More than 20 days have passed since the battle of the gods. It was when Lin Chen just liberated the two realms of luck, the Martial God Aristocratic Family ushered in a shocking change!

Shih~! Bang~!

A Divine Lightning descended from the sky and struck Martial God Aristocratic Family straight!

On this day, the Martial God Aristocratic Family's talents are exhausted. In the face of the advent of this Divine Lightning, there is no way to resist and defensive cards!

hong long long ~! !

Scarlet's Divine Lightning split the Martial God Aristocratic Family, the fire beacon billowed, and the wind swept across!

Divine Lightning is shocking and cuts through the space! An extremely strong energy fluctuation was released, and the Martial God Aristocratic Family was completely uplifted!

"What happened?"

"My mentality has collapsed! Comprehend the cultivation technique to the most critical moment, exploding the old man's nest !"

"Quickly put on your clothes! Don't be so fucking with my old lady, my family has been smashed!"

"Who is such a damn courage, dare to knock me off!"

" Wu Family base camp! The other way around!"

"It’s true that I’m Wu Family, no one can’t make it! His grandma’s, go out to meet the enemy!"

Martial God Aristocratic Family, there are many The left-behind Elder and the law protector rushed out, looking around the Martial God Aristocratic Family, and those who didn't know thought that a powerful enemy was coming.

Just when everyone looked around, but they hadn't found out who was the'culprit'.


Ripples in space, divine might be vast, divine might be like sea! An invincible divine might have swept over millions li!

"This...this is?"

The pupils of the last Saint King Elder who stayed behind in the Martial God Aristocratic Family shrank sharply.

Several elderly Elder shivered and said: "Wu... Wu divine might be pressured? Could it be said that the Lord Wu Juechen has returned?"

"Wrong Nope! This coercion must be him! Such a pure divine might is the only one..."


Saint King Elder suddenly vetoed it , His pupils trembled, staring at the center of the ruins of Martial God Aristocratic Family!


With a blast, the boundless Holy Force lifted off the ruins of the Martial God Aristocratic Family!

The frenzied laughter echoes the sky!

"hahahaha! I'm back, everything is back!"

I saw one person standing in the ruins, imposing manner majestic and overbearing, and if there is a divine light in his eyes, one person Stand still and open the Heaven and Earth universe!

It's Wu Pianjue!

His divine might is far more than ever before!

"Lin Chen, I want you to die! After this time, I want you to die without a burial site! I want to drink your blood, peel the skin, cramp and deboning, and let you feel in the mortal world. It’s so painful! To kill you, it’s too cheap, it’s too fucking cheap! I’m going to torture you until you go crazy, torture you to the point of stepping on the shit!"

Wu Pianjue laughed frantically, with a thunderous smile, divine might come to all beings!

What's even more frightening is that 67 holy caves flashed all over his body, and he rushed all the way to the 68th holy cave!

On the top of his head, a vortex of red light was spinning frantically, raging like a storm, releasing the suction power of swallowing the stars and the moon, spinning continuously!

Saint King Elder shiver coldly, trembling all over, "It's Pianjue Young Master...He has the divine blood fluctuations of Martial God! Not his own, but...Martial God's. !"


Wu Pianjue looked back and glanced over, the fierce divine might surging like a rolling curtain of rivers, released all of a sudden!

The divine might weighed on them like a thousand great mountains!

Boom! boom! boom!

All members of Wu Family's direct line knelt down in an instant! Cold sweat!

This divine might is exactly the same as that of Martial God!

The Wu Family powerhouse suppressed by divine might is as weak as an ant even in the open world. Wu Pianjue raised his hand with a wave, holy light passed by like a knife!


The blood is like a pillar, and the head rolls down. Even the spirit was wiped out in an instant!

Among the seven normally, Wu Pianjue Elder won’t wait to see her head down!

Everyone is like an ice cellar, cold glow is biting!

These seven people, who had never seen Wu Pianjue Young Master after losing divine blood, were killed instantly!

Wu Pianjue put away the previous madness, restored the old elegance and Yunyi, lightly wiped his fingertips, lightly said with a smile.

"This Young Master can leave the blame for your small actions normally. But from now on, Wu Family will only have one person to talk to, and that is me, Wu Pianjue. Those who violate orders, head to the ground. "

Thousands of Wu Family powerhouses trembled, and trembling respectfully said: "Follow the order of Young Master!"

Wu Pianjue corner of the mouth slightly Raise, wave your hand, the space opens up, step into the cultivation Secret Realm, and leave a sound transmission.

"I’m in retreat, you have to stick to Wu Family, until I leave the customs, when Wu Family takes revenge!"

When Wu Pianjue left, only trembling in was left. The Wu Family of fear everyone.

"What the hell is going on...?"

"Could it be said that Wu Pianjue Young Master really successfully recovered his bloodline in retreat?"

"No, there may be another reason. After the master of divine blood has died, he will immediately return to the closest thing to him. If you find it back, you will have it back!"

While everyone was talking about it and couldn't find the key to the problem--

The only Saint King Elder suddenly appeared in horror!

"Why...why is it like this! No,'s not true!"

The Saint King Elder suddenly screamed and collapsed. In his palm, green and yellow The jade token is already bleak, and the engraving is slowly disappearing, about to turn into the last nothingness!

When all the Elders saw what he had on hand, their faces were completely horrified!

At that time, only Saint King Realm Supreme Elders could hold the'Seal of God's Position'!

The seal of the position of God represents the life and death of Wu Family Martial God ·Wu Juechen. Now the seal of the position of God is almost bleak to nothingness. This means that Martial God has already encountered a powerless crisis!

Wu Pianjue's "sudden outbreak" illustrates all this!

Generally speaking, after the fall of Spiritual God, most of the divine blood will return to the body closest to the original host, which is the'divine blood Avatar'!

Many True Gods will try their best to retain a trace of the Avatar condensed by divine blood, even if it is extremely difficult to condense the divine blood Avatar.

So, even if there is an irreversible crisis, God will not completely die!

However, the Martial God Aristocratic Family first went to war with Lin Chen! Was hammered by Lin Chen! !

They used Martial God's'divine blood Avatar'!

The whole family hangs Martial God series!

As a result, divine blood has nowhere to go, and can only return to Wu Pianjue!

The first generation of Martial God was besieged by five True Gods in the remains of the Divine Emperor and completely fallen!

Since then, there is no Martial God Wu Juechen in the Holy Realm!

However, it was replaced by a crazier rising star, Wu Pianjue!

divine blood is part of the cultivation base attached to the original host. Once this part of the cultivation base is controlled, Wu Pian will definitely exceed the ordinary sage list! !

Even, it will approach the top ten or even surpass it in a straight line!

Martial God Aristocratic Family, there has been a shocking change!


Lin, who arrived at the Xianxia Historic Site, just lands on his feet and suddenly sneezes!

This made Lin Chen couldn't help but touch his nose and laughed at himself as said with a smile.

"Lin Chen ah Lin Chen, you are a bit outrageous, how come there are beautiful women thinking about you all the time, this is a bad habit, you must change it, you must change it!"

system: [This shameless habit must also be changed. 】


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