Many powerhouses of Sword Domain stared at this scene stunnedly——

They stared at Lin Chen in surprise and surprise, shocked and unbelievable!

In the seemingly endless darkness, a beam of light suddenly shines in.

Furthermore, this beam of light comes with unrestrained presence, and goes with pride! When a photo came in, all the darkness had been driven out!

The supreme powerhouse of each Grade 9 sect, as if there is a clear comprehension and feeling in my heart!

The door of air luck that collapsed suddenly, gradually collapsed and disintegrated, without any sound, but the space was shaking violently, and ripples continued to emerge.

Immediately afterwards, it turned into a meteor shower, and the scattered force of luck was thrown to further areas!

All the swordsmen who understand the sword intent in the holy world have a new clear comprehension and perception in this brief moment.

In the endless darkness of sword dao, they saw a candlelight.

The candle burns bigger and bigger, and finally becomes a beacon, illuminating the distance!

Although the end of rays of light is still far away, in sword dao, it is no longer dark!


Zhao Lingtian burst into a frantic roar, holding swords in both hands, blood and Primordial Spirit suddenly violent several times, life force faded away, and his strength skyrocketed!

He slashed with a violent sword, piercing the Changhong, and a shocking rainbow pierced the sky. Although the scope was not large, it instantly repelled Fang Ling and Langfanyun!

This sword is not inferior to the formidable power of the strongest sword intent just now!

"Pu chi!"

The waves turned over the clouds to vomit blood, and the flesh and blood of the whole body seemed to be pierced and crushed by the sword intent. The pain was so painful that even the Blade Intent was almost broken into pieces. A step toward death!

That sword was a sword Zhao Lingtian tried to burst into life!

Zhao Lingtian couldn't care too much, turned around and rushed towards Lin Chen!

"Lin Chen, I am going to kill you!"

Zhao Lingtian’s hair stands up in anger, his hair is messy, and his expression is hysterical. Sword, sword intent vertical and horizontal, penetrate the void!


A sword roars Heaven and Earth, sword light is intercepted and killed!


Fang Ling held the sword in front of Zhao Lingtian, with a fierce expression, his eyes were particularly sharp when he held the sword against Zhao Lingtian.

Zhao Lingtian eyes shrank......

This guy’s sword intent, isn’t it?

Langfanyun’s mouth is bleeding, and his unprecedented grin said with a smile-"Let you go ahead of me this time. I will catch up soon, Old Partner!"


A peerless and awe-inspiring sword intent rose up from Fang Ling's body!

zheng! zheng! zheng!

At this moment, Wan Ancient Sword Sect’s many swords, faintly worship the two in the sky!

All sorts of holy sword, worship, and understand sword intent!

sword intent power!

At this moment, Fang Ling’s sword intent realm, Zhao Lingtian and general, are both sword intent realm!

"He actually entered... his innate talent is really like this evildoer! At the moment of liberation of luck, he stepped into that realm without the slightest hesitation, Fang Ling, Fang Ling, you Being alive is the biggest obstacle to this seat!"

Zhao Lingtian was shocked, but he still pretended to be calm on the surface, and roared ferociously: "Fang Ling, why are you fighting with me? On the sword Intent I have been immersed for longer than you, and on the cultivation base I have accumulated stronger than you! You can't beat me!"

Zhao Lingtian was angry and slashed with a sword, a thousand cuts in a flash!

Fang Ling is calm, like a group of quietly burning flames, burning bigger and bigger!

"You are wrong, Zhao Lingtian, this is not something I can't beat you."

Qiang~! When Fang Ling took out his sword, slashed horizontally, blocking all Zhao Lingtian's sword moves, indifferently said.

"It's the problem I must stand in front of you at this moment!"

"For the lord, I have already put life and death out of control, this sword is beyond life and death! Holy Realm First sword King, take the sword!"

Fang Ling held the sword and slashed Zhao Lingtian with a sharp sword! The terrifying sword intent cuts through the sky in one fell swoop!

Clang~! boom! boom! boom!

Sword intent split Heaven and Earth, cut off the earth, and divided the space, only the afterglow of the sword intent shot out, cut out an abyss of dozens of ten thousand zhang!

When Zhao Lingtian held a sword with both hands and held the sword above his head, there was a creak noise all over his body, and his holy bone was actually squeezed out of the sound?

"This guy's sword intent is always on, the Holy Force is fully open, he is going to kill me! Is he crazy? Finally, the sword intent will help him to kill me?"


Zhao Lingtian was completely shocked!

He was shocked by Fang Ling's courage!

The sword technique has no retreat. This moment should be the highlight of his life. For now, retreat is the best choice for him!

Yes, he chose to face himself!

There is a difference in the cultivation base of the two. Fang Ling still chooses the fiercest offensive. Every sword is betting on his life!

He simply doesn't care about the outcome, he just wants to stop himself with his life!

Mad man, mad man through and through!

This Lin Chen is a madman, and everyone around him is also a madman!

Boom! boom! boom!

Zhao Lingtian was fought once again, Fang Ling's power rose all the way, and the realm of sword intent was constantly deepening!

If it were not for the limitation of air luck, he would have been promoted to the realm of sword intent!

Not to mention that after the holy prison has accumulated countless epochs, now the reckless imperial envoy sword intent, his sword dao has exploded in an all-round way, giving Zhao Lingtian a ruthless force!

Even Zhao Lingtian can't take him by force! !

On the other side; Lin Chen steps on the dragon of luck, and the power of luck is slowly fading!

Lin Chen's expression was a little surprised. According to his estimation, the previous punch should not be enough to instantly crush the strongest sword intent of the Sword King.

When Lin Chen urged the Primordial Spirit to look around all around, he discovered that there was a group of people in the direction where the fluctuating luck dissipated in the distance.

A group of mutilated silhouettes are like the afterglow of the setting sun. They carry swords, bear swords, lift swords, and smell swords.

But invariably, their eyes were watching Lin Chen quietly, as if letting go of something important, and finally disappearing to nothingness.

It was not only Lin Chen who witnessed this scene, but also the powerhouses who came to watch the battle. It was a shock!

Lin Chen smiled knowingly, "It turns out that it was them, the sword dao powerhouse after the fall, and their luck was imprisoned here together, so just now the door of luck broke in the middle, and the sword intent followed Qiyu Released together, that punch is not only my strength, but also their sword intent to assist."

After understanding the reason, Lin Chen took advantage of the power of luck to have not completely dissipated, and drifted out by luck. The opportunity to release the Primordial Spirit attached to Qi Luck, coldly shouted!

"Sword cultivator in the world, I am Lin Chen, I will follow the will of the sages of the sword dao to inform all the sword cultivators!"

"From now on, the way of the sword cultivator, There will be no luck, and everyone is like a dragon on the sword dao!"

Boom~! !

This sound transmission, with the force of luck, began to spread gradually throughout the holy world!

Presumably soon, the sword cultivator who understands the sword intent will receive Lin Chen's words at all!

More and more force of air luck began to spread to the entire holy realm centered on Sword Domain.

In the end, everything turned into a cloud and merged into thirty-six domains! !


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