The two women are elegant and beautiful.

Wearing a jade green palace dress, wearing a veil does not show the real face, the temperament is as elegant as a lotus, elegant and beautiful. The exquisite figure still has the charm, and there is a kind of transcendence that surpasses all beings!

The other one is wearing a star skirt, eyebrows, eyebrows are picturesque, full of autumn pupils seem to contain a Whole World Galaxy, faint stars divine light embellish her whole body, as if above Nine Heavens Goddess, peerless and extraordinary!

Mysteriously, the left eye of the woman in the star skirt was actually closed. She only opened one eye. The quiet and dignified posture made people relaxed and joyful with a somewhat mysterious hazy feeling.

Ye Qingwu feels the uniqueness of the two girls. The higher the cultivation base between people, the more temperament they change. The temperament of these two women gave her a unique and unmatched feeling like never before!

It's like in normal, I am used to seeing verdant hills and limpid water, blue sea and sky. Suddenly one day I saw the most beautiful Immortal Realm in the mortal world. The mountain is still a mountain, but the mountain is not just a mountain! It is this kind of strong sense of sight!

The beautiful woman in jade green dress smiled gracefully at Ye Qingwu: "Your bloodline is the blood of God World's mysterious girl. Without God World's special energy support, you can only use the man's intercourse. Pure Yang Qi is activated. Now your own situation, you should be very clear, your life is already at stake."

Jian Qingcheng is shocked!

Is it at stake? Could it be that Ye Qingwu's life situation has been...

Facing Jian Qingcheng's gaze, Ye Qingwu's rare guilty conscience dodges, and Ye Lixue on the side is faintly sighed.

Jian Qingcheng asked: "Qingwu elder sister, why didn't you tell me."

Ye Qingwu helplessly said: "How about telling me, I don’t have a man I like. ......"

"What about Lin Chen!" Jian Qingcheng almost subconsciously called the name of the man in his heart.

The two God World women looked at each other curiously, Lin Chen again?

"He... is my good friend, I don't want to burden him." Ye Qingwu dodged his eyes.

Jian Qingcheng said unwillingly: "He has done so many things for you, such an important life matter, you are hiding it from him!"

Ye Qingwu was speechless for a while.

Suddenly, that jade green palace-dressed beauty flicks with the finger, a mysterious stream of light flooded into Ye Qingwu's eyebrows!


holy light skyrocketed, the sky is full of light!

Ye Qingwu’s cultivation base suddenly skyrocketed! Even Holy Force has also changed several grades!

The most important thing is that the'God's Bloodline' hidden deep in her body is also activated!

Ye Qingwu said shockedly and dazedly: "This...this is?"

The beautiful woman in palace clothes smiled: "I activated your bloodline for you, you are the only one There was a person in her heart that made your bloodline rarely calm down. Think about it, this person is very important to you."

Ye Qingwu bit her red lips tightly and gave a lightly'um'.

At this time, the beautiful woman in the palace costume looked towards Shen Lingshuang, her eyes became rare and solemn.

Shen Lingshuang stared at her suspiciously: "Meow meow?"

The beautiful woman in the palace costume turned her eyes and muttered to herself: "Back then, the granddaughter of Divine King Wu Lost, many forces in God World are in chaos. Countless people thought that God World’s enemy forces were hidden. Unexpectedly, they were lost in the mortal world like the stars... But her bloodline was not enough to match the stars, which led to the mortal world. The Holy Realm and Human Race haven’t collapsed either..."

Then, the beautiful woman in palace dress walked into Shen Lingshuang and smiled sincerely at her: "What's your name."

Shen Lingshuang She shrank back and said: "Ling...Lingshuang, Shen Lingshuang."

The beautiful woman in the palace dress was shocked, and then she said: "Then would you like to go back to God World with me, I know you You can find your parents and parents for you."

Shen Lingshuang’s beautiful eyes immediately shined, and she said with surprise and joy: "You...can you help me find someone in my family? I know. My life experience?"

The beautiful woman in palace clothes smiled slightly.

Immediately, she stroked the tips of her hair lightly, and said with a smile to Ye Qingwu: "Of course, including you. You, the innate talent of the bloodline of the mysterious girl, is placed in this Human Race holy world, too I’ve passed reckless waste of natural resources. Why don’t you go to God World with me and bloom your own potential and brilliance, how about it?"

At this time, Shen Ling Shuangyu pointedly opposed and said timidly: "No... I can’t make a decision. I have to ask the Master. If the Master does not have the Master’s permission, I can’t run this far..."

The girl in the star skirt said leisurely: "Then, can you take us there? Find your Master. If your Master does not allow us, we will not reluctantly. We in God World generally cannot directly affect the destiny of the creatures in the lower world without special protection. If not, we will suffer Little backlash. If you don’t have the will, we won’t force it."

Hearing this, thinking of Lin Chen’s current situation, Ye Qingwu had a plan and said with a smile: " Yes, let her take her to find Lin Chen to ask for clarity, and ask two seniors to help."

Sword Qingcheng was about to speak, Ye Qingwu immediately gave her a gesture.

jade green palace dress beauty slightly nodded: "Also. If so, then hurry up. The time we can stay is running out."

Girl in Star Skirt One Flick one's sleeves, took away the second daughter!


The domain of the sword, the palace of no phase sword.

After Ye Qingwu explained the whole sequence of events clearly, Lin Chen was dumbfounded and his mouth opened slightly.

It turned out that God World’s big boss from the lower realm came to the door!

He looked towards the second daughter, and for some reason, the jade green palace beauties gave him a very light but wonderful intimacy.

Lin Chen did not think too much, and said with a smile at will: "Two, since it is for the future of my discipline, then first untie me, let's talk about it. "

The girl in the star skirt shook her head slightly, "No, get rid of your shackles. You are afraid that you will immediately destroy your enemies, right?"

Lin Chen startled , Good fellow, how does she know.

The current situation of time and space prohibition is a great time to eliminate Nangong Xuanyuan, who is eighth on the Saint Talent List!

Clearly understood Lin Chen’s intentions, the woman in the star skirt said calmly: "We in God World cannot influence the fate of the people in the lower realm."

"If they are because of our two If people or indirectly die because of our actions, then we will have a greater risk when we return to God World. If the luck of the two worlds is not connected, greater changes will occur."

Regarding Lin Chen, "So, all we can help you is to send you away, and it is impossible to help you kill the enemy. We don’t have this relative preparation for the lower realm, we just come to find people, and we can’t do anything to the creatures in the lower realm without authorization. Direct or indirect slaughter."

Lin Chen's gaze looked around—

Anyway, there are not many attribute light balls, and even the gate of luck with the knife domain is not left behind. What good thing, if it is to withdraw, Lin Chen is now the most profitable.

In the current situation, even if Lin Chen insists on fighting to death, there will be no good results.

The two sides do not have a decisive battle strength, and if the fight continues, both sides suffer.

Lin Chen said: "Well, you take my man away!"

The star skirt woman lightly swipes a slender jade finger, the Void Wormhole splits, and the space turns. , Fang Ling and everyone else, including the woman in the Ye Family, all disappeared!

Lin Chen also disappeared without a trace.


next moment. , The space was lifted, and everyone in the Wuxiang Dao Palace regained their freedom.

All of them showed the palpitations of avoided a catastrophe!

God World, it turned out to be a comer from God World!

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