xiu! xiu! xiu!

The two Saint Kings and the two Sword Kings of Sword Sect were born suddenly and stepped on the movement method to attack Lin Chen!

Lin Chen immediately said: "Senior, Ping An, these people are handed over to you."

The second daughter is nodded, Lin Ping's pouted, she still wants to be with the strongest The enemy is fighting.

It's not that Lin Chen doesn't believe in Lin Pingan, but that Zhao Lingtian's sword intent is too sharp!

Ordinary powerhouse, if you don't pay attention, you will be cut by sword intent, and if you hit it with a sword, there is nothing to stop it!

Except for Fang Ling, who is equivalent to sword intent and Blade Intent, Lang Fanyun can barely stop them!

Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun, battle strength can be described as advanced by leaps and bounds. After the Holy Artifact and cultivation technique are strengthened, the battle strength has at least doubled!

Can you face the Sword King, but you can only balance slightly?

The battle of the three shocked the entire Sword Domain!

Lin Chen frowned, and said in his heart: "Good guy, a sword intent Sword King is so strong, if I went to the Genesis headquarters to steal the house, I would continue to love it. , I’m afraid that Jin Taichu and Jiang Poyi are enough for me to drink a pot!"

On the other side, Lin Ping’an and Xuanyue Elder stopped each other’s two Sword Kings and two Saints in an instant. At the time of King, the instant east of Sword Domain swept up the aftermath of the war, and Heaven and Earth roared.

And when Lin Chen looked up, he faintly felt that there were certain'things' in the sky above Sword Domain.

Yes, it’s luck!

Although Lin Chen owns the '100 holy caves', half of the holy caves are virtual holy caves of core method.

On battle strength, he is comparable to Saint King, but realm, to be precise, he did not really open the eyes of Saint King, so Lin Chen is invisible to the physical existence of luck!

However, Jiang Taixu told him that as long as the move towards the most concentrated point attack on the fortune, the Sword Domain's fortune will be completely liberated like other domains!


Lin Chen ignored other battles. He stepped on the movement method and swept straight towards the door of luck!

His six avatars, two of them immediately moved down to block the remaining powerhouse of Wan Ancient Sword Sect, and never give them a chance to disturb themselves.

Qiang~! !

Suddenly, a sword chant came, and a peerless sword intent transformed into White Dragon was cut from Nine Heavens!

Lin Chen was unable to defend himself, so he stepped on the movement method with great speed, and the four major Avatars launched the Absolute Art against the White Dragon sword intent!

"Burning Heaven Arrow·Divine Bird Swallowing the Sea!"

"Rune of Slowness ·9th layer Burning Heavens Palm!"

"Lotus Dance!"

"Dark Thunder Wanjun!"

The gun light flashes, blade light and sword shadows dance in the sky!

Boom! boom! boom!

The sword intent exploded, Lin Chen retreated violently, his eyes narrowed, and he couldn't get it up?

"hahaha! Lin Chen, do you really think that the king is only here for secluded cultivation?"

Zhao Lingtian's laughter and arrogance, he holds a sword and fights against each other. Ling Helang sneered at the same time as Ling Helang sneered—"Sword Domain’s door of luck has accumulated my sword intents for retreating for a long time. Each sword intent is comparable to the offensives of multiple Saint Kings. Lin Chen, What do you use to break my luck in the Sword Domain!"

"This king has thoroughly sounded and transmitted the other top ten saints on the list of saints. They are also part of the controller of luck, dare you It is courage to provoke the Genesis Alliance, but you dare to provoke me Sword Domain Sword Sect, it is courting death! As long as the sages pay attention to you, you will definitely die!"

Zhao Lingtian’s frantic laughter made Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and looked at Fang Ling.

Fang Ling and Lang Fanyun are not weak, but the powerhouse they faced before was very strong, that's all.

For example, the Martial God Avatar of the Martial God Aristocratic Family, they didn't even have Holy Artifact at that time and couldn't compete.

