Densely packed ancient urns are entwined on the divine splendor avenue, and there are many natural phenomena!

On Divine Splendor Avenue, there are sunflowers blooming with overlapping shadows, ten bright moons hanging in the same sky, nine red suns burning across the boundless sea, and Immemorial Azure Dragon moving clouds to spread rain, and screaming sky , Qilin danced, carrying a halberd to grind away the endless void, and stab to it!

Ying Jiufeng's expression is particularly ugly, he perceives four extraordinary auras!

People who come here are not inferior to him at all!

Thousands of feathers Saint King in the sky of Immemorial Sword City was shocked and muttered to himself.

"No way, what the hell is going on... even these adults are also dispatched!"


The divine splendor avenue descends on the unbounded sea, and the space shakes, pointing directly to Lin Chen!

I saw that the divine splendor avenue high above the Unbounded Sea, slowly walked down four silhouettes, the atmosphere is calm and composed, deep and unmeasurable, but the power has the power to cover the sky and the earth!

Boom! boom! boom!

Many prisoners in the holy prison were near the divine splendor avenue, and they were even blown away by that terrifying imposing manner!

A silver armored man with sword eyebrows, a holy halberd on his back, the tip of the halberd pointing diagonally to the sky, and the Immemorial Azure Dragon on his feet, he is domineering!

He sneered with disdain, "What kind of crooked melons, jujubes, stinky fish, and shrimps, dare to be in the same space as this seat."

The handsome man in sunflower robes next to him Young Master lightly said with a smile: "Ying Jiufeng really enjoys playing this kind of play game."

Another white clothed youth came, his face was pale and his face The tip actually has four ears, and the pupils are blue, like a bright moon hidden in the sky, chuckled, watching the situation all around.

"That's why he is rateless, he will never reach our realm, this is the pattern, this is the gap."

Foot on the red sun, wearing the nine rounds of red sun The handsome young man sneered.

"A guy who only knows how to rely on bloodline and innate talent is not qualified to stand Peak."

When the four walked side by side and walked down from the divine splendor avenue, they suppressed the audience. , Overlooking the heroes!

The Saint Kings who fought in the Unbounded Sea were all horrified.

"Holy...seventh on the sacred talent list, Sunflower Evil Monarch·Jin Wuxie!"

"There is also the sixth on the sacred talent list, Yaoyue·Chonger!!!"

"The fire is burning, the 9th layer of the sun wheel. Could that be...the fifth Saint King of the Saint King, Jin Taiyi?"

"Also... There is that man with imposing manner as magnificent as an overlord king, could it be...Overlord Yang Qianfan! The fourth peerless figure on the Saints List!"

Hear the horror of Saint Kings, countless powerhouses, for The discoloration!

It is actually a great character in the top ten of the sage list!

This level of powerhouse, Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail!

Don't talk about them, even the powerhouse of Saint King Realm has a rare chance to meet!

Especially that overlord, Yang Qianfan! That's the second only to the top three in the sacred talent list!

I said without politeness that the three monsters in the top three of the sage list were not born. Under the same time, Yang Qianfan is the dominant existence!

Powerhouses from all walks of life have exploded--

"What's the situation today?"

"This is his mother's day. God, has the sky turned?"

"The fourth place on the sage list is here! Why is it so fierce!"

"I set it up."

The powerhouses hidden in the Sword Domain are both excited and crazy.

The top ten of the sacred talent list, half here! !

What kind of scene is this so special! !

Ying Jiufeng has a gloomy expression, coldly said-"You guys are not born, don't you want to stop me from doing things today, and want to target me Ying Jiufeng, I am not good to bully? "


The headed Yang Qianfan seemed to hear the big jokes, the corners of his mouth filled with sarcasm and disdain, and he sneered.

"You are how many catties and how many taels, are you qualified for us to target?"

Ying Jiufeng's face flushed, like a throat.

Monu Yue·Chong'er said with a smile: "We are not here to find you today. Ying Jiufeng, stand aside."

Ying Jiufeng is angry with gnashing teeth, If others dare to speak to him like this, he will do it without saying anything!

But this demon moon Chong Er, but the sixth in the list of saints! The top ten rankings are all made by genuine!

If there is a fight, he will only be lost!

Next, Yang Qianfan turned around, his gaze was as sharp as a blade light, his gaze turned, and even a crack in the space slash!

