When Xuanyue Elder resisted a Saint King and a Sword King, the corner of his eyes showed hope and surprise.

She looked towards the young man who stepped on the door of luck in the sky, muttering to herself.

"Unexpectedly, he actually did it. Ruoyan, a little girl, really chose an amazing man. The current situation, I am afraid the Holy Realm will change drastically because of him!"

However, Xuanyue Elder's gaze became sharper in a flash, and the more fierce he acted, the more serious the consequences!

Lin Chen broke the door of luck and liberated Sword Domain's luck, what kind of chain reaction would be caused, she couldn't be more clear!

At that time, Zhao Lingtian was able to condense and block the air luck, and there were many hidden forces to help him, and he had a very close relationship with the top ten of the current sage list.

This battle, Shibi will provoke the top ten monsters on the Saint Talent List! Lin Chen's potential will become the target of public criticism!

"This little fellow is powerful, but it is also a good hand to cause trouble. The next Divine flame palace will have several tough battles to fight. It is really upsetting, all of them have old bones. He will lead him out as a battle strength."

Xuanyue Elder has no choice but to see that this little fellow can help her improve her core method and has the precursor of a breakthrough realm, so she helps him with all her strength. Put it!

On the other side; Zhao Lingtian witnessed this moment with his own eyes, the eye socket was cracked!

His many years of accumulation were in vain, and he even wanted to raise his sword and rushed to kill Lin Chen.

Ke Fang Ling just stood in front of him, even fighting him at the cost of injury!


Lin Chen’s four Avatars aggressively attacked Zhao Lingtian, besieging him in many ways, and cooperated with Fang Ling to besiege Zhao Lingtian!

When the luck disappeared, there was a scarlet gold attribute treasure chest left in the void!

Lin Chen extend the hand.

[The host opens the treasure chest of the gods and obtains the special gods fragments (3/3). After the host has collected it, he can fuse a special Divine Rank material at any time. 】

Divine Rank materials!

Lin Chen is ecstatic. This thing is of great significance. Lin Chen has to find time to get it out. Any piece of Divine Rank material is of great value to Lin Chen!

Lin Chen looked back suddenly, the bare feet flashing in his eyes were not afraid of the cruelty of wearing shoes, and said awe-inspiring: "It's just the culprit who blocked luck, kill him!"


Lin Chen smashes into the void, and goes straight to Zhao Lingtian!

On the other side, in the Sword Domain powerhouse.

Haoran Palace Lord felt the brand new Path of Sword Dao guided by luck, and said in a daze: "Is this...is it true? The temple can actually perceive the path of the sword intent again. It only takes one retreat. , The sword intent can rise again!"

The Pavilion Lord of the Sword Pavilion on Yu Shang said intoxicated.

"The Life Source sword intent of this seat actually saw the candle on sword dao, thanks to this child!"

The old man of Divine Sword in Divine Sword Valley did not speak , Wei Wei put his hand on the hilt of the sword.


Next moment, the old man Divine Sword disappeared!

In the increasingly fierce battle circle——


Lin Chen opened the sky with a punch, and struck at the back of Zhao Lingtian, his defense Holy Artifact'Purple Gold Flowing Blade Armor' cracked a crack!

Tear and pull~! When Lin's swinging legs ran over like a war knife, Zhao Lingtian was forced to cut off with a sword and forcibly took Lin Chen's offensive!

A giant sword fell from the sky, and came with the unstoppable Divine Sword!

Not only that, at the forefront of Zhao Lingtian, Ruihua rushed into the sky, and the space was scorched black, shooting out like a billowing Fire Dragon, flashing light and splitting shadows, five beams of burning sky arrows are like the sky!

Immediately afterwards, the Thunder Dragon-like sword intent suddenly violent, and an ancient sword like a secluded fountain pierced Zhao Lingtian!

"Five Shadows God's Edge Sword!"

