The Saint King powerhouses who watched the battle in Sword Domain were dumbfounded, even full of disbelief.


"There Lin Chen!"

"It is rumored that this child has a fake Avatar Absolute Art , But... this damn thing is exactly the same as the main body, there is no difference!"

"Can't be wrong, those two Avatars blocked Jin Wuxie and Chong'er, this is not an ordinary Avatar divine ability at all The level you can have!"

The corners of the Saint King’s lips twitched and their eyelids jumped.

Lin Chen’s Avatar Absolute Art, once again subverted their knowledge!

You must know that the higher the cultivation base, the more difficult it is to cast Avatar, and the use of the trash Avatar will slow down and consume strength.

Therefore, the powerhouse that reaches a certain realm basically does not have any Avatar Absolute Art, because it plays a role in actual combat.

The impact of Lin Chen's hand, Phantom Clone, to everyone is no longer a shock, but a fright!

【The host consumes 21 million Saint Level rune energy and activates the phantom rune seven times, all of which have been synchronized with the host’s cultivation base. 】

The moment the system light screen pops up, Lin Chen's heart is bleeding!

Synchronized a wave of Avatar’s cultivation base, instantly using nearly half of the energy of Saint Level rune!

If you can't make money from these people, it's really a blood loss in a blood loss!

Demon Moon·Chong Er does not believe in evil, the claws are like mysterious eagles, dozens of claws are connected like lightning, piercing the void, Claw Art is fierce and very ruthless, all attacking Lin Chen Avatar's heart! Fatal moves!

Avatar reacts quickly like the main body, running Wind Element Holy Force in a flash, slamming a fist, spurring the'Golden Jade Clothes' and Chong Er frantically against each other, shaking claws with fists on the front!

Boom! boom! boom!

The two played against each other in an instant. When they separated, Chong Er retreated seven steps, and Avatar retreated eight steps.

Seeing this scene, as strong as Yang Qianfan, there was a hint of disbelief.

"Is there such a thing?"

The Avatar of Lin Chen is as strong as the body!


At this time, an azure light bloomed from outside the sky, and a young man in sackcloth walked out of the beam of light, his eyes closed tightly and his temperament was aloof.

The powerhouses in Sword Domain are surprised again!

Unexpectedly, there is another great character in the top ten of the sage list!

"Ninth on the list of sacred talents, Tanghua Wanfo·Li Ziqi, turn up without being invited. Ziqi dares to admire the righteousness of His Excellency Lin Chen, and today he arbitrarily confronts His Excellency Lin Chen. Enemy, I hope to forgive me."


That Li Ziqi stood in front of Ying Jiufeng, who is tenth on the Saint Talent List!

Lin Chen was surprised: "Oh? Actually, there is an ally? You fight as you want. I will do as many people as you want. You are free!"

Ying Jiufeng gloomy and uncertain, "You wood who doesn't care about world affairs, do you want to stop me too!"

Li Ziqi said calmly and calmly. "What Genesis has done is disgusting. To slaughter mortals and eliminate innumerable living beings, what is the difference between this and evil ways? Human Race should be a hundred flowers, everyone has the way to ask for it, and the reason can be found, instead of you, Genesis is the only one. !"

"A arrogant man, don't think that you are arrogant if you rank one higher than me. You have only read a few years of Hongchen, and after reading a few books, you dare to speak arrogantly and truthfully! The world is a joke! "

Ying Jiufeng is extremely angry and smiles back and slaps away in anger!

Li Ziqi shook his head and sighed, closing his fists into a fighting posture!

One sage is tenth, ninth, the gap between the two is not very big, the oppression during the battle continues to spill out, when the space is about to collapse--


When the two played against each other, Lin Chen climbed up in an imposing manner, stepping on the shadow of the clouds, and his body flashed against the sky!


Lin Chen’s slaughter spear slammed Yang Qianfan’s head, he swung his halberd sharply and blocked it in midair!

Yang Qianfan extremely angry counter-smile: "Want to win by number? You didn't put this sage fourth in your eyes!"

Lin Chen said with a smile "In my eyes? You have a chicken tyrant!"


