This scene shows all the powerhouses present!

Complete the spatial position swap in an instant?

And on the premise of not breaking Space Formation!

There is a powerhouse in Wuxiangdao Palace all year round, and there is also a Nangong Xuanyuan to understand Blade Intent at the gate of luck!

equivalent to the gate of luck in the knife domain, in a short time, we need to provide one more impact Blade Intent and the fascinating Nangong Xuanyuan!

As a result, instead of leaving behind a large number of sword intents to guard the gate of luck, like Zhao Lingtian of Wan Ancient Sword Sect!

Nangong Xuanyuan previously deliberately delayed the rhythm, allowing a Saint King Realm Elder to enter the vicinity of the luck gate first, and launch the internal Space Formation before starting a battle with Lin Chen.

As everyone knows, a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity!

Lin Chen's [Form Displacement Shadow], can realize the spatial position of designated creatures swap!

This is simply sending coordinates to Lin Chen!

If Nangong Xuanyuan started to work with Lin Chen as soon as they met, instead of arranging manpower to enter the gate of luck, he, Lin, may not be able to break through this sagely ranking eighth today. Hard role!

And when the Tiantu Sword King, Nangong Jichen, who was fighting Fangling fiercely, witnessed this moment, he felt a deep-seated fear and regret!

Everything is on the street, it's too late!

Lin Chen looked up to the sky and laughed, full of madness!

"Hello everyone, it is really good. This gift is for the beautiful Sabrewielder beauties of the whole sacred world!"

"The gate of luck in the knife domain, open for me!"

Om! Hum! Hum!

Almost Lin Chen laughed wildly at the same time, the nine colors of the gorgeous aurora, bloomed from the Wuxiangdao palace in an instant!

Boom! boom! boom!

The continuous extinction energy glows with nine colors of brilliant light!

The aftermath of destruction of the aurora, like a spiral storm, will raze the several millions of the entire Wuxiangdao Palace, all buildings, all raze to the ground! !

Seven strokes to bless the "annihilation·starburst" of instant light and split shadows, this move has completely become the beginning of a turning point in the history of the knife domain!

The aftershock of terrifying energy shook back Nangong Xuanyuan, it was better than him to save it!

One, ten, ten thousand ways of air luck is like a wyvern, Straight Clashing Nine Heavens rise together, stimulating the perception of innumerable living beings!

The infinite force of luck spreads from East, South, West, and North four directions at a rapid rate, and scatters wildly!

The power of luck is like a wild horse galloping off the rein, and like a young boy off the hook, it is crazy to output to the outside world!

Before Lin Chen’s Avatar disappeared, with the help of luck, Avatar Primordial Spirit sound transmission.

"Knife domain Qiyun has been officially liberated. Dry fight, I choose the dark horse to fight. Express delivery, I choose the dark horse takeaway. Liberation of luck, buy one get one free!"

This The Primordial Spirit sound transmission spreads to the entire holy realm with the spread of luck!

The first to cause a super earthquake is undoubtedly Knife Domain!

Nangong Jichen is furious!

Gathering luck is not a trivial matter!

For the first step alone, it takes more than eight Peak Qiyun spirit plants to gather, and it takes a lot of manpower and effort to condense the Qiyun back. Simply not overnight!

"Lin Chen, this king will cut your head!"

When Nangong Ji Chen was furious, when he wanted to leave the battle circle and forcibly kill Lin Chen's position, it was like rain The blade light is extremely sharp, with a slash, the terrifying Blade Intent splits the space avenue in an instant! !

Nangong Jichen was forced to cross-block with a knife!


The blade light shattered, Nangong Jichen retreated several steps, eyes shrank......

bang! bang! bang!

Peerless like True Dragon flying in the sky Blade means, the domineering intent is maddening between the fluttering of the robe, Lang Fanyun is in his hand, looking at the world, looking directly at Nangong Jichen!

Fang Ling smiled knowingly: "It's so fast, you're too fast, don't you want to be behind me like that."

Lang Fanyun holds the knife, unprecedented grin said with a smile: "Because I will only be better than you."

