Outside the remains of the Divine Emperor, behind the powerful energy Formation, there is a group of human silhouettes hidden.

Their physique is as deep as the sea. Although they are in human form, their energy and blood are stronger than any Human Race, terrifying!

It seems like a strong Desolate God beast stands here!

These people are actually the Divine Dragons of Dragon Clan!

There is a special Formation in the Divine Emperor ruins. True Gods who are not Human Race cannot enter, otherwise they will be destroyed by the Heavenly Retribution of the Divine Emperor's power!

Among them, the leading golden robed man shook his head slightly, faintly sighed: "Human Race, it's going to be a big change."

A cold-looking red robe man with red hair Floating, stepping out, frowning suspiciously-"Why don't they fly up to God World and stay here for so long?"

The oldest golden robed man said solemnly ——" Human Race is not difficult to ascend to God World. Unlike Divine Dragon in the world of dragons, if you want to ascend to the world of Divine Dragon, you need to go through the painful process of transforming Divine Dragon from three-dimensional to four-dimensional."

golden robed man said indifferently-"According to the Ancient Dragon Code, Human Race God World is an extremely vast world. There are more than three different ecosystems, and there will be no major wars and riots after hundreds of years. , Has absolute rule, even the Human Race Saint there even the basic fighting method will not."

The red robe man was unprecedented with a surprised look--"War...the fighting method will not."

The dignified Human Race holy realm, can't even fight? What is the principle!

If you talk about battle, even Human Race Battle Sovereign and Yuanzun have many ruthless characters!

golden robed man nodded, recalled thinking-"It is said that in that area, the Human Race Holy Land only needs to supply Holy Force regularly to get the corresponding reward and live. I don’t want to fight, even battle. Skills do not."

"God World is divided into several regions, and the gods ruled by each region are different, but there are also some regions that have no rulers. Those regions are basically all A fierce person who never blinks from birth and death. There is also an area where order is established. A divine ability knows that all gods admire."

"In short, Human Race God World is a surging forward with great momentum. A historically prosperous world. There are so many rules, even more complicated than our Divine Dragon world. And the current Human Race gods, if they fly up to the God World, they must abandon everything they have and become an overlord again. , Soaring up."

golden robed man shook his head and said--"God of the three-dimensional universe, ascending to the four-dimensional universe, it will randomly transmit to any place. And True God without background has gone up, it is very likely Will be stared at. The same level True God, the three-dimensional god enters the four-dimensional universe. If you can’t get used to the four-dimensional time and space, you will be easily tortured by the same level four-dimensional True God!"

red robe male eyelids twitched, Surprised: "Is the god of the four-dimensional universe so powerful?"

The golden robed man said seriously--"Accurately speaking, there is a gap. But the actual difference in battle strength is not that big. The power gap between the two sides does not come from the divine force, but from the dimension!"

As soon as this statement came out, all the Divine Dragons present were full of dignity!

Dimension, this is the concept that represents the contents of the world at the beginning of the universe.

The three-dimensional universe has only the concepts of length, width, and height.

In layman's terms, three-dimensional creatures can feel the three-dimensional concepts of'up and down', front and back, and left and right.

And four-dimensional, will appear a dimension!

Theoretically, the creatures in the three-dimensional universe cannot even see the four-dimensional life!

Even if a four-dimensional Human Race stands in front of a three-dimensional Human Race, if the four-dimensional Human Race does not intentionally reduce its dimensionality, the three-dimensional Human Race can’t even see each other!

Not to mention, use anything in the four-dimensional universe, or fight against the creatures of the four-dimensional universe.

The two are not a gap in strength, but a gap in nature!

The golden robed man solemnly said-"Only when you are used to the four-dimensional universe, can you have the power to protect yourself. There will be no suspense!"

"And kill a True God The benefits are self-evident. So if they fly up, they will become fish on the chopping board, and they will have a greater probability to be slaughtered."

As soon as this is said, everyone, Divine Dragon Can't help being silent.

