
At this time, a sharp sword intent, Blade Intent, pierced the sky!

The two artistic conceptions, far beyond the Great Accomplishment period, are infinitely close to Blade Intent and the charm of sword intent.

Lin Chen raised an eyebrow and said with a smile: "It seems that they are done."

Fang Ling and Lang are out of the game!

Their Holy Artifact, core method, and cultivation technique have all been fully strengthened!

The battle strength is complete, it's time!


At this time, the silhouette of Jiang Taixu stepped into the great hall and said respectfully: "Master, I have something to tell."

Lin Chen said: "Could it be the previous paragraph? The Saint King of time has fallen?"

Jiang Taixu nodded: "Yes, this Saint King fall is related to the group of demons, and the demonic energy is born all over Heaven and Earth."

"oh ?" Lin Chen was very interested: "You mean, this Saint King was killed by Demon Race?"

The fall of Saint King, Lin Chen is not uncommon.

He used to think that Saint King rarely came into contact with this level. Now he stands at Peak in the Holy Realm. In addition, the situation has changed completely before the situation is contrasted. One or two Saint Kings have fallen. Not surprising.

But if it is related to Demon Race, forget it!

The Holy Realm is the site of Human Race. What is the concept that Demon Race can kill a Saint King on the site of Human Race?

Jiang Taixu solemnly said: "Yes, it’s best to keep an eye on the Lord’s actions. The fall of Saint King this time is not a trivial matter. Not only is there a sign that Demon Venerable was born in the Holy Realm, but the old man also calculated it. More than three kinds of demonic energy are here! The dignity of demonic energy is the emperor of the demon, equivalent to the Demon Emperor!"

"Demon Emperor?" Lin rubbed his chin and chuckled: "It seems, Has my handsome name reached this point? I am really flattered. At my age, I have to bear the pressure of handsomeness that I should not bear. It is so annoying."

After that, Lin Chen got up and looked at. Sharp: "Leave aside the Demon Race matter for the time being, they will also involve Genesis if they want to make things worse. It just happens to be a mess, we will directly attack the root of the problem!"

"Go! This time! For us to take the initiative to attack, Tai Xu cover our Qi machine, go out, Wan Ancient Sword Sect!"


Wan Ancient Sword Sect · General Sword Hall.

Today, the three Sword Kings of Wan Ancient Sword Sect gathered together!

Sword King, Qingtian, personally exit!

The remaining two Saint Kings of Sword Sect were also summoned by Qingtian Sword King. In addition to the three who fell before, there are actually four Sword Kings and four Saint Kings in Ancient Sword Sect!

This kind of background is also at the level of cream of the crop in Grade 9 sect!

Zhao Lingtian sat on the sword hall, coldly said: "This time I won the Immemorial sword city, which led to the fall of my Sword Sect Elder Council. It is an extraordinary shame and humiliation. I personally lead the team and do it all. Come out, get rid of this child!"

As soon as this statement came out, the kings complexion slightly changed.

An old Sword King with white hair and youthful face said worriedly: "My lord, some of the sage list requires you to sit in Sword Sect all the time and act like this..."

"En?" Zhao Lingtian looked coldly, "Are you asking me to do something? Others have come to Sword Domain, killing my king, where will my face be!"


Abruptly, the boy's laughter echoed in the sky, dignified but domineering!

"What is your face? You have been fed to the dog since you decided to join forces with such world-destroying dog thieves like the Genesis Alliance!"

"No, I should say , When you dominate the luck of Sword Domain and block the advancement of all swordsmen in the world, there is no face to speak of."

A crowd of silhouette tore the void is now Lin Chen entire group !

This time, Lin Chen brought Supreme Elder, Fang Ling, Lang Fanyun, Lin Pingan, and six Phantom Clones, the chief of Divine flame palace!

There are not many people, but they are all the highest battle strength Lin Chen can use now! The remaining Avatar stayed behind.

The'sword intent Tongshen' is not a waiter. They are not trying to defeat each other this time, they are trying to kill!

To kill a Sword Domain's strongest Sword King, you must start with a killing move!

