In the remains of the Divine Emperor, the five gods gather together, which is hard to see in the eternal age.

When Wu Juechen mentioned the word remuneration, Yang God laughed-"It’s so nice to work with you."

Yang God flicks with the finger Tearing the world!

Boom~! boom! boom!

Vulcan and Yang God are fighting together!

In the battle at the level of the gods, the aftermath of each spill is enough to hang countless Saint Kings, and just wait and see are not enough to look into the distance!

The nebula stirred, and the battle of the two gods crushed countless stars into pieces, but they could not be broken.

The space of the remains of the Divine Emperor is shrouded in a unique energy. Time and space have become particularly strong, as strong as Spiritual God, and cannot be easily shattered!

Not only the location of the five gods, but the rest of the remains of the Divine Emperor also set off a aftermath of battle no less than here!

There are other True Gods fighting!

At the ruins of the Divine Emperor, the battle of the gods who exterminated the world broke out!

As long as you snatch the secrets of the Divine Emperor ruins, the three-dimensional universe will no longer be worthy of their nostalgia!

There are more monks and less porridge. This battle will determine the fate of the gods!

"The water reflects the sky!"

At this time, the God of Water suddenly got into trouble, the fingers of the gods flicked, and the divine force of Dao Accumulation of the Water Element divine light swept Wu Juechen. direction!

Martial God holds the red halberd and is about to make a move. The Yin God stands in front of him, and the sound transmission is instantaneous-"You go take away the divine source and the god position of the ruins, I will deal with him!"

With a wave of the yin god elementary hand, the divine light shook the world, piercing the starry sky like Divine Sword, pointing straight to the water god!

Boom! boom! boom!

The terrifying explosion destroyed the stars within tens of millions of miles along the way, and the space was severely distorted. It was as strong as the remains of the Divine Emperor and it was difficult to completely withstand the battle of the gods!

Wu Juechen nodded and said —— "No problem, if I get Divine Source, I will get you a share!"


Wu Juechen stepped on Martial God's steps, body guarded with gorgeous streamer, red halberd splits layers of Formation, turned into a divine light that surpassed the speed of attack, and shot into the interior of Divine Vestige!


A dragon roar chanted, Vulcan moved the blazing divine bow behind him, stepped on the flames to break through, and aimed at Martial God Wu Juechen!

"Want to run? I want you to become a Martial God today!"

Vulcan pulls the bowstring, and a deadly and dangerous murderous intention dared to envelop Wu Juechen!

The Vulcan bow is not a complete Divine Item, but in the hands of True God, it can also exert terrifying formidable power!

Wu Juechen complexion sank: "Does this lunatic want to fight me to the end? What kind of hole does he have, the two gods against the three gods, and he is willing to take out the hole cards to play with me?"


Yang God immediately followed, stood in front of Vulcan, and shouted a sound transmission——"Go ahead, don’t hesitate!"


The water column soars into the sky, like a ten thousand-head water dragon, completely crushing the stars absolutely, and culling Wu Juechen!

Yin God makes another move, and Water God’s big move is blocked!

The elegant and handsome water god coldly shouted——"Are you willing to be his subordinates?"

Hearing this, the enchanting and cold Yin Divine Eyes passed underneath. A hint of mysterious rays of light.

Yin Shen charming sneer--"Why, I can't beat it and start playing with lip service? I prefer to play in a different place! Take it!"


When Wu Juechen stepped on the movement method, he was about to pass through the interior of Divine Vestige——

Suddenly, a chill of have one's hair stand on end spread all over his body !

hong long! Bang! boom! boom!

Four divine lights hit Martial God at the same time! !

One fire, one water, one yin, one yang!

"God falls to open the sky!"

Wu Juechen smashed the endless divine light with a halberd, swiftly moved the halberd with thorns, and turned to cut and cut. It can be described as a thousand moves in a flash!

The battle halberd's edge swept the Tianzhu, and cut the Tianzhu!

Wu Juechen stepped on Martial God's steps, full of brilliance, and a moment of million li, his figure retreated violently.

Divine blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. When he was covering the wound, a thumb-wide wound opened in front of his chest. The divine blood flowed out, shining brightly, and looked desolate and horrible to see!

God, it is generally extremely difficult to be injured. In the case of divine force protection, it is not a simple matter for the opponent of the same level to break the defense.

But once injured, the battle will be severely tilted!

Previously, when Martial God · Wu Juechen entered the Divine Emperor ruins, he was exhausted by fighting with other True Gods, and was used by the Water God and Fire God to make a sneak attack once again!

Now, this is the second sneak attack!

Furthermore, the four gods aimed at him at the same time! This is definitely not a coincidence!

Wu Juechen turned his gaze and stared at the four True Gods aggressively approaching him!

His expression is very calm, so calm as to be an angry tiger!

"You betrayed me too?"

Yang God wearing a yin Yang God light smiles sullenly--"Martial God, Martial God, your reputation lives up to the legend. , Even if I was injured, I can still pick up the sneak attack of the four of me. You are the one who threatens the most!"

Boom~! !

The four gods surrounded Martial God, and they fought in an instant!

If they don't make a move, it will be done, and the murderous intention will be fatal when they make a move!

Changhong swept away, and the halberd waved wildly! Being besieged by the Four Gods and with injuries, Martial God fell into a disadvantage!

The offensive of these four gods is completely on the same level as the previous procrastination battle. I don’t know how many times the offensive is fierce!

They are determined to get rid of Martial God!

Yin Shen chuckles—"Your threat is so great. If you want to divide Divine Source, you must be eliminated first!"

The killing intent in Chen's eyes is soaring!

So cruel!

Although he will not join hands with the two gods of Yin and Yang, the interests of the three of them are the same. He can't think of the benefits of betraying him by the two gods of Yin and Yang!

It is so difficult to kill a god. Even if it is the siege of the two gods, if the opponent dies and counterattacks, it will be life-threatening!

Not to mention, this True God is still the top three Martial God in Human Race · Wu Juechen!

If you want to get him, the four True Gods are the most stable!

So, in the battle between the yin and yang gods, they reached agreement with the god of water and the god of fire!

In the remains of the Divine Emperor where the gods of the Human Race came out and the gods are fighting, being seriously injured means that you will lose the probability of competing with the same level True God!

"Water and Fire Three Thousand World!"

"Yin and Yang Illusion God Realm!"

Like countless Water-Fire Twin Dragons hissing Formation, Dragonflight Chaotic Dance , The power of water and fire merged with each other, and it fell in an instant, covering the side of the Divine Emperor's relics!

Next, Yin-Yang Energy turned into nine suns, and the divine force of the Yin system turned into nine Yin Qi acupoints, exuding the power of vortex-like brilliance and death!

Martial God · Wu Juechen's eyes narrowed.


The purpose of these guys is not only to push themselves back, but to really kill him!

Tu Shen!

Martial God?

Wu Juechen’s shoulders abruptly, and his power swept across the remains of the Divine Emperor, coldly shouted ——

"One god fights four gods, even if Wu Juechen can’t defeat all of you four People, but just relying on you to take my life is not enough!"


A bunch of divine light rushed through Heaven and Earth, stepped on a Golden Dragon Golden Armored Man, broke through the sky, crushing countless stars along the way!

Coldly shouted voices full of coercion and dominance spread around the Divine Emperor ruins——

"If they are not qualified, then add an old man, is that enough?"

The anger is coming, divine might intimidating all directions!

Another True God is coming!

Wu Juechen eyes slightly shrink, his retreat is completely blocked by the powerful divine force~!

Martial God!

Human Race, the history of the gods of the holy world, from this moment, turn a new page! !


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