God World, the world of Divine Dragon, is a step that is always in front of them and cannot be easily taken!


At this time, the ruins of the Divine Emperor on the verge of collapse, Martial God Wu Juechen wanted to break into the ruins of the Divine Emperor, and when he wanted to either the fish dies or the net splits, the five True Gods were poor. Chasing, the battle intensified!

At this time, another beautiful woman in a scarlet skirt said with a smile: "This group of Human Race True God, normally a detached posture, eats meat like a mad dog. "

The green robe old man who drank the pot and quacked with a weird laugh: "You laugh at someone? It's better to laugh at yourself, as if you are very pure, and I don’t know who saw the small head The male dragon is about to take people back to the lair!"

"You!" The beautiful woman in the scarlet skirt stared at her, murderous-looking!

green robe old man jokingly said with a smile: "Why, want to have a Divine Dragon battle here? Human Race is very hot, you want to warm up too?"

The personable white clothed man raised his hand to stop the two, looking towards the golden robed man with white Dragon horns on his head, elegant and handsome, but worried.

The white clothed man said solemnly: "Speaking of which, according to your opinion, you are now worried that Human Race cannibalize excessively and cause other races to invade?"

golden robed man Nodded, when I turned to look at the other side of the starry sky, as if looking through the distance of the void, Long Tong said slowly and mysteriously.

"Human Race in the holy world has always been an important existence for balancing the Great Influence. The civilization of Human Race is no less than the origin of our Dragon Clan."

"Today, the gods are here. This fight. Human Race will inevitably reduce its power, and the strength of all races will begin to tilt, which will inevitably trigger a war!"

Speaking of this, the beautiful woman in scarlet skirt said sternly--"You mean, Demon Race?"

The golden robed man's eyes narrowed, and his deep voice was full of worries—"No, it's the Fiend clan!"

Divine Dragon everyone is surprised, one after another Wrongly staring at each other.

Although the innate talents of the Fiend clan are superb, they are not enough to threaten the current races. The history and time of their existence is still too short, and the foundation cannot shake the foundation of the races.

golden robed man shook his head and sighed—“Back then, the Human Race’s Shocking and stunning True God created the Fiend clan, but left a full load of hatred, which led to the Fiend clan’s role in Human Race and Demon Race. It has become the most exclusive existence."

"The Fiend clan who was born in the first group also had the existence of gods, but what worries me the most..."

golden The robed man looks particularly solemn-"What I worry about the most is the only empress of the Fiend clan today."

"I once had a relationship with her, and she was tainted with so much hostility. The best of today! I don’t know how many innocent creatures have been killed or killed to accumulate such a terrifying hostility!"

He looked around the scene and continued: "Only all the Divine Dragons we were there. , The combined hostility is less than one-tenth of hers!"


As soon as this statement comes out, you Divine Dragon suck in a breath of cold air!

The slaughter of creatures, especially the slaughter of Human Race, will lead to a reversal of luck and hostility.

If you can control it, your strength will increase, if you can’t, you will destroy the Shinto!

In this way, Fiend Clan will launch a general attack on Human Race!

It's just a matter of time!

The golden robed man sighed: "Now the Fiend clan's spatial orientation has completely disappeared. I am afraid that what we expected will explode in advance."

Once the situation in Human Race changes drastically , It affects the whole family!

Other powerhouses will certainly not sit idly by! The first among them is Demon Race, the most ferocious wolf ambition!

At this time, a beautiful woman in a palace dress and phoenix dress walked slowly to the golden robed man, Yingying said with a smile.

"Perhaps in the dark, there is a ray of heaven. I have something to tell you, our Dragon Clan Divine Dragon plane, a Human Race has entered."

Talk Who is the Divine Dragon!

You Divine Dragon looked towards her curiously--

Human Race, enter their Divine Dragon plane?

The corners of the beautiful lips of the beautiful woman are slightly lifted.

"Furthermore, I also investigated that this Human Race has an ambiguous relationship with Luo Yaoer. Perhaps, he will become our Dragon Clan's breakthrough mouth."


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