"The five Great Saint Kings that exist in the holy prison are all here!"

"The two Old Ancestors of the Martial God Aristocratic Family, Supreme Elder, are also here. It's all here!"

"The representative of the twelve Grade 9 forces, Saint King, and the twenty-four halls such as Wanjiantang and Xueyingtang, which are known as the backbone of Genesis, are also here!"

"Come out! Genesis is true!"

"Not even the base camp stays behind, just do it out!"

The battle of Genesis appeared! ; Immediately make countless powerhouse looks suddenly change!

Forefront of the team, the breath released by the first group of silhouettes turned into a billowing baleful aura, like a vast giant dragon, the monstrous blood-reeking qi swept the borderless overseas!

Those Saint criminals who had been imprisoned in the Holy Prison, who had committed the most heinous, brutal and brutal sins, were all released!

Unbounded Sea, in the Avenue of Space, the gathering of powerhouse grandiose, the criminals of the Holy Prison who stand in the front row begin to stir ——

A bald criminal licked the inlaid wrist bone Sharp knife, said with a malicious smile: "I hope they can come with more people. The old man hasn't tasted the flesh and blood of Saint from the outside for a long time. In the past few months, I have tried his mother's healing, and I am going crazy."

The enchanting beautiful woman with snakes and scorpions tattooed on her neck glanced at him and said with a smile: "Ji old ghost, all day long thinking about cannibalism, don't wait for someone to eat, I can't help but laugh It's a field."

The many powerhouses hiding in the dark of Sword Domain are getting more and more solemn!

"It's so fucking crazy, how did you let this group of lunatics out..."

"We will fight later. You can't easily pick up the leak and join the battle. The old man has already seen it. Several old lunatics have been released from prison."

"These are all lunatics who cannibalize people without spitting out bones. Did the Holy Prison release them too? After this battle, Lao Tzu looked forward to Lin Chen instead. It's better if you win!"

"If Lin Chen this child loses, these lunatics will return to the holy realm, and the world will be in chaos!"

Countless powerhouses are jealous, holy prison It is not just the arrogant and honest people who are imprisoned, but also many treacherous and murderous people who have touched the core interests of other major forces and have been imprisoned.

This kind of powerhouse is the trickiest to fight!

Saint King, represented by each Grade 9 faction, stands behind the team and each owns one side.

The people of Martial God Aristocratic Family are waiting for you. Hundreds of sages expand their lineup, look all around, and dare not relax!

The entire group of battle strength at the top of the holy prison is peaceful and calm.

At the end of the team, Ying Jiufeng, lying on the empty phoenix chair, gently shook the paper fan, like a generation of kings, in charge of the overall situation, calm and composed.

At this time, a sage frowned and said: "I haven't come yet, does Lin Chen this child regret the fight?"

"No." Ying Jiufeng snapped. Put away the paper fan with a sound, looking into the distance.

"On the contrary! Their fighting intents are soaring!"

tone barely fell, almost at the same time, True Dragon Saint King, Thousand Fox Saint King, Saint Prison Seventeen Ren, and Ying Jiufeng are looking in the same direction!

hong long long ~! hong long long ~! !

Space shakes!

Long sound is rolling!

The Chixia is rising!

The red gold divine splendor fills the sky in an instant!

A piece of red gold dragon claw greets you!

The vast and vast red golden dragon claw crushes the space storm of the sea of ​​space, and smashes the vast avenue!

An Ancient Dragon shining with golden light, turned out! all around all space storms, all being washed away by Dragon's Might, Ancient Dragon is born!

The dragon's body is more than a hundred feet long, like a long river. It is surrounded by a pure black and pure white Yin and Yang Dragon Qi, lying on all fours, with five claws; Qilin head, Yin and Yang pupils, Rain Dragon tail, With long beards and horns like deer, the red clouds are flying.

The dragon tail is swaying, the blue dragon light is like a sea, billowing and roaring!

On the dragon body, every piece of golden light dragon scales is glowing with the radiance of scarlet gold, acting as the civilization of the Divine Transformation dragon!

Countless people are shocked!

The Dragon King of Ancient Dragon bloodline?

No! It doesn't seem to be that simple!

From this dragon king, they saw no less than three signs of Divine Dragon bloodline! !

The dragon's back carries a powerful team!

Above the dragon's head, standing a silver robe boy, both hands crossed near chest, with a cynical confident smile.

Everyone with Qilin is extraordinary, like the new overlord of Heaven and Earth!

They may be heroic and majestic, imposing manner Lingyun, hundreds of holy caves illuminate the mountains, the sun and the moon!

Shangguan is invincible and indifferent, with a shot on his back, his eyes open and close like a thunder, the lightning snake around him, and thousands of thunders are born!