"oh?" Zhao Lingtian led the people to leave Sword Sect, hovering in the air, and when he looked at Lin Chen in the distance, he said with a smile: "You are Lin Chen? And Fang Ling, waves and clouds, unexpected , You can really come out of the holy prison."

Fang Ling said calmly: "Don’t put on the appearance that you are in control of everything, and forget how you followed me back then to ask Sword Dao? If it weren’t for you and the old monster’s plan to make me go to jail, you are still a younger brother in front of me."

Fang Ling clenched the hilt behind his sword and said calmly: “The old monster It's dead, and the next one is not far away."

Zhao Lingtian said with a big smile: "The hero doesn't mention the bravery back then. Now that you become Saint Wang wants to challenge me, he thinks he can ask me to settle the account. Already?"

Fang Ling sword intent rises and shines, coldly said: "No, I just follow the lord, come here to kill the enemy!"

Zhao Lingtian glanced away , Strangely said: "The catastrophe of pain and the Xuanyue of the Divine flame palace? Even you, do you have to fight with this king."

The Xuanyue Elder of the Divine flame palace said calmly: "Not with you The battle is here to kill you."


The Sword King seems to have heard the biggest joke in the mortal world!

Kill him?

At that time, he was one of the top ten on the list of saints. He has already become Saint King's posture. The accumulated foundation is one of the cream of the crops in Saint King, and he is in charge of the highest realm of sword dao!

Do you know, Lin Chen pushed Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun away!

"His uncle, what nonsense with him, give him a shot on his face first!"

Lin Chen's palm is full of nine-color starlight, and he raises his hand to Jiu Tribulations Stars To Zhao Lingtian abruptly thrown away!


A beam of nine-color aurora flashes and splits its shadow, turning into five meteors and falling!

The starting point is the stars of the Nine Tribulations! Lin Chen's current cultivation base is the strongest killer move!

Zhao Ling Heavenly Eye narrowed his eyes, took out a wisp of peerless sword intent at the center of his eyebrows, held the sword out of thin air, stab, turned the stab and cut diagonally!

Boom~! boom! boom! boom!

A weird scene appeared, Lin Chen's "Nine Tribulations Stars" in the blink of an eye, were all chopped up and plunged into endless vacuum cracks!

"Lord, be careful!" Fang Ling lost his voice!

pu chi ~!

The sword intent is so fast, Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun start the sword intent to protect everyone!

And Lin Chen and the three Phantom Clone were affected by the sword intent!

Shih~! The sword intent passed by, the holy blood spilled out, and all Lin Chen's Avatars spurred the'Golden Strand Jade Clothes', but a big wound was still cut!

Although Lin Chen's body was not injured, the star-chasing robe on his shoulder was cracked with a sword mark!

Lin Chen eyes shrank.

This guy, what a perverted strength!

Only the cultivation base, he has surpassed Xuanyue Supreme Elder of the Divine flame palace. With the blessing of'sword intent', he actually directly killed his'Nine Tribulations Stars' Up!

Not to break, but to cut into nothingness!

Not only that, even the Avatar was injured after a face-to-face encounter!

Zhao Lingtian’s stern face appeared with a grinning smile, "Being able to at first force me to use the sword intent, Lin Chen, your strength is indeed extraordinary Saint King, today you take the initiative to send it to the door, just to my liking!"

"Now, this king will let you know what is the strongest Sword King! Watch this king smash your defense Holy Artifact!"


With the sound of a sword screaming Dragon Transformation, Zhao Lingtian’s sword came out and the sky collapsed, and the sword swept like a dragon!

"Lord, be careful!"

"Let's stop him!"

Lang Fanyun and Fang Ling one blade one sword, draw the sword out of the sword, like one The handle was twisted like a sharp scissors, and the sword edge was immediately struck together!


The two half-step, fascinating sword intent Blade Intent fully opened, and the front shook Zhao Lingtian hard, and the terrible edge split the sky in the eastern Sword Domain several millions into a python-like crack!

Zhao Lingtian coldly shouted!

"Sword Sect takes orders and wins Lin Chen, regardless of life or death!"


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