Yang Qianfan fights battle halberd, clenches the battle halberd with both hands, and stabs in an instant!

Lin Chen danced left and right to slaughter the magic spear, the tip of the spear and the halberd were in a frantic clash, Lin Chen went all the way to fight, and fought Yang Qianfan head-on!

clang! clang! clang! Boom~!

Two people step on the movement method, like two divine lights flashing all the way, hitting heaven falls and earth rends!

Lin Chen’s first feeling is very heavy! Every one of his halberds is extremely heavy!

This guy is ranked fourth on the list of sage talents, and it is really pure strength to hit it!

And Yang Qianfan was even more shocked!

Lin Chen’s Spear Art is fierce and swift, and every shot is divided into five, swiftly hitting his attacking corner.

His combat experience is so old, as if he has already faced countless powerhouses!

It seems that there is an even split, but in fact, in terms of psychological level, Yang Qianfan already feels that he has fallen behind!

Can't suppress Lin Chen, because he Yang Qianfan lost half of it!

Almost when Lin Chen and Yang Qianfan fought together, all the Avatars acted together!

Lin Chen’s Holy Force cultivation base of each Avatar can burst out with a lethality comparable to six million dignity, plus many innate talents in hand, fully possessing the ability to compete head-to-head with the top ten of the list of talents!

One face, Lin Chen’s three Avatars stopped Chonger, Jin Taiyi, and Jin Wuxie on the spot!

Jiuyang Saint King · Jin Taiyi Ranked 5th, facing the top five peerless sages, Lin Chen’s Avatar immediately showed a strenuous state.

However, Avatar was not afraid of death, and under the premise of fighting for life, he still blocked Jin Taiyi!

"Bright light and shadow·Dark thunder!"

"Haber·Stun Feather!"

One shot and one halber, a frontal stab, Heaven and Earth lightning flashes, and the sky is full of feathers!

The terrifying battle strength displayed by Lin Chen once again attracted the attention of Saint Kings!

Maybe slightly inferior to Yang Qianfan, but Lin Chen still has four Avatars ready to attack Yang Qianfan!

Under the siege of multiple Avatars and ontology, Yang Qianfan has to be beaten no matter how strong it is!

However, the battle seems to change rapidly!

Boom! boom! boom!

Unbounded overseas, the earth suddenly cracked, the space shook, and the raging sea shook the waves.

Countless waves are raging and raging. The demonic energy that has turned into a substance is like a dragon bursting out, suddenly ejected from the seabed of the unbounded sea!

The powerhouses of both camps were suddenly shocked!

This is, demonic energy!

At this time, the Prediction Masters on both sides sound transmission almost at the same time!

"Ying Jiufeng, there are a lot of Demon Races lurking!"

"Lord, there is a Demon Race coming towards us. It's all Demon Venerable, we should stop the battle and retreat That's it!" When Jiang Taixu sound transmission, Lin Chen coldly shouted: "It doesn't matter, you guys take advantage of the moment when they are distracted, hit me fiercely! Beat these bitches to death!"

Jiang Taixu hurriedly said: "However, without support, our people are very likely to be seriously injured!"

Lin Chen thought of sound transmission to All servants--

"If you support, there will be."

At this moment, Lin Chen's eyes are particularly deep, deep and unmeasurable, mysterious and vast.

"gā gā gā! Human Races, are you surprised, not surprised!"

"There are so many Saint Kings, I can eat enough later!"


"Human Race Lin Chen, take the life of a dog!"

The raging waves roll into the sky, and the waves are everywhere. When demonic energy exploded, a group of monstrous silhouettes of demonic energy turned out to step on the sea!

The powerhouse in Sword Domain suck in a breath of cold air!

Unexpectedly, it's all Demon Venerable! And still, the Four Great Demon Races are all here!

The most abnormal thing is, these Demon Races are all special, are they coming for Lin Chen?

What the hell did this guy do! The Demon Venerable of Four Great Demon Races has come!

Lin Chen, who is in a fierce battle with Yang Qianfan, smiles knowingly.

"Come on, continue! Don't stop, how productive the enemy is, how bold I am!"


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