Longjiu Mountain's vitality and blood are as strong as the ancient Azure Dragon, with heads of Zhenya, Qilin and other wild ancient beasts walking on top of his head, tigers stalking the dragon plate, and his body is like the Great Desolate Giant Beast!

Qi Feiyan is wearing four rounds of scorching sun and holding a red bow. The next round of sun flames on his feet is like a fire sea, swallowing the sky!

Fang Ling soared into the sky. After his hands were empty, he appeared like a thousand swords. The edge is so strong that Heaven and Earth is unmatched!

The waves turn the clouds and the whole body is sharp and sharp, both hands crossed near chest, at a glance, cut off the Great Dao of Void, inspire the Blade Intent, and glow with clank and dragon!

At this moment, all the heroes are shocked!

Saint King! Saint King! or Saint King!

The people around Lin Chen turned out to be Saint King Realm's cultivation base!

It's better than Ying Jiufeng, can't help being emotional!

"How could it be possible that the group of people around him, when the people from the holy prison went to the sneak attack, they only had nine rounds of Peak and half a step in the Saint King Realm world! How could they all become Saint King! "

How long has it passed since it has crossed three great realms in a row!"

Even if it is an opportunity against the sky, there must be a process of assimilation!

Ancient Dragon is in the line, five Great Saint Kings are with him, and twelve Saint Kings are behind!

The natural phenomenon of these supreme powerhouses is like the stars supporting the moon, all surrounding Lin Chen, slowly descending into the void!

Many powerhouses hidden in the Sword Domain were shocked. They seemed to have seen an epic Legendary team descend on Heaven and Earth!

What a terrible lineup, no wonder Lin Chen, this child, dares to challenge Genesis. The seventeen people around him alone are enough to make Genesis a level of attention!

In the early days of Jin Taichu of the holy prison, Jiang Poyi, as if he had a heart, appeared interested for the first time, looking directly at the two of Lin Chen's team!

The eyes of both sides met, and the fighting intent spread instantly!

The two blade intent and sword intent have already begun a secret confrontation!

Ancient Dragon pack team, when Lin Chen came to the mighty team of Genesis, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers, awe-inspiring said with a smile.

"I, Lin Chen, come here as promised! Genesis, let me give you a big gift!"

It is almost Lin Chen tone barely fell, Ying Jiufeng has not had time yet Response——


In the team of Genesis, a silhouette swept over and broke the silence.

An extraordinary handsome silver robe young man swept into the team and hurriedly said.

"Wan Jiantang Chen Lin, by the order of the hall master, there is a top-secret information to be given, and it must be handed over to Ying Jiufeng Alliance Leader in person!"

Everyone immediately let go.

Hall Master Wan Jian looked dumbfounded.

Top secret information? What is this? He didn't even remember it at all!

Seeing everyone's surprise and admiration, Hall Master Wan Jian couldn't help but smashed.

Why don't you care about him, anyway, the people under your hand have made a lot of money, and any top-secret information has been intercepted. Anyway, it is also a meritorious service. Why not do it?

Chen Lin came in front of Ying Jiufeng, made a slight gesture, and handed a scroll with both hands.

Ying Jiufeng frowned slightly: "Thousands of swordsman?"

At present, Ying Jiufeng didn't waste time and immediately took over the scroll.

Followingly, when it was spread out, there were only eight characters in the scroll-the black horse was used to fight, and everyone was easy to fight.

"Dark horses will fight on their behalf, everyone is easy to fight?"

Ying Jiufeng was taken aback first, and then his pupils trembled!

His gaze is staring at the'Chen Lin' before him!

"Chen Lin? Lin Chen? You are Lin Chen!"

Almost the moment Ying Jiufeng recognizes it, Lin Chen uncovered his disguise in an instant, revealing the same as always Coquettish smile!

At this moment, all powerhouses of Genesis will be fried in an instant!

Lin Chen? Why did you come to the headquarters?

What is this operation!

When Lin Chen returned to his original appearance, he was shining with a hundred six-pointed stars, and the 101st and 102nd six-pointed stars were divine light at this time, extremely fast Skyrocket!

Lin Chen opened his arms and laughed wildly.

"Guess you get a prize!"

The thousands of foxes in the Saint King, Saint King, instantly complexion greatly changed!

This child is going to explode! !

What horrible cultivation base is Lin Chen? Once this monster bursts into the hole, the formidable power is unimaginable!

This thing is still at the center of the team now!

Having witnessed Lin Chen's holy light skyrocket in an instant, Ying Jiufeng's heart slammed!

Oh, it’s too late to escape! !

Countless powerhouses retreat violently and look terrified!

This madman is going to burst into the center of the Genesis team with his ontology!

Lin Chen is crazy!

The starting point is Wang Fried! !


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