Lin Chen urges pure power, treads on the soles of his feet continuously, and his silhouette is like a swift shadow, flashing a punch and a palm, knocking all the Fiend kings!

The six Fiend kings either broke their teeth or vomited blood to kneel down!

The green devil suck in a breath of cold air!

Is it so fierce? This guy plays the pig to eat the tiger!

"Pure power alone exceeds seven million powers, and she deserves to be a strong hand under the female emperor."

The Sacred Dragon in Lin Chen's body is now at the level of ten million powers. It is equivalent to the saintland of reincarnation!

He only needs Sacred Dragon to possess his body, mobilize a part of his power, and sling the ordinary King Fiend.

Lin Chen glanced at the Six Kings coldly, and said calmly: "If you are not the four henchmans, you are dead now. Killing you will not do any good for the next war, remember Live, Lao Tzu belongs to the female emperor, now I want to enter the forbidden land, who of you approve and who opposes?"

Under the female emperor? The famous female emperor of the Fiend clan!

What a hard background!

The Six Kings trembled, vomiting blood in response.

" objection, take your time..."

Lin Chen coldly shouted: "No energy, come again! I can't hear you!"

"No objection, you can come in!"

"Can't hear! Want to come out so quietly? Talk until I hear it!"

Lin Chen suppressed them Desperately.

The six Fiend kings know very well that the Fiend king with this kind of strength is still under the command of the female emperor and must be a Peak cadre.

Even if he kills six of them, the above will not offend such a powerful female emperor cadre for the six of them!

Next, Lin Chen looked towards the Green Devil, who understood in his mind, cup one fist in the other hand ——"Brother! If you have something to do, I admire you like a torrential river. It’s endless! You big brother, I’m sure, even if you want me to hold on to you, that’s nothing else!"

Lin Chen almost laughed out loud, pretending to be indifferent—— "Show me a good look at them and ask them where they came from. Who dares to run, this king will blow him up!" The Six Kings trembled all over, trembling like a trembling, and they didn't even have the courage to escape!

Absolute suppression caused by absolute strength!

Lin Chen stepped into the'Golden Zone'. Just outside the area, he needs a cultivation base of Saint or above to be able to defend!

"So strong Gengjin energy, if the flowing gold energy here can be compressed into a real object, it may be able to create a Holy Artifact Peak level of treasure."

Lin Chen With a sigh, continue to go deeper.

Lin Chen and the Green Devils said that they came to'forbidden land' to comprehend a unique Fiend family Body Refining Cultivation Art, and it does not take too long.

So, Lin Chen cannot put them back.

If the outside King Fiend is let go, there will be variables. If they have doubts, they will come to a major event when they are known by the top of the four elders, and they will start to fall into a heavy siege!

Lin Chen gradually penetrates into the'flowing gold zone', and the whistling flow of gold energy inside spins like a grinding disc, quickly strangling everything that approaches!

Countless stars passed by, and they were all cut into pieces!

Lin Chen clicking one's tongue in wonder: "It's a sharp knife. It's a shame not to physically castrate the Demon Race."

The area Lin Chen reached is quite close. The Core Zone is gone, and the ordinary Fiend King will be shredded even when it comes close!

"When I get here, the Fiend clan outside can't perceive me anymore. Let's touch the disguise first!"

At the first thought, Lin Chen opened the War God suit while touching the disguise!

"War God golden body!"

The characteristics of the War God set are activated, and Lin Chen is surrounded by golden light, and no energy can break Lin Chen's defense!

The possession of Sacred Dragon is enough for Lin Chen to have tens of millions of powers, and only need to activate the characteristics of the War God set is enough to obtain terrifying defense.

You don’t even need to activate the War God set to increase your power.

"Lord, we are here!"

At this time, Xiao Linger's silver bell-like voice was transmitted to Lin Chen through the air transport.

Lin Chen overlooks directly below, a splendid golden Tianchi resembles nature itself!

It is surging with the most brilliant and eye-catching golden light, sharp golden atmosphere with no opportunity, as if it can penetrate all the obstacles between Heaven and Earth!

Lin Chen was shocked and lost his voice-"What a strong energy, it turned into a substantial liquid!"

Every drop of'liquid' in the golden Tianchi is comparable in mass and weight Dozens of stars!

These hundreds of square meters of golden Heavenly Lake, the energy contained in it may be able to smash through a realm of the Holy Realm!

Lin Chen rubbed his hands and said excitedly, "This should be the golden divine pond called by the Great Hell Water Dragon King!"

After the death of Divine Dragon, accumulated over The product formed by a long period of time is indeed extraordinary.

In the Gengjin divide pond, there are many stars like aurora shining, Lin Chen wearing a War God suit extends the hand, cautiously dives into the divide pond.

Om! Hum! Hum!

The terrifying flow of gold energy is violently fluctuating, and Lin Chen's "War God golden body" begins to tremble slightly.

If the ordinary saint realm of reincarnation reaches out into the pool, I am afraid it will be crushed into nothingness by energy!

Lin Chen grabbed five fingers and suddenly used his palm to grasp all the'starlight' in the divine pond!


Starlight converges and hides, and rays of light are included.

The Gengjin divine pond dried up quickly, and was finally absorbed by a few starlights!

Lin Chen holds five Golden-Red Clouds in his palm, and the top grade Gold Element crystal rises from the divine splendor, feeling unprecedented energy!

Too domineering!

This is the energy of five top grade alien crystals together!

Lin Chen sighed, "If I don't have the characteristic defense of the War God suit, I'm afraid I will have to use too divine light to withstand its sharp edge!"

A top grade Gold Element alien crystal, the energy leaking from the side is enough to defeat the defense of the ordinary Saint King!

If it breaks out directly, formidable power unimaginable!

Saint King Realm powerhouse, if there is no special corresponding means, it is difficult to even hold it in your hand, let alone refining.

Five pieces together, I am afraid there are not many creatures that can be suppressed in the world.

"Five top grade Gold Element alien crystals are available! There is another alien crystal in the holy world. If you can get it together, the final piece of the War God set is required to create a top grade Gold Element. Alien crystals!"

Lin Chen incorporated five top grade Gold Element alien crystals into the plane of hyperspace.

His edge is too strong, and there is no time to seal these alien crystals for him right now.

Lin Chen happened to encounter this supreme meeting of the Fiend clan, Peak powerhouse gathered in the area where the four great elders and the empress met.

Otherwise, if you want to enter here under normal circumstances, it will be a hundred times more difficult to start!

"Yo-yo first, and then go out and look for the opportunity to find Yao'er, I don't know if she remembers me..."

Lin Chen thought about Luo Yaoer's desire to retreat— —

Xiao Linger suddenly cried out in surprise!

"Master, something is wrong! There is still something below!"

Lin Chen was taken aback, and immediately urged the Primordial Spirit power to perceive and explore all around deeper.

I saw that where the Gengjin divine pond gradually disappeared, a fist sized azure whirlpool appeared!

The time and space it is in, all around is completely distorted!

Lin Chen eyes shrank.

In the azure vortex, he saw the faint attribute light ball rays of light! !

Lin Chen swallowed.

"There is baby below!!"


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