to stop: "Stop! Here! I stand up, one by one, after staying with me for so long, I still don’t know my temper? If I don’t engage with you, the matter is over. Turn over."

See, helpless smile.

Lin Chen continued: "I ask you, what happened to the inheritance?"

Fang Ling said-"Very smoothly, Xianxiamen has gone through ridiculous ages and countless strange people. The foundation is even comparable to the four Grade 9 forces. There are a total of eight inheritances. We are now acquiring six inheritances."

"Among them, Qi Feiyan and Shangguan Invincible, Yun Tianguang, Qin Nine Heavens, Situ Changsheng, Jiang Wan'er, accept inheritance or baptism. Among them, several people may break through and become Saint King!"

Everyone was shocked when this statement came out!

Leaving the customs to become Saint King!

With this kind of background, Xianxiamen deserves to be one of the Overlord Influences in the ancient period!

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