Zhao Lingtian ran the Holy Force, violently raised his sword and slashed, and unexpectedly used a completely different brand new sword technique!

His sword cut out five kinds of shadow-like sword marks, and the sword intent is entwined, graceful like a dragon, crushing everyone's offensive!

When he retreated violently, Zhao Lingtian coldly shouted with an ugly face: "Why, do you damn old ghost want to join in too!"

I saw, Divine Sword The old man stepped into the air to levitate, divine poise and sagelike features, holding a vast ancient sword, and the faint blue spring of the sword, reflecting the firm and unwavering gaze in the old eyes.

"This child is the last person entrusted by the will of my Sword Domain sages. The old man body should also respond to his call. I have long wanted to challenge you. Zhao Lingtian, today’s old man, did not I plan to go back alive!"


The old man of Divine Sword cuts diagonally with a sword, cutting out a avenue of blood, and the sword intent of the Great Accomplishment period is soaring to the sky!

"Crazy man, is Quante a lunatic!"

Zhao Lingtian was under siege, and he repeatedly cursed.

Lin Chen, regardless of the actual situation, it is someone else’s business that the opponent wants to help. He has only one problem now, is it the first sword king to beat him? !

The fist wind is as fierce as a knife, shattering the space, Lin Chen punches like a raptor, punches Zhao Lingtian fiercely!

Even the waves and the clouds have resisted their injuries and joined the siege camp!

Qingtian Sword King was besieged by Lin Chen and four Avatars, Lang Fanyun, Divine Sword old man, Fang Ling, and he was still unbeaten. The strongest Sword King deserves it!

"Very well, Lin Chen, this time I count you as a winner! But don't think about a good death, things will not be so simple!"

Zhao Lingtian urges the space on his body Holy Artifact'cloak of no phase shift', is fleeing into the void, a continuous vertical flash——


Lin Chen seems to have a foresight, suddenly sound transmission!


Two huge Space Blades turned out, like sharp scissors, cut down suddenly!

pu chi ~! !

The sound of tearing like a brocade spread across the sky, and Zhao Lingtian's Space Teleportation was interrupted!

"What? Space divine technique!"

Zhao Lingtian complexion slightly changed!


Lin Chen turned into a bunch of golden light and broke through the air, and the Avatar stepped on the clouds and shadows. When the body and the Avatar appeared, they fisted and fisted close to each other!

Boom! boom! boom!

Zhao Lingtian was caught off guard, the last defense was broken, he vomited blood and was injured on the spot!

"Overtime innate talent!"

[The host launches five times overtime innate talent, consuming 5 million top-level innate talent points. 】


A beam of dark green rays of light passed by, Lin Chen and the four Avatars, together with the Sword King, disappeared!

When he reappears, Zhao Lingtian has already appeared in an empty gray space, all around without boundaries, as if eternal to boundless!

"What the hell is that place! Space Holy Artifact? No, it's not that simple!"

Zhao Lingtian was moved and said in shock: "Could it be that the space is created by God!"

Lin Chen and Avatar appeared together. He jokingly said with a smile: "You can also understand it as a magical space. The king of first sword is really difficult. It is only when I use Avatar five times at the same time. There is a high probability of pulling you in."

Lin Chen's smile gradually became cold, said with a sneer: "However, the story of the first sword king, today is the final chapter!"

"system , Desperate life and death!"

[The enemy is hostile and killing intent to the host. The host has successfully selected the target and consumes 4 million top innate talent points. 】

The flame of life of orange burns instantly, burning all over Lin Chen's body!

bang! bang! bang!

The soaring War God golden light soared into the sky in an instant, illuminating the entire time and space plane, and the endless golden sky rose and fell, surrounding Lin Chen soaring!

Zhao Lingtian was moved, Lin Chen's pure power is still going crazy!

Desperate life and death, once opened, there will be no retreat!

Lin Chen's death fight against Zhao Lingtian will stop until his death!

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