She turned to look at Ye Lixue, mother and daughter stared at each other, Ye Lixue smiled unprecedented, and rushed towards Ye Lixue nodded.

The girl in the star skirt who is about to leave is surprised: "You...will you trust us?"

Lin Chen said with a smile at will: "You have absolute power to suppress me, but give I have the right to choose, no matter what your background is, at least this is worthy of my trust."

Lin Wanxuan walked to Lin Chen's side and caressed his face reluctantly, "Child, you must have a good time." It's hard. Your mother, looking forward to you day and night..."

Lin Chen was slightly choked, inexplicably worried, and blurted out.

" mother, what happened."

Lin Wanxuan started and smiled in tears: "She had a very bad life, but after going back this time , She will be very happy to hear your news. You are acting in the lower realm. Be careful in everything. The things we bring from God World are all treasures of the four-dimensional world. You cannot use it if you are reduced to a three-dimensional creature, otherwise aunt I must settle for you in this lower realm!"

Lin Chen seriously nodded: "If you are really my aunt, I can also tell you that I will clear all obstacles in the holy world."


The woman in the star skirt urged: "There is no time, the quality of luck will change!"

Lin Wanxuan reluctantly retreated and left Lin Chen.

Ye Qingwu seemed to have made up his mind, dragged Shen Lingshuang and walked over, looking back at Lin Chen with a smile.

"We are waiting for you in God World."

The woman in the star skirt flicks her sleeves, the sky splits a streak of divine light ten thousand zhang The strange passage, nine-color brilliant light magnificent , Somewhere in the sky attached.

When the girl in the star skirt left, she suddenly looked back and stared at Lin Chen with a particularly complicated look in her eyes.

The divine light trembled, and when the energy channel was closed, the four of them completely disappeared between Heaven and Earth!

Ye Lixue silently revealed a gratifying smile, like a melting iceberg.

Lin Chen looked at the direction where they disappeared, and looked down at the jade slip in the space at hand.

Lin Chen shook his head and laughed: "My life experience...I actually come from God World. But why, I don't have that super innate talent?"

Put away the space jade slip, Lin Chen sorted out his thoughts, and said with a smile to everyone: "Go, we are the last group to go to the Inheritance Land of Xianxia."

"Yes, Lord !"

Fang Ling cut open a space avenue with sword intent.

Xiao Ling'er waved her slender hand repeatedly, and the rays of light in the silver white space were shining, forming a distorted space passage, leading directly to the outside of the holy realm!

Everyone rushed in and disappeared.

After Lin Chen left, he did not expect that after he went to the Xianxia monument, the Martial God Aristocratic Family in the Holy Realm caused a shocking change! !

The time flowed back a little bit before, outside of all races and circles, there was a shocking Heavenly God battle that changed the whole race!

Outside the holy world, in a very distant galaxy.

Countless stars collapsed, light distorted, and world-destroying energy fluctuations resembling the apocalypse of the world, like tides, swept up like waves slamming the shore again and again!

At the very center of the galaxy is the vast astrolabe of the sky!

The mysterious thing is that in this chart, there are absolutely tall Optimus Pillars, which prop up Heaven and Earth, and there is a graceful and graceful Star River, and majestic stars everywhere. Jade palace, high platforms rise together.

Outside the astrolabe, there is a layer of pure energy condensed into a jade liquid, transformed into the holy energy of wyvern, revealing the charm of Supreme!

A drop of jade liquid can be filled in Star River absolutely and crush Saint King easily! !

This place is simply not a place that Saint King can easily approach, as if there is a history hidden in it everywhere!

Here is the remains of the Divine Emperor! !

A beam of aurora from the center rotates slowly across the world. Everywhere here, if the Divine Palace appears, the Divine Vestige will come!

Boom~! boom! boom! boom!

Absolutely Zhang Qingtian’s giant pillar was penetrated, and when it collapsed, it overwhelmed countless stars!

A silhouette fell back like a meteor, pierced through the huge pillar, retreated step by step, and stopped in the void, suddenly coldly shouted!

"The god of water, god of fire, did you join forces to fuck me?"

The person who was repelled had long hair shawls, sword eyebrows flying, his bright jade, and the charm of the eyebrows was refined. , Fengshen is handsome, peerless and awe-inspiring, with a gorgeous footsteps, like a Heavenly God!

Wearing a jade armor, he holds a scarlet battle halberd. His figure is slightly embarrassed. The blood in Divine Physique is tumbling, and his eyes are full of fierceness.

The five-colored clouds above his head are covered by clouds, and the space he looks at, divine might destroy the sky and the earth, crushing into an infinite vacuum!

It was actually a True God!

The Spiritual God of genuine!

Compared to Saint King, Saint supreme powerhouse, divine blood Avatar, it is countless times stronger!

If Lin Chen were here, maybe he could still recognize that the charm and appearance of this person were seven points similar to the Wu Pianjue he had defeated!

Martial God, Wu Juechen!

I see, in the sky two divine lights rise!

The light of the two gods soars into the sky, shining from the ruins, and shining hundreds of thousands of miles under the Star River!

Two beams of divine light are one water and one fire respectively.

Water Element divine light stepped out of the one silhouette slowly. The handsome handsome man is thirty years old, with blue eyes and blue hair with blue stars.

He chuckled slightly, but his deep voice contained a magical power that broke the vacuum!

"hehe, Wu Juechen, you are one of the most difficult guys among so many of us. If you want to divide the Divine Source of the Divine Emperor ruins, you are naturally the first guy to be excluded! "

Another stern man with red hair like flames and a divine bow on his back glanced at Wu Juechen, disdainfully said with a smile.

"Only you, want to share a piece of the pie with us?"

Seeing a 180-degree change in their attitudes, Wu Juechen suddenly laughed!

"hahahaha! Wolf ambition, this seat has long expected you to be unruly, do you really have no reinforcements?"

tone barely fell ——

Om! Hum!

Time and space roared, two beams of divine light straddled the ruins and came to Wu Juechen's vicinity. Those who stepped on the divine light, a man and a woman, are evil and beautiful men, and devastatingly beautiful women are devastatingly beautiful, enchanting and stunning!

two divine lights, one yin, one yang!

The appearance of the two gods of water and fire suddenly became serious!

Vulcan said with a sneer ——"Yin God, Yang God. When did you get together with Wu Juechen!"

The enchanting Yin God is slightly lighter Laughing: "Don't use such vulgar words, what does it mean to get a piece. Compared to you, Wu Juechen is the best partner, isn't it? In terms of strength, he is enough to rank in the top three of my Human Race. Second only to the former Sword God and Blade God!"

Yang God sneered, "You do have a vision, but the only place you choose wrong is to be the enemy of Wu Juechen, and we still have to Thank you for giving us this opportunity to join forces!"

There is a strange divine light passing through the blue pupils of the God of Water!

Vulcan stepped out, Heaven and Earth shook, flames swept like flames, and the radiant sacred fire turned into a sea of ​​fire from under his feet and burned all over the starry sky!

Vulcan said with a sneer arrogantly.

"It's useless to talk more, don't force it to rely on it, and make a move! Let me come experience how much your ability has improved compared to the previous year!"

Yang God figure one The swept, turned into a touch of pure Yang God light, surpassing the speed of light more than ten times, random sound transmission to Wu Juechen.

"Martial God, I'll go up first, let this guy leave it to me."

Wu Juechen was surprised to see that Yang God was willing to take the lead and couldn't help being nodded.

"Don't worry, I promised to pay you nothing less."


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