Fang Ling holding the sword, pointed finger towards Nangong Jichen, surfing and turning clouds said with a smile: "Then finish the fight for the lord These knockout games, our friendly matches, will be put to the end."

Nangong Jichen trembled all over. It is clear that his strength is stronger than Langfanyun, but there is a hidden awe and fear awakened in his heart. It's so average!

He remembered how he once followed Lang Fanyun for guidance. Now, the senior who made him respect and jealous, is back!

Nangong Jichen took a small step back unconsciously.

Lang Fanyun coldly shouted: "Look straight at me, cub!"

Hearing this, Nangong Jichen fly into a rage out of humiliation, "Damn it, no Did you just break through the Blade Intent? What is your fucking arrogance!"

Fang Ling raised his sword and laughed awe-inspiringly: "Let’s see if you can stop the two of us!"

Boom~! boom!

The three people turned into the three streamlined aurora in the sky, blade light and sword shadows, like blooming flowers and falling shadows, swarming in endlessly! Blade Intent and sword intent shoot randomly, turning into chaos wherever they go!

On the other side; the two sword kings and Nangong Xuanyuan attacked Lin Chen with rage on their faces!

Lin Chen thoughts move, the seven avatars are here again!

【The host consumes 5.6 million Saint Level rune energy and activates the Phantom rune again. 】

Just when Lin Chen was about to fight to the end with the other party--

Om~! !

This piece of time and space suddenly stopped! !

Even Lin Chen has become impossible to move even a little bit!

Nangong Xuanyuan and the others are terrified!

In today's world, apart from the legendary True God, no one can absolutely suppress them!

"little girl, the guy you are talking about to protect is him."

At this time, Yun Yi's elegant woman's voice echoed in the sky, Lin Chen startled.

I saw that the silhouettes of Ye Qingwu and Shen Lingshuang appeared out of thin air, Ye Qingwu floated towards Lin Chen, beautiful eyes reflected in the limbid autumn water, with a sly smile.

"Lin Chen, how does it feel to be covered by this Young Lady."

Lin Chen unable to move even a little bit, stupefied: "This...this is Did you do it?"

Shen Lingshuang shook her head like a rattle: "No, it's two seniors from God World. She wants to take us away."

As soon as it came out, all powerhouses in the audience were struck by lightning! !

God World?

Time, a little bit back to an hour ago, Sword Domain’s luck was liberated, everyone in Immemorial Sword City evacuated——

Jian Qingcheng was in Immemorial Sword City, she was The last group of people who left.

Jian Qingcheng turned to look at Ye Qingwu and Shen Lingshuang, and asked with a smile: "Is there anything else I didn't bring?"

Ye Qingwu smiled charmingly: "Yes, If you didn’t bring your lover, do you want elder sister to help you chase him back."

Jian Qingcheng gave her a white look, charming and charming, and said slightly: "Elder sister don’t want to laugh at me, this The bad guys are busy."

Ye Qingwu faint smile: "No matter how busy I am, I will be free, right? Should I arrange something interesting for you?"

Shen Lingshuang is like a rare treasure: "What is an interesting thing?"

Ye Qingwu said with a smile: "Ask you Master to go, ask him what Bai Ruoyan elder likes most with you What games does the sister play."

Shen Lingshuang seriously nodded: "Then next time I see Master must ask him seriously! If there are games to play, I won’t take me!"

Ye Qingwu covered her mouth and suffocated her smile, Jian Qingcheng had no choice but to help her forehead. The Little Demon Empress couldn't live for a moment...

At this moment, the sky echoed with an elegant voice.

"Unexpectedly, the little Human Race in the holy world, there is even the daughter of Martial God after the mysterious girl."

Everyone is ready to fight!

"Who is it!"

The sword is all over the city and the sword is crying coldly.

I saw, two gorgeous and graceful figures slowly emerged in the sword city, walking slowly.

The other party’s words are amazing--

"Don’t panic, we are Human Race from God World. It’s just the way to go, looking for someone, and meeting you by chance."


Sword Qingcheng eyes shrank!

People of God World! !

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