But now, there is a qualitative difference! One is the return of Holy Artifact, and the other is that the cultivation technique and Holy Artifact are all [enhanced] advanced by leaps and bounds, which is not what it used to be!

As for sword intent and blade intent, they are the closest to the realm of intent and psychic. In the state of joint, Zhao Lingtian can't suppress them.

Zhao Lingtian continued to say with a malicious smile: "Before the sword intent of this seat is exhausted, can compare with dozens of powerful Great Saint Kings stationed here to attack together, wanting to liberate the luck of Sword Domain, first Go and find a hundred Saint Kings, let’s talk about it, hahaha!"

Lin Chen coldly shouted: "Fang Ling, Lang Fanyun, beat him fiercely as a son of a bitch, don’t speak to him Force!"

"Take the order!"

The two took the orders, and with a sharp sword swing, the offensive doubled in an instant!

Zhao Lingtian was immediately forced to fight with all his strength by the almost desperate two!

Lin Chen turned around and faced the peerless sword intent that was gradually revealed in the surging sea of ​​clouds above the sky!

One after another sword intent almost exists in substance, blank and clear, hiding the sky and covering the earth, there are signs of sword net in layers!

And what constitutes the sword net is every uncommonly sharp sword intent! There are three layers of sword net, and the sword intents of each floor are more powerful!

Lin Chen's eyes burst with incomparable boldness and self-confidence, and he smiled awe-inspiringly: "Equivalent to a group of Saint Kings? Then the Young Master will all be blown up!"

"Sacred Dragon possessed !"


The pure power of Lin Chen has soared from 600,000 power to 990,000 power!

Lin Chen was full of anger and said with a smile: "It was just right to kill so many Saint Kings and sages. All five of my War God sets have reached 88% charge. There’s nowhere to use it!"

"War God set, fully open!"

A strand of War God golden brilliance is dazzling and illuminates the sky, Lin Chen is fighting intent all over Hurricane, divine splendor, the world!

bang! bang! bang!

The peerless divine light across the Sword Domain surges from Lin Chen's body, one million powers, two million powers, three hundred Wan Zun Li! , Four million powers!

Up to five million powers, it continues to soar!

World Space trembled, the air flow violently rolled, turned into a vortex, centered on Lin Chen, pure pure power just released its might and shattered all around Bafang

Lin Chen's pure power has risen all the way, and it has been soaring!

"Sword your door! Want to be domineering? Open to Lao Tzu!"

Lin Chen slammed his fist up, punching to the sky!

The fist shoots out the War God golden light, crushes the Star Fragmentation River, fists open the Heaven and Earth world!

In the sky's massive sword intent sensed, and immediately shot a large number of sword intent cuts!

The nihility sword intent is sharp and the Ghost God opens up for change, it can be described as the most terrifying offensive wave between Heaven and Earth!

Apart from anything else, Lin Chen’s Avatar follow closely from behind, and immediately broke out!

Boom~! boom! boom!

Lin Chen and Avatar faced the wave of sword intent, punched the sword intent, and went head-on!

Lin Chen's pure power has soared to six million powers, and more! Still not stopping!

"Life and death are indifferent, just do it. What the hell Ancient Sword Sect, open for me!!!"

Wearing golden armor, Lin Chen who covers golden light all the way triumphant progress!

His leg swing is fierce like a mad dragon, swallowing the world with anger! Every blow shattered the sky and cleared the turbidity!

His fist punch is like a star burst, running through the world! Every punch can turn thousands of ancient sword meanings into stars in the sky!

The height of Sword Domain is constantly reverberating with terrifying and raging explosions!

Every wisp of sword intent that has been blown out has a surging aftertaste!

Lin Chen is dominating the world, swallowing the world with anger, crushing all blocking sword intents, and on the spot, many powerhouses and Elders of Sword Sect are scared dumbfounded!

This...Is it still a human being!

Unexpectedly, countless "Tong Divine Sword meaning" has been exploded. That is the highest culmination of sword dao!


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