He looked towards, Lin Chen!

Yang Qianfan's calm expression is brewing crazy killing intent, and his voice is cold as a bone scraping knife.

"Are you Lin Chen?"

In this scene, the powerhouses of all parties in Sword Domain were instantly confused!

Lin Chen? These four outstanding sages on the list of sages turned out to be for Lin Chen!

"Did this kid stabbed the sky, or caused some madness, and he was able to recruit these four!"

"It's not enough to recruit a Genesis Alliance. I also provoke the top ten Legendary on the sacred talent list!"

"This fucking crazy!"

"It's really not enough to cause troubles like this. Who is it!"

"Retire the hundred thousand li again, right? The top ten battles on the sacred talent list, casually swept over by the aftermath, we will lose the skin without stopping the food!"

The powerhouses from all walks of life backed up and abused them again. This battle has completely surpassed their expectations.

Want to pick up the leak? It's not bad to pick up a small life!

Someone Lin put on sunglasses and raised his collar very much, saying with a smile.

"It seems that the news of the best man in the holy world has gone like wildfire. That's right, I am the best player in the dark horse, and the dark horse delivery is the fastest. The director of the dark horse club Won the most handsome top card, known as the handsome little Black Dragon, a big black gun in the waves, a little expert in the liberation of luck, Lin Chen, the number one arsonist, and Lin Chen!"

The evil monarch of sunflowers smiled softly, killing intent Bi Lu: "I'm still thinking about joking. It seems that I will try to see if your mouth is so hard later."

Lin Chen: "...Sorry, this handsome guy is so hard. "

Boom~! !

The void of the Unbounded Sea trembled suddenly!

The top of Yang Qianfan's head is covered with the murderous aura that swept across the eight wilderness, such as the true scorpion, the dragon, the Kunpeng, etc., the infinite illusion of the alien beasts madly disillusioned, and roared into the sky.

Yang Qianfan suddenly grasped the holy halberd behind him! The entire sky was dimmed in an instant, as if the disaster of annihilation came between Heaven and Earth!

Yang Qianfan coldly shouted ——

"Boy, dare to use the luck of this seat. Today, I bet on the name of the sacred talent list. If you do not die, I will give it to you in the name of the overlord Give you this wild dog!"

Lin Chen sneered—"What shit tyrants, chicken tyrants are almost the same! What kind of ability is relying on your mouth to brag, look at the gun!"

Lin Chen wielded the slaughter spear, the spear was like a dragon, the thunder was powerful, and the dark thunder burst into the void, converging on a spear!

Yang Qianfan held the halberd in both hands, tearing the sky apart in an imposing manner, and suddenly cut out a magnificent changhong in an imposing manner!

"The sky is split!"

Half of the sky in the Unbounded Sea was split in an instant!

All Saint King who is at war in Genesis is discolored!

This move, the powerhouse that Saint King Realm can take over, can be counted on one's fingers!

Qianfan Yang is here for real! One shot is a killer move, he is not so arrogant that a person who can liberate both sword and sword domains is a weak one!

Shih~! boom! boom!

Lightning exploded, countless spear shadows flying Changhong, Lin Chen danced the spear body quickly, all smashed, tore, and penetrated the opponent's offensive!


Yang Qianfan's eyes narrowed. Can Lin Chen accept his ultimate move unscathed? This is not right!

Even Ying Jiufeng also noticed the abnormality——

When he noticed that Lin Chen had a hand, Sunflower Evil Lord Jin Wuxie and Yaoyue Chong'er acted almost at the same time. One left and one right flashed out!

clang! clang! Bang!

In the sky, Jin Wuxie and Chong Er were blocked!

Suddenly, countless powerhouses are drawn attention!

Lin Chen's ability to block Yang Qianfan's move is outrageous. Can he block the other two great characters in the top ten?

I saw, the lightning rolled away, and the seven silver robe silhouettes were born! !

They stand proudly beside Lin Chen, like all the stars cup themselves around the moon, their looks and charm are exactly the same!

Phantom Clone!

At this moment, all the powerhouses stood up, dumbfounded!

Lin Chen laughed wildly.

"There are still seven of them hanging like me."

"The top ten of the sage list, right, today I will hammer one for one, ten, I will hammer all of them Die!!!"


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