In the Xianxia Historic Site, people are full of energy, swallowing mountains and rivers, and the air is like a rainbow! !

Today, all servants are out!

People gathered in a mountain gorge in the Xianxia historic site.

The lineup of Lin Chen's servants is terrifying!

The eighth turn of Peak Saint, one hundred and twenty!

Nine-turn Peak Saint, fifty-five!

Half-step Saint King, 27th!

Saint King, seventeen!

This does not include the power of the hidden powerhouse and Divine flame palace that follow the servants!

If you count, the number of people participating in the war alone will exceed 5,000! The lowest cultivation base, Perfection!

Three turns of Saint and above, more than a thousand people!

To be honest, Lin Chen, the team, can push any of the 36 domains horizontally!

Lin Chen stepped onto the top of the mountain, looked around the crowd, and said loudly.

"Everyone, this battle will determine our future destiny, how strong our opponents are, and I don’t want me to elaborate on it. I just want to give up if you want to do what you want. Life preparation!"

Lin Chen laughed wildly.

"This time it is our turn to take the initiative to attack all enemies in the Holy Realm!"

Boom~! !

The terrible coercion is rising to the sky!

"Fight over all enemies in the Holy Realm!"

The servants shook Hah!

Lin Chen yelled sharply: "I'm not strong, I can't hear you, say it again ! Want to do the Holy Realm so quietly?"

bang! bang! bang!

Space vibrates, Heaven and Earth mutation, and thunderclouds are shrouded!

The power of the crowd is even more fierce, and the anger shakes the world!

"Fight through the holy world, all enemies!"

Lin Chen said very satisfied.

"en! Very energetic, let's go!"


Genesis headquarters!

Today, all super powerhouses gathered together!

The entire great hall contains tens of thousands of powerhouses!

Many Saints in the Open Heaven Realm are sweating like rain.

Just standing inside, that horrible oppression is about to make him urge Holy Force to defend instinctively!

The powerhouse gathered in the great hall of the current headquarters can be described as the Peak lineup, the stomp, and the holy world will also shake three shocks!

Holy Prison Fang, True Dragon, Thousand Fox, Qiankun, ghostfiend, Celestial Phenomenon, five Saint King. And the seventeen strongest criminals in the eyes of hell, tens of thousands of murderous criminals!

Martial God Aristocratic Family, two Saint King Old Ancestor, five and a half Saint King Elder, one hundred three-turn cultivation base or above!

There are also seven Saint Kings, twelve Saint Kings half-step, from many sects who have not yet joined Genesis. They were originally a hidden power, but Lin Chen was annihilated by Lin Chen because of their own saints. Attacking, but not under the direct control of Genesis, is regarded as a kind of reinforcement.

Next, is Genesis!

After Ying Jiufeng's personal training and recruitment conditions, there are many strong players in Genesis now!

Saint King, there are twenty in total! From twelve Grade 9 sects, they sent one Saint King, two half-step Saint Kings, and five nine-level Saint or higher as representatives, plus fifty one-level Saint or higher cultivation base!

As for the Saint of Rank Nine, there are more than a hundred!

In addition to more than a thousand second-turn Saints, eight thousand open the world!

There are ninety-nine talents on the list of sage talents, including Ying Jiufeng himself, there are just a hundred sages!

"Everyone, gather everyone today. Just to produce our common enemy, Lin Chen!"

Ying Jiufeng appeared in person, full of aura, as a sage Ranked tenth, with enough battles and power to control the audience!

This kind of scene, no matter what an ordinary Saint King can't sit still, only the top ten on the list of saints can convince the crowd!

"If this person does not die, our Genesis Alliance will never grow bigger. I should dare to assure everyone that whoever follows me to annihilate Lin Chen's team will be the veteran of Genesis in the future, what you desire Fortune, chance, fortuitous encounter, all will be there!"

"You should be very clear about whether I Ying Jiufeng is a person who draws big cakes out of thin air. This seat, you must do what you say!"


Ying Jiufeng's voice is not loud, but clearly shakes the spirit of every powerhouse!

"I wait, I would like to follow Master Ying Jiufeng to create a prosperous world!"

"Genesis, it should be the creation of the world!"

"The alliance goes out and is invincible !"

"At present, I am the only one who created the world and called the ghost hero, and I will still be an alliance member in the next life!"

Many powerhouses are passionate!

As long as the number one enemy is eradicated, it is time for them to fish leaping over the dragon gate!

Only a group of people are the most calm, even indifferent.

That is the people of the holy prison, and the unique seventeen people!

Each of them, with a haughty expression, a cold and indifferent expression, as if he hadn’t heard Ying Jiufeng’s domineering declaration at all, it was more like a quietly burning fire, which would burn more and more. fierce.

After defeating Lin Chen, their fate is unknown, so for this battle, they even plan to be an'Ultimate Water Paddling Monster'.

Ying Jiufeng brushed his sleeves, coldly shouted.

"Go, go to the Sword Domain Unbounded Sea!"


Sacred Domain.

In the pavilion, the young man in Mai was hesitating. After a long time, he sighed.

"Ai, after this battle, the situation in the holy world must change drastically. As a member of the holy talent list, I cannot take any responsibility for this innumerable living beings in the holy world."

The gorgeous red robe woman next to her is holding the palm of Senior Brother, comforted.

"Senior Brother don't have to blame himself too much, it's all Lin Chen, if you don't rob the Holy Prison..."

The young man in Mai is cold-eyed, indifferently said.

"Junior Sister, pay attention to your words and deeds. Your Excellency Lin Chen, who has fought for the people of the world, is more than a thousand times better than those hypocritical hypocrites!"

red robe woman helplessly said.

"Senior Brother, you don't understand. Good people will never end well. It is for this reason that the Master has not let you out of the mountain."

hearing this, Mai Youth is angry Then she got up, the red robe woman immediately stopped--

"Senior Brother, you are too upright, why should you pity the world so much! Do you know that mortals are destined to suffer for a lifetime? Let them leave quietly and create a world with only Saints, which will last forever and no longer suffer from the audience."

The young man in Mai took a deep look at Junior Sister.

Is the influence of Genesis so far-reaching?

The young man in Mai ignored it, and walked away!

"I want to go out and go to Sword Domain. This time out, not for the common people, only for myself, I want to fight the Genesis Alliance!"


Five days later.

Sword Domain, near the Unbounded Sea.

There are more and more powerhouses hidden in the ancient cities of Sword Domain, all staring at the area of ​​the Unbounded Sea!

"Today is the agreed time, and the two sides have not appeared yet, are they timidly fighting?"

"It is not possible, in order to respond to Jiufeng’s temperament, so as not to fear him A Lin Chen."

"No, here comes!"

When powerhouses discuss spiritedly, an exclamation broke the suspicion!

Boom~! zheng! zheng!

A Blade Intent splits the chaos, a sword intent divides the world, between Heaven and Earth chaos, cut open the vast space avenue!


Countless people suck in a breath of cold air.

Blade Intent is fascinating, and sword intent is escorted by God!

What a big hand!

I saw a grandiose team suddenly appeared on the Avenue of Space!

Here, Genesis Alliance!

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