Who am I, where am I, what am I doing? What are they talking about?

Lin Chen's face is dumbfounded.

At this time, when he bowed his head and looked towards the birthmark of the stars on his chest, he was completely stunned to stay in place!

This birthmark only reacts in very few cases.

The last time I had a reaction, it was when I encountered Lin Xingchen!

"Why do my birthmarks react? They said I was the person they were looking for? Lin Xingchen? I am Lin Xingchen? What happened to Lin Xingchen before? Why did my birthmarks be wrong? He also reacted?"

For the first time, Lin Chen felt that his brain was not enough!

Plenty of mysteries!

Where is this?

The beautiful woman in the palace costume was excited and incredulously holding Lin Chen's palm, stroking the birthmark on his chest, tears in her eyes.

"The stars...You are really the stars! There is hope for our Lin Family, really as the elder sister said, she left the stars in the lower realm, and the divine blood energy has all disappeared, but the stars Not dead yet, not dead yet!"

The beautiful woman in palace costume was incoherent with excitement.

Lin Chen frowned: "What the hell is this? I am the person you are looking for? Are you sure you are right?"

The girl in the star skirt resolutely said: "That's right, you are the Lin Xingchen we are looking for!"

She grabbed Lin Chen's hand and separated from the palace-dressed beauty——

I saw, Lin Chen's The faint starlight flashing from the birthmark began to fade away.

But as long as Lin Chen picks up the jade hand of a beautiful woman in palace costume, his birthmark will react again.

Lin Chen eyes shrank, a mysterious heart palpitations rise in his heart.

Lin Chen finally knows where the strange intimacy comes from.

This beautiful woman in palace costume is very likely to be his blood relative who came out of lineage!

Family! His true relatives on the bloodline!

Lin Chen was shocked and stunned. He thought to himself: "She is my relative? Is that also Lin Xingchen? But the last time I encountered Lin Xingchen was far away. It can also make my birthmark react. Does he also have bloodline relatives with me?"

The beautiful woman in palace clothes was full of tears and grabbed Lin Chen's shoulder and said excitedly: "I am your aunt Lin Wanxuan, you are a direct descendant of God World Lin Family. Back then, your father wanted to protect you..."


At this time, the beautiful women in palace clothes and the women in star skirts have a huge vortex on their heads!

Lin Ping’an eyes shrank as a suffering disaster.

She can feel the energy contained in the vast vortex, which is enough to instantly transform into massive calamity energy!

Lin Ping’an’s face was tight, and he solemnly said: "That force of luck may be transformed into a large amount of disaster energy at any time."

Ye Qing Wu was surprised: "Can't you absorb them?"

Lin Ping'an shook his head: "No, the range is too big. I can only absorb a small part at most, and most of the calamity energy will cover most of it. In the holy realm, countless Human Races will suffer an extinction!"

The luck of the woman in the star skirt looking up at the sky suddenly changed, her pretty face was slightly pale, and she hurriedly said, "Aunt Wanxuan, our time limit is up. , Can’t stay here anymore, otherwise the Human Race of the three-dimensional universe will be destroyed!"

The star skirt woman looked towards Lin Chen ——"Stars, you follow us back to God World, we This trip to the lower realm is to bring you back."

"Impossible." Lin Chen blurted out subconsciously: "There are still things I have to do in this holy realm. I'm impossible to let you go to God World!"

The woman in the star skirt said anxiously-"Then I will bring your people up, so it's okay!"

Lin Chen's tone is very firm: "No, this It’s not a question of who to take. There are still too many things to be solved in the holy world today, and it’s not a matter of just leaving."

Is this innumerable living beings? No, Lin Chen has no such lofty ambitions, he never wanted to do Savior.

He stayed here just to protect the one he loves. The news of Luo Yaoer's Fiend clan is unclear. If he leaves like this, Lin Chen can't do it.

The jade hand of the star-skirt woman shook the void, and Time Freeze came down!

Lin Chen unable to move even a little bit!

She pursed her red lips, "In that case, I can only take you away forcibly!"

Lin Chen coldly said: "It is true that I may not be able to beat you now, but If you dare to take me away forcibly, I can also have my own way but my own life."

"No, Xingchen, don't do this!" The beautiful lady in palace costume was frightened.

Lin Chen frowned and said seriously: "My name is Lin Chen, I am not called Lin Xingchen."

The woman in the star skirt gritted her teeth, and when she was hesitant, she topped her head. 'S natural phenomenon has become more and more violent!

Lin Chen stared at the second daughter ruthlessly and said: "Don't force me, you should know that I dare to do anything. I want to stay here, and I will go up when I finish the matter here. "

The left eye of the woman in the star skirt is vast and secluded, as if she wants to see through the general fate of Lin Chen, she can only see nothingness in the end!

"I can't see through his destiny? I can't even see a trace...this..."

The girl in the star skirt is shocked!

She encountered this situation for the first time!

How many enchanting gods in God World have been clearly understood by her destiny, and now she can't see his destiny?

The star skirt woman and Lin Chen looked at each other, and finally their expressions eased slightly and the Space-Time Stop was lifted.

She sighed helplessly: "It seems that he doesn't plan to go with us."

"How can this be..." She was powerless and unwilling, tearing down her voice: "Having finally found the stars, how many days and nights did she hope for elder sister..."

"Aunt Wanxuan!" The star skirt girl grabbed her bright wrist, very serious Said: "You know that we have agreed to each other's terms. We can't hurt the fate of mortals in the lower realm. Stopping here, the Human Race here is about to face the catastrophe! Our chances in the lower realm are very slim!"

"Lin Xing...Lin Chen, this thing is for you!"

The woman in the star skirt pulled Lin Wanxuan away and handed the thing to Lin Chen, which is a volume of space jade slip.

Her face is full of dignity, and she earnestly said: "This records part of the situation of God World Human Race and the situation of Lin Family, as well as a little bit of your life experience."

Lin Chen took it, and a stormy sea in his heart!

Your life experience?

Lin Chen almost never thought about this problem!

The woman in the star skirt returned: "As for the Lin Xingchen you met, remember, if his origin is from God World, then he is very likely to be your lifelong enemy! If you encounter He, try not to be an enemy, you are not his opponent now!"

"Wait a minute!" Lin Chen suddenly said: "If you want to go, take them with you."

Lin Chen looked towards Shen Lingshuang, said with a smile: "little girl, haven't you always wanted to know your life experience, now is the time to reveal it."

Shen Lingshuang startled with a smile There are surprises and confusions, "Master, what do you mean..."

Lin Chen said with a smile: "Go, find your family back."

After that, Lin Chen looked towards Ye Qingwu.

Ye Qingwu suddenly said: "Don't you believe them?"

Lin Chen said with a smile: "Why, can't you bear me?"

Ye Qingwu's gaze turned, beautiful eyes flashed with autumn waves, and she smiled-"There is a little bit, I can't do things with the most handsome man in God World, it's not the God World I want."

Lin Chen jokingly said with a smile.

"I will go up one day, whether it is rushing up